xbox and gc were the best last gen , i dont care a frogs f a that ps2 sold more,
thats all garbage that thing cant even play 4p layers without some specail adapter , ,
yet people praise it , oh they complain now about rrod what about the 9 ps2s ive had that had dres and blown fuses ,
and av ports on my last one just went bam ,in 4 months time,
thats 2 months less use then my last 360 which rrod in 6 -7 months time ,
so ya xbox and gc were the best just as wii and 360 are now
even now sales are on par with my opinion which make my opinion stick like a fried egg on a frying pan ,
wii has no games -= bs 360 has nothing but halo=
all ps3 has is 360 ports and some first party titles that try their best to rip from one another- eg
motor storm -think excite truck with fancy graphics-which i can care less for ,
resistance=think sonys gears of war
kill zone 2-think sonys wanna be goldeneye/halo carbon copy
the only originallity i see from them is gran turismo
and socom ,
they had twisted metal -i wonder what happen there oh and thegetaway got canned in case you didnt know and sonys best bet for a third party exclusive is uknown -driver 5 ,
so yea they shot them selfs last gen without 4 player abilities they shot them selfs this time with absolutely no difference in titles between them nintendo and microsoft
and now they want more motion control give me a frwakin break nes started it wii evolved upon that very aspect and sony wants to now copy it ,
and natal is useless, -theres a few reasons to own a 360 for and this isnt one of them , ,
itll probably be 200 dollars a shot , ,
and like fps devs have already said they wont use it , valve to name one ,
i already knew gamecube n64 xbox dreamcast are the supierer to ps2 /1
lol each gen besides this one sony has been so far behind , it isnt even funny , and now they finally get a shot ahead they are some how behind again
first it was no 4 player right out of the box no hdd no music now its
not many good games in comparision to those on wii /.360 as far as exclusives go ,and they get the worst multiplats because its harder to develop for ps3 even the devs of this new game its in my gi i forgot the name but they say the 360 and pc were easier to develope for ,
and ps3 was a hard to develope for case
even ps2 was , , just look at the re4 port,
you can tell or the timesplitters 2 -i can play with all bots in multiplayer on xbox/gc but i cant on ps2 ,
it restricts number of ai , ,on it ,
so ya it i agree 100 percent , no one gave xbox credit no one even gave nintendo credit rockstar should have gave us gta 3 vice city as originally planned,
driver3 shouldndt have got canned,
we wouldnt be seeing wii ports if it werent for this,
its pathetic with a capital p ,
from the monopoly that sony had all the way to this gens where sony fans claim oh the wii has no games , ,
and the 360 is just down right unreliable ,
but wait a minute isnt these the same people who stood by a unrelaible ps2 last gne , lol
must be pretty sad , and now they have 7 contorllers available to use out of the box they dont even utilize 2 ,, ,
its all online only slight few games are split screen now, so sony you heard me right - you did this when it was far too late ,
and i for one dont want to hear , , oh the wii is a gamecube 1.5 especally from ps fans whos first console was a snes 1.5
and whoms second is a dreamcast and a half ,
without the legendary sega nintendo icons of course lol ,
psp go no its more like psp no
249 buys a wii and that is almost as portable as it , they sell protable dvd players, go get one , sit in car or where ever has a out let ,
bam , ,,
heck you can bring any console with ya ,, lol as long as it has av inputs,
i have a 7 inch protable dvd player dual that only costed me 150 , , thats 100 cheaper then a psp go ,
and when i travel i can bring a snes a nes a n64 ps1 ps2 wii gc xbox xbox360 ps3 , you name it , i can bring it , so ya sony i dont even wanna know what the go is ,
all it is is a 90 more for the same product over agian , the psp 3000 can download the same titles onto a 16 gig mem stick there would be no difference ,
its sad , , sony stoops to these tactics lately ,
when the last 2 gens have been a 300 console at launch or a 199 portable at launch
now its double the price for its flagship console and 25 percent higher for a psp go ,
pretty darn sick tactics,
i for one hope sony continues this downward spiral , at least nintendo keeps the price below 300 , ,
not once have i payed 300 for a nintendo console and over 400 for a 360 , lol i paid 300 for my 360 ,
so ya good luck sony fanatics and your path to glory , ,
because next gen its gonna look somthing like this ,
wii 2 with ps3 like graphics
ps4 with ps3 like graphics or less
720 with a tad more then wii2 ps4 like graphics,
and then we will see whats what ,
sony has already claimed their going with the same old tactic used by nintendo next gen lol ,
and the catch is wii 2 will be fully caught up ,
aND then what will you people complain about next since
1 all consoles will be motion sensing
2 all consoles will most likely be just as powerful knowing nintendo though theyll add one little twist to set them selfs apart once agian
sales prove what works , the most powerful always lost sales wise, besides the first 2 gens any way , , due to the fact sega was dull to begin with, when in comparison , they tried to much into arcade so ya
just like sony rolled the dice with -ps3
and the 3 hr long lasting psp lol
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