Now im not buying Fallout 3. That is such a horrible gameplay element. It ruins exploring.
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I'm going to go ahead and defend the development team for once (I'm kind of a critic of them).
They said specifically that the portions of the game that you have to go through, I.E. essential and story-specific areas, level with your character. They said the rest of it doesn't. How much of that is true, I don't know. How much of it affects the game, I don't know.
But I do know that it would make sense that the game would level with you on the main quests because they said that's what it would do...
That actually sounds alot better than the Oblivion approach where everthing (even mudcrabs i think) levelled with you, which really put a dampener on dungeon crawling or adventuring as you knew even in the most challenging dungeons you'd still only see those glass claymore/mithril helmet drops and wouldnt see anything better until you levelled up some more, even then you could just leave IC and enter the first dungeon you see and start getting ebony drops.
In Morrowind there were dungeons where you'd get one shotted by the first Ebony clad Dark Elf etc. you'd run into.
[QUOTE="AtrumRegina"]I kinda liked the game but after I saw the videos it's just oblivion with guns.
MEgaton = Kvatch
BrotherHood of steel = The oblivion cops
Not to mention the animations suck .
They are incapable of making decent animations.
ive seen a video of modded in animations of bedroom activities that were far better than any bethsada animations. :lol:
As much as I'm against Fallout 3, saying the leveling system is the same as Oblivion is just false.
"-- Yes, there is a variation of level scaling used to control the difficulty of the main quest, so you can proceed through the game's main story at any time and have a good deal of it (not all) be balanced for to your level and abilities.
-- Other areas are "tethered" to certain levels
-- There are places in the Wasteland where, if you're not careful, you'll certainly get your ass handed to you. Best to leave and come back when you're better equipped/more skilled. Funny -- just a half hour ago, our effects artist, Grant Struthers, told me this awesome story about how he watched a Deathclaw just rip this (well armored) NPC to pieces...
-- That said, if you leave an area that's too difficult, and then return later, no you won't find that everything has increased in level, and it's now even tougher.
-- No, Raiders won't eventually be equipped with Power Armor."
Link. Then there's the town level cap thing as described here, Hines stating they'd level scale when they lock you in an area and Canard PC killing 3 super mutants in the same encounter at level 3 with a baseball bat.
In short - yes, there's level scaling, but not as much as Oblivion.
[QUOTE="leejohnson7"][QUOTE="AtrumRegina"]I kinda liked the game but after I saw the videos it's just oblivion with guns.
MEgaton = Kvatch
BrotherHood of steel = The oblivion cops
Not to mention the animations suck .
They are incapable of making decent animations.
ive seen a video of modded in animations of bedroom activities that were far better than any bethsada animations. :lol:
:lol: I am not surprised at all. It's like they don't bother changing it from the "not permanent pre-alpha" animation status.
Since IGN could beat the game in around 2 hours(or less?). There's no point in doing sidequests or anything because leveling is completely pointless.
I hope this game flops. No one should buy this trash.
Wow, I guess you don't know anything at all about Speed Runs. IGN held a SPEED RUN contest.
Morrowind, Fallout, and Fallout 2 can ALL be beat around 15 minutes. It has already been confirmed Fallout 3 will NOT be using Oblivion's levelling system.
Thanks for posting that. I was going crazy reading this thread. It really amazing how people have determined outright that they will hate this game. It's hilarious and sad at the same time. I loved Fallout and I still want to play this game. I also liked Oblivion. I don't get the hate for it. I think Fallout 3 is going to suffer the same fate as Oblivion. It's going to sell a lot of copies and be hated by the most rabid fans of the original.As much as I'm against Fallout 3, saying the leveling system is the same as Oblivion is just false.
"-- Yes, there is a variation of level scaling used to control the difficulty of the main quest, so you can proceed through the game's main story at any time and have a good deal of it (not all) be balanced for to your level and abilities.
-- Other areas are "tethered" to certain levels
-- There are places in the Wasteland where, if you're not careful, you'll certainly get your ass handed to you. Best to leave and come back when you're better equipped/more skilled. Funny -- just a half hour ago, our effects artist, Grant Struthers, told me this awesome story about how he watched a Deathclaw just rip this (well armored) NPC to pieces...
-- That said, if you leave an area that's too difficult, and then return later, no you won't find that everything has increased in level, and it's now even tougher.
-- No, Raiders won't eventually be equipped with Power Armor."Link. Then there's the town level cap thing as described here, Hines stating they'd level scale when they lock you in an area and Canard PC killing 3 super mutants in the same encounter at level 3 with a baseball bat.
In short - yes, there's level scaling, but not as much as Oblivion.
Oh well.
You're all going to whine about it and say you won't buy it then the first AAA review you see you'll rush out, buy it then complain about the game AND the reviews.darklord888
Most people arn't gonna be fooled by the reviews this time around.. Oblivion had across the board AAA's and for many it sucked hard.
Thanks for posting that. I was going crazy reading this thread. It really amazing how people have determined outright that they will hate this game. It's hilarious and sad at the same time. I loved Fallout and I still want to play this game. I also liked Oblivion. I don't get the hate for it. I think Fallout 3 is going to suffer the same fate as Oblivion. It's going to sell a lot of copies and be hated by the most rabid fans of the original.
Oh well.
Dont take my previous post wrong, i loved Oblivion clocked over 300 hours on it since release, though i could recognize where they went wrong with the scaling system in it.
Saying that i'll definitely be picking up F3 around its release, and i would still even if it did have the full Oblivion scaling system.
[QUOTE="darklord888"]You're all going to whine about it and say you won't buy it then the first AAA review you see you'll rush out, buy it then complain about the game AND the reviews.sSubZerOo
Most people arn't gonna be fooled by the reviews this time around.. Oblivion had across the board AAA's and for many it sucked hard.
Bethesda games, more than any others, bring out every sort of behaviour. Very few people can properly criticise the game, very few people can properly defend the game, others just pick up the points along the way of those who can actually argue, a lot just want to hate it blindly, a lot just want to love it blindly while others just throw around information that's just wrong.Thanks for posting that. I was going crazy reading this thread. It really amazing how people have determined outright that they will hate this game. It's hilarious and sad at the same time. I loved Fallout and I still want to play this game. I also liked Oblivion. I don't get the hate for it. I think Fallout 3 is going to suffer the same fate as Oblivion. It's going to sell a lot of copies and be hated by the most rabid fans of the original.
Oh well.
Those Beth games...they do crazy things to people. :o
[QUOTE="FantasySports02"]Since IGN could beat the game in around 2 hours(or less?). There's no point in doing sidequests or anything because leveling is completely pointless.
I hope this game flops. No one should buy this trash.
IGN didnt play the speed run...
It was done by some bethesda guys that knew the game inside and out :(
This thread is full of fail.
No, you're full of fail.
You don't understand what he's saying.
The game...once again...levels with you, like in oblivion. How else would they be able to beat the game in such a short time?
If the game doesnt level with you, it would have taken much longer for them to complete the main story, as you'd have to be at a proper level to beat a certain part in the main quest.
EDIT: Disregard this, as only the main quest levels with you.
[QUOTE="heretrix"]Bethesda games, more than any others, bring out every sort of behaviour. Very few people can properly criticise the game, very few people can properly defend the game, others just pick up the points along the way of those who can actually argue, a lot just want to hate it blindly, a lot just want to love it blindly while others just throw around information that's just wrong.Thanks for posting that. I was going crazy reading this thread. It really amazing how people have determined outright that they will hate this game. It's hilarious and sad at the same time. I loved Fallout and I still want to play this game. I also liked Oblivion. I don't get the hate for it. I think Fallout 3 is going to suffer the same fate as Oblivion. It's going to sell a lot of copies and be hated by the most rabid fans of the original.
Oh well.
Those Beth games...they do crazy things to people. :o
Well said.:)It's a day one purchase for me. While I'm not thrilled with the transition from isometric to FPS, I do love me a good shooter. I'm waiting to play it before I judge it.
[QUOTE="heretrix"]Thanks for posting that. I was going crazy reading this thread. It really amazing how people have determined outright that they will hate this game. It's hilarious and sad at the same time. I loved Fallout and I still want to play this game. I also liked Oblivion. I don't get the hate for it. I think Fallout 3 is going to suffer the same fate as Oblivion. It's going to sell a lot of copies and be hated by the most rabid fans of the original.
Oh well.
Dont take my previous post wrong, i loved Oblivion clocked over 300 hours on it since release, though i could recognize where they went wrong with the scaling system in it.
Saying that i'll definitely be picking up F3 around its release, and i would still even if it did have the full Oblivion scaling system.
The scaling system is terrible. There's got to be a better way. I'm glad Bethesda decided to modify it.Games that level content with you blow. Its that simple. It destroys the point of the game. Other systems may not be perfect, but they sure as hell are better.
Dont say a open gameworld cant exist without a lvling system like that. Bethesda themselves with Daggerfall and Morrowind showed thats not the case.
I have lst all interest in this game if it levels with you.
For the people who don't like the leveling system, I don't get it, how is it supposed to be open ended if most areas are too hard for you and other areas are just way to easy? Mochyc
To be fair, i agree that the level system blows. The best thing about an RPG is going somewhere beyond your current skills, and then returning there later and laying waste after having become much more powerful. Imagine the terror you'd get in Oblivion if you encountered an Ogre or a troll early on in the game at a low level? You'd be forced to run or die, and it'd make exploring much more enjoyable as you never know what you'll run into.
Highwaymen too, would be much more interesting. At the start of the game you'd dread them showing up and stealing your loot, but later in the game you'd laugh as they try to take you on and get their asses handed to them. The leveling system kills all of that because you can beat anything you like, regardless of level.
[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"]Try older RPG's.. Like Vampires the Masqerades, it can be had off Steam for $20.. And it doesn't need a beastly machine to run..dc337
Thanks but I have already played it. And no I don't want to play other older games like Baldur's gate, I have a high-res monitor and an hdtv. Playing a game that was built for 800x600 on either is rather lame. I've played most of the classics anyways. I will just play dead space and then screw with fallout 3.
Baldur's Gate in particular supports higher resolutions.. it just widens what you can see on one screen, keeping the UI the same (progressively smaller) size. I've been playing it windowed at high-res for the last couple years whenever I fire it back up agian.Baldur's Gate in particular supports higher resolutions.. it just widens what you can see on one screen, keeping the UI the same (progressively smaller) size. I've been playing it windowed at high-res for the last couple years whenever I fire it back up agian.Makari
That doesn't change the fact that the characters are 2d sprites and look like crap compared to anything recent. I'm guessing that the text wouldn't look very smooth either compared to modern anti-aliased fonts. I'll just wait for dead space.
For the people who don't like the leveling system, I don't get it, how is it supposed to be open ended if most areas are too hard for you and other areas are just way to easy? Mochyc
You want to be able to kill anything right away? That is like playing with a cheat code.
The leveling system in Oblivion makes the game seem rather silly at some point. All of a sudden every other bandit has an elite weapon as if there was a close out sale at mega sword mart. Oh you got that sword as a reward for a tedious quest? Well you better sell it now that EVERYONE IN THE GAME has something better. What a joke.
That being said I will still play fallout, but as a shooter not an rpg. I'll probably just screw with the rpg system. I'm gonna play as a chick in a bikini.
[QUOTE="Makari"] Baldur's Gate in particular supports higher resolutions.. it just widens what you can see on one screen, keeping the UI the same (progressively smaller) size. I've been playing it windowed at high-res for the last couple years whenever I fire it back up agian.dc337
That doesn't change the fact that the characters are 2d sprites and look like crap compared to anything recent. I'm guessing that the text wouldn't look very smooth either compared to modern anti-aliased fonts. I'll just wait for dead space.
it... looks fine. everything's hand-painted, and the character sprites are small.Yep i was getting creamed by bears at high levels in the game
Tell me that Bathesda actually play tested it:?
i hope it has a sliding difficulty scale like Oblivion .. great feature, especially towards the end when i got a bit lazy and just wanted to finish quickly and see the story unfold
i'm really looking forward to this game
oblivion got a lot of hate but i really enjoyed it .. if this is basically the same but in a different setting i'll be more than happy
[QUOTE="Zenkuso"][QUOTE="FantasySports02"]Since IGN could beat the game in around 2 hours(or less?). There's no point in doing sidequests or anything because leveling is completely pointless.
I hope this game flops. No one should buy this trash.
IGN didnt play the speed run...
It was done by some bethesda guys that knew the game inside and out :(
This thread is full of fail.
No, you're full of fail.
You don't understand what he's saying.
The game...once again...levels with you, like in oblivion. How else would they be able to beat the game in such a short time?
If the game doesnt level with you, it would have taken much longer for them to complete the main story, as you'd have to be at a proper level to beat a certain part in the main quest.
EDIT: Disregard this, as only the main quest levels with you.
Really? You actually believe in a speed run the level of your character matters?
You ought to go watch a morrowind speed run because speed runs are about exploiting a game to beat it in the fast way possible, it doesn't matter the characters level, you can beat the original fallouts at lvl1 for petes sake.
The main quest line areas in the game level scale, all the others are fixed level locations.
Those guys are the bethesda crew by the way, they know how to exploit there own game, if they didn't then it would be quite sad that a developer didn't know the insides and outsides of there own creation.
[QUOTE="ice144"][QUOTE="Zenkuso"][QUOTE="FantasySports02"]Since IGN could beat the game in around 2 hours(or less?). There's no point in doing sidequests or anything because leveling is completely pointless.
I hope this game flops. No one should buy this trash.
IGN didnt play the speed run...
It was done by some bethesda guys that knew the game inside and out :(
This thread is full of fail.
No, you're full of fail.
You don't understand what he's saying.
The game...once again...levels with you, like in oblivion. How else would they be able to beat the game in such a short time?
If the game doesnt level with you, it would have taken much longer for them to complete the main story, as you'd have to be at a proper level to beat a certain part in the main quest.
EDIT: Disregard this, as only the main quest levels with you.
Really? You actually believe in a speed run the level of your character matters?
You ought to go watch a morrowind speed run because speed runs are about exploiting a game to beat it in the fast way possible, it doesn't matter the characters level, you can beat the original fallouts at lvl1 for petes sake.
The main quest line areas in the game level scale, all the others are fixed level locations.
Those guys are the bethesda crew by the way, they know how to exploit there own game, if they didn't then it would be quite sad that a developer didn't know the insides and outsides of there own creation.
Yea, Morrowind was beat in a little over 7 minutes, and I saw fallout beat in about 6 minutes.Please Log In to post.
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