Good old Internet never failing to surprise me. During the Killer Instinct fight demo the two people were saying unscripted friendly banter back and forth to try emulate the feel of playing the game with a friend and while it was cheesy as hell we all understood the point of it and the effect it was trying to give off.
But the internet couldn't sit idly by and let it be. The guy in the video below said "Just let it happen, it'll be over soon" and people on reddit and such places went crazy claiming it was a rape joke at the woman's expense. Now I don't know about you but that was not even remotely what I was thinking when it happened.
And Kotaku being the beacon of fine journalism that it is put up an article about it.But quickly changed it around because they knew it was dumb. Surprise surprise it's from the same woman who claimed Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon was homophobic
Jonathan Blow even got in on it because he can't seem to keep his mouth shut these days
So SW rape joke? or just a crappy joke in general?
GAF Link
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