Most people are happy about this, the people that aren't are mostly young kids who grew up in the ps360 gen... they use multiplayer as a way to be social with people, instead of you know, going out and meeting people in real life. I have a co-worker that is 10 years younger than me and all he does is play mmos and multiplayer. He won't touch a game if it's singleplayer... and I just don't understand this. The same guy will spend 5-10 hours a day online gaming, and doesn't like to go out of his house. For him gaming is a social activity.
I recently played the new steam game "Rust" with him and right away he gave me a full set of rad gear, a bunch of blue prints, guns and a room in their player made tower. I played one time. and never again. Why? I didn't earn anything. It was all given to me and there was nothing left to do but be social with them on teamspeak and do "zombie" runs in the abandoned towns. But for what? All the good stuff was already seen. To me there was nothing left to do as it had already been discovered, mapped out and tamed. The game was ruined hence forth. These same people will play an mmo for the "End game" of raiding and repeat. To me that is not why I play a game. I want to earn the gear, I want to level, and choose my skills. That is the fun. To them the fun is skiping all the leveling and automatically having the best gear and grouping to take on the same thing over and over for a .005% chance of getting something good.... BORING!
For myself and probably for many people of my generation, gaming is a hobby about having fun. It's also a form of escapism. I spend all day with people. I work with people and clients, I walk my dog in the streets of my town, seeing everyone and being social with people, in real life. I have a family , 2 kids , a wife and a cat and a 8 month old puppy. When I get on to game 90% of the time it's to escape into another world. Like I would with a good book. Which is why I like games where you explore and rpgs and open world games are usually the best for this.
I only get to play 1-2 hours a night, and need to be able to pause to deal with family situations. Multiplayer prevents this. I also like to take the time to go over stats and lore on items, or explore every nook in a world, yet in a mmorpg, this can't be done as everyone is always in a rush to level to 80 or what not, and just push on to the next mob. Lore? ha forget it in a multiplayer setting, people will just make jokes about your mom, or some bullshyte , detracting from the game world, and you can only solo so much content. This is why Skyrim is better than the TES Online in every way, for me, at least. Multiplayer can affect the game world for bad if not done right from the beginning. I
Not all games are about multiplayer. Most that have a mp mode only get played by a few people and most stick to cod. Why waste time and resources building something not many will even play. And potentially taking away resources from the single player? Its not a good tradeoff. Especially for a new ip that tells a story. When you have a bunch of people that are all the main character, the protagonist looses his allure, his power as a hero. Also look at games that had forced multiplayer and became the worst in the series... God of war ascension. Threw away a lot of what made god of war 1-3 great, just to add mp that no one wanted. It was not needed, and I am sure it would of been a better game without it.
Now multiplayer is good in games that were designed strictly for that. In those games story usually takes a back seat to the multiplayer, and in such cases, I wouldn't want a single player, or could care less about it. Those games like Quake 3 Arena, Unreal Tornament, Battlefield , Battlefront, Warhawk, Mag, etc... All fine and good and this is the type of multiplayer I prefer.
Just looked at some of the Lemming influx of "no mutloplayer no buy" really? What the hell. Not like they would buy a PlayStation Game anyway. They must of started gaming on the xbaux. i swear there are two types of gamers out there. Those who use gaming as a hobby, to have fun and an escape into another world, and those who want to be social, talk smack, troll be douches and compete by "owning" someone.
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