Yeah, like every year, but never in a long time has PC come out without anything new to miss out on.
No new exclusives from Sony
All MS games like Forza7 and Ori coming to PC.
All multis coming to PC.
Only thing that sucks was no AOE4. Cmon man
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Yeah, like every year, but never in a long time has PC come out without anything new to miss out on.
No new exclusives from Sony
All MS games like Forza7 and Ori coming to PC.
All multis coming to PC.
Only thing that sucks was no AOE4. Cmon man
It's hard to disagree. It didn't seem like anyone had energy at E3 this year besides MS. But even then IDK how well MS really sold people on the One X when all the games are on PC and several were multiplats/timed exclusives.
I did kind of like Ubisoft's conference though. We'll see with Nintendo tomorrow.
Yeah, like every year, but never in a long time has PC come out without anything new to miss out on.
No new exclusives from Sony
All MS games like Forza7 and Ori coming to PC.
All multis coming to PC.
Only thing that sucks was no AOE4. Cmon man
Current game consoles are X86 PCs with AMD X86 CPUs and GPUs.
Semi-custom Linux X86 can be installed on certain PS4 firmware version and existing Radeon GCN driver with new Vulkan API support still works on it. There's few changes with south-bridge and HDD being connected to USB controller. The basic APCI HAL configuration on PS4 still exist in some form.
Linux 4.10-rc2 kernel and recent AMDGPU-PRO 16.50 driver was known to work with PS4 and Bonaire driver/firmware (GCN 1.1) was working with PS4's GPU. Bonaire firmware still recognize PS4's GPU as GCN version 1.1 compatible unit.
It's possible to boot Windows on PS4 IF UEFI firmware can be presented as a boot environment and HDD connected to SATA controller.
PS4's GPU has been confirmed to be Bonaire GCN version 1.1 generation.
Even with Vulkan API support, PS4's CPU is a bottleneck.
xbox one x is cheaper than building a brand new pc with same specs.
I guess each system has its own advantages.
sony: exclusives + good price + plug and play
nintendo: exclusives + unique hybrid
xbox: 4k hdr blu ray. 499€ 4k gaming machine
pc: does more than just game. custumizable.
I can see why people would buy a console or a pc. plenty of reasons.
also ps4 slim + game + controller 199€ december
also one s + game + controller also 199€
both brand new will be a nice choice for budget gamers that still game on ps2 ps3 x360 or really old pcs.
I can see pros and cons on every system.
pc won? I disagree
All these consoles fighting for "Console Launch Exclusive" or "Console Exclusive to (***)", and PC be here with the.... I'll get them all. Silly exclusivity fights.
Of course PC wins. Problem is, PC always takes the fun out of console gamers.
PC gaming is so expensive and overrated.
Depends how much you are willingly to pay for building a PC gaming? How far would you go is the question.
Yet you own how many consoles lol.
E3 is never about PC gaming though. Even with the PC gaming conference they started, it's really about the consoles.
The PC still does not directly compete with the consoles. The PC market seems to have little impact on console sales performance.
Thank you!
@i_p_daily: most people I know either got ps4 or xbox one. money being always short they intend to keep the console they own for a long time. (just like they kept x360 and ps3 for 7+ years).
not everyone is like me and you getting all consolea and pc xD
You need to tell that to dav, because as much cheerleading he does for his mighty PC he still owns a few consoles, so by saying that PC takes the fun out of console gamers, he's basically saying that PC is also taking the fun out of him too. It's funny watching dav post here, he's funny because he doesn't know what he's saying half the time lol.
Yeah, like every year, but never in a long time has PC come out without anything new to miss out on.
No new exclusives from Sony
All MS games like Forza7 and Ori coming to PC.
All multis coming to PC.
Only thing that sucks was no AOE4. Cmon man
Current game consoles are X86 PCs with AMD X86 CPUs and GPUs.
Semi-custom Linux X86 can be installed on certain PS4 firmware version and existing Radeon GCN driver with new Vulkan API support still works on it. There's few changes with south-bridge and HDD being connected to USB controller. The basic APCI HAL configuration on PS4 still exist in some form.
Linux 4.10-rc2 kernel and recent AMDGPU-PRO 16.50 driver was known to work with PS4 and Bonaire driver/firmware (GCN 1.1) was working with PS4's GPU. Bonaire firmware still recognize PS4's GPU as GCN version 1.1 compatible unit.
It's possible to boot Windows on PS4 IF UEFI firmware can be presented as a boot environment and HDD connected to SATA controller.
PS4's GPU has been confirmed to be Bonaire GCN version 1.1 generation.
Even with Vulkan API support, PS4's CPU is a bottleneck.
dafuq is this shit?
@i_p_daily: most people I know either got ps4 or xbox one. money being always short they intend to keep the console they own for a long time. (just like they kept x360 and ps3 for 7+ years).
not everyone is like me and you getting all consolea and pc xD
You need to tell that to dav, because as much cheerleading he does for his mighty PC he still owns a few consoles, so by saying that PC takes the fun out of console gamers, he's basically saying that PC is also taking the fun out of him too. It's funny watching dav post here, he's funny because he doesn't know what he's saying half the time lol.
Mr. Daily. While it may seem true I do brag about the PC, I am by all means not a Hermit here nor do I follow the Master Race badge, I still do game on my consoles for the most parts only because I have lots of friends on both XBL/PSN that I enjoy playing with them such as Destiny, few Call of Duty games, and even Gears of War 4 for that matter. Last-gen however, I game way more both my PS3/Xbox 360 then I did on PC but this gen however, it's a hit or a miss and nowadays, it just makes more sense to buy multiplat games on PC and I just don't like how both MS/Sony are now going by upgrading consoles then not moving up to next-gen but I do understand it's for those who don't want nothing to do with PC gaming at all.
Edit: I also should mention I do a lot of Retro gaming and it's why I basically just buy and keep my consoles.
Heh, yeah I suppose it did. The Xbox E3 showed a shit ton of games, all of which are coming to PC. On the other hand PS4 nabbed Undertale :P
Yeah, like every year, but never in a long time has PC come out without anything new to miss out on.
No new exclusives from Sony
All MS games like Forza7 and Ori coming to PC.
All multis coming to PC.
Only thing that sucks was no AOE4. Cmon man
Current game consoles are X86 PCs with AMD X86 CPUs and GPUs.
Semi-custom Linux X86 can be installed on certain PS4 firmware version and existing Radeon GCN driver with new Vulkan API support still works on it. There's few changes with south-bridge and HDD being connected to USB controller. The basic APCI HAL configuration on PS4 still exist in some form.
Linux 4.10-rc2 kernel and recent AMDGPU-PRO 16.50 driver was known to work with PS4 and Bonaire driver/firmware (GCN 1.1) was working with PS4's GPU. Bonaire firmware still recognize PS4's GPU as GCN version 1.1 compatible unit.
It's possible to boot Windows on PS4 IF UEFI firmware can be presented as a boot environment and HDD connected to SATA controller.
PS4's GPU has been confirmed to be Bonaire GCN version 1.1 generation.
Even with Vulkan API support, PS4's CPU is a bottleneck.
dafuq is this shit?
He always does this. Random off-topic replies. Especially in the politics sub forum.
It's like they say, Consoles are from Omicron Persei 7, PCs are from Omicron Persei 9
Just respect the differences folks.
Yeah, like every year, but never in a long time has PC come out without anything new to miss out on.
No new exclusives from Sony
All MS games like Forza7 and Ori coming to PC.
All multis coming to PC.
Only thing that sucks was no AOE4. Cmon man
Current game consoles are X86 PCs with AMD X86 CPUs and GPUs.
Semi-custom Linux X86 can be installed on certain PS4 firmware version and existing Radeon GCN driver with new Vulkan API support still works on it. There's few changes with south-bridge and HDD being connected to USB controller. The basic APCI HAL configuration on PS4 still exist in some form.
Linux 4.10-rc2 kernel and recent AMDGPU-PRO 16.50 driver was known to work with PS4 and Bonaire driver/firmware (GCN 1.1) was working with PS4's GPU. Bonaire firmware still recognize PS4's GPU as GCN version 1.1 compatible unit.
It's possible to boot Windows on PS4 IF UEFI firmware can be presented as a boot environment and HDD connected to SATA controller.
PS4's GPU has been confirmed to be Bonaire GCN version 1.1 generation.
Even with Vulkan API support, PS4's CPU is a bottleneck.
dafuq is this shit?
Showing PS4 has PC parts and PC's Linux AMD Vulkan drivers still works fine on PS4.
dafuq is this shit?
He always does this. Random off-topic replies. Especially in the politics sub forum.
That's bullshit.
All these consoles fighting for "Console Launch Exclusive" or "Console Exclusive to (***)", and PC be here with the.... I'll get them all. Silly exclusivity fights.
It's the same with graphics. Hahaha. I just point and laugh at the silly consolites.
The show was real good. It was hilarious how some sites didn't even cover it. They pretended like nothing happened.
The show was real good. It was hilarious how some sites didn't even cover it. They pretended like nothing happened.
Believe asked last year and they said something along the lines, they don't have the rights to cover it.
Still, they didn't discuss it, they only posted up an Xcom articles (because it's applicable to consoles). When it comes to pc gaming this site knows about as much as I do about fighting games.
The show was real good. It was hilarious how some sites didn't even cover it. They pretended like nothing happened.
Northgard didn't need much press coverage to become a succes.
PC gaming is doing just fine without bought *ahem Destiny* articles :)
Yet you own how many consoles lol.
I own more gaming consoles then you'll ever will lol.
Now then, why don't you go play with QuadKnight while I'll go take a little nap will ya.
No doubt you own more consoles, as I only have an Xbox, 360, XB1 & a N64 now as I sold my 2 playstations and everyone of consoles Sega ever made (selling my entire Sega collection was the dumbest thing I've ever done) but that's not what we are talking about, it's ok though that you don't understand that.
Did you not see my destroying of hairyquacknight in this thread, it's very entertaining, well not so much for him lol.
Me and a friend of mine where discussing on how gaming needs to go back to old school games rather then the new type of games they have now. Age of mythology like a next gen version would be awsome. Then age of empire got announced and its a god dam remaster of some sorts.
Biggest blue balls ever.
Crazy how Xbox conference mentions "...Windows 10 Exclusive" - wonder what PC gamers will be thinking...
But they teased Age of Empires IV :P
I believe
Always and forever ^^
Any word on what studio is making this ? All I got from the PC gamer show is 'microsoft studios' so it's in house ? First party ?
I believe so , Adam Isgreen is the creative director at MS and he also worked on Phantom Dust Remaster
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