Crysis 2, surprisingly enough. It's winning too.Badosh
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[QUOTE="theuncharted34"]waht ? , how can it not be lol , higher rez - better average fps etc ?how many people still think the 360 version of crysis 2 is superior to the ps3 version? it isn't.
y'know, at this point I've explained this over 15 times. go to digital foundry, and read the crysis 2 face off.
waht ? , how can it not be lol , higher rez - better average fps etc ?[QUOTE="Strutten"][QUOTE="theuncharted34"]
how many people still think the 360 version of crysis 2 is superior to the ps3 version? it isn't.
y'know, at this point I've explained this over 15 times. go to digital foundry, and read the crysis 2 face off.
which is what i did, maybe superior is too much .. but only due to better rez and average fps but seriously i really dont see the difference and i dont really care either.. .. but ye i give you that, you wont notice it while playing anyway only if you are a grafix "whore" This "Console war" is gettin more and more sad just play the damn games lol :P[QUOTE="zxcqweasd1"]so you put 3 PS3 exclusives against a 360 multiplat? That hardly seems fair. Wait to do this thread until GEoW 3 is out.Lately there seems to be some discrepancy on SW regarding what the current console graphics king is. I thought we'd take this poll to see how opinion is distributed across the board.
I haven't played Crysis 2 or Killzone 3 yet but from what I've seen I'd have to go with GOWIII.
Well, I did put Gears 2 in the mix. It's still a graphical stunner(IMO)
[QUOTE="Badosh"]Crysis 2, surprisingly enough. It's winning too.FragTycoon
More people voted for other games so far.
Since when did that matter?[QUOTE="Mozelleple112"]
Where's Crysis 2 PS3 version? :|
It's too crappy to be up there compared to its 360 brother, but there is the 'Other' option, mind you.
Haha... Oh wow :|The PS3 version is still the version to get. The superior sound (DTS uncompressed vs crappy compressed dolby on 360) by far exceeds any graphical difference.
And in terms of graphics they are equal. And looking at your post history you made this thread..
Fake boy confirmed.
Its so funny to me that people acutally think the 360 version looks even noticebly better then the PS3 version. They look nearly identical but the way you have it setup all the lemmings will vote for Crysis 2 and the cows will split there vote 3 ways. Regardless why GOW3 doesnt have mrore votes is beyond me.
[QUOTE="Arach666"]Looks like Crysis2 360 is the console graphics king.soulitaneSo wouldn't that make the 360 the more powerful console going by the logic that's been used here for quite a while :o It would! :o
There goes the theories that stuff like Uncharted 2,MGS4 or Killzone 2 couldn´t run on the 360! :P
I'm actually part of the minority that think its GOW III but then again its my opinion i know :P
but for me its really the only console game recently that floored me with its graphics :o
As someone who has a PS3 and played these games I would have to say Crysis 2 overall. Killzone 3 is a blurry mess and has some really bad textures, Uncharted 2 is better than it. I am not going to even talk about GOWIII, the other games easily beat it.
PC version of Crysis 2 will TRASH all of them. I still don't know why Cows are all getting up in arms about Crysis 2 being the best looking console game because overall it is, afterall it's on the PS3 and the difference between the PS3 vesion and the Xbox 360 version is negligeble. If you guys are these graphics whores then get a PC, it mows down all the console games in graphics and holds the title of Graphics King.
Talk about consolers "not caring" about graphics. That's :lol:.
[QUOTE="Slashkice"]I love it how this is clearly overlooked; this game looks outstanding. To me; it looks far better than God of War III and Uncharted 2, two games that always appear in these 'Graphics King' threads. That game looked good but isn't quite in the same league. Flat and bad textures, level geometry is bland and lacking dimension. There's not much going on...Final Fantasy XIII 8)
Whoa didn't realize Crysis 2 looked so good on consoles! So Xbox 360 is new console graphics king?TigerWars
Meh, C2 is similar on both the Xbox 360 and PS3. What I don't get it is how in the world some PS3 fanboys can say that the PS3 is more powerful than the Xbox 360. They are both similar in power. It's not like the PS3 has a HD 4870 built in. LOL. If the PS3 was THAT much more powerful it would be able to play games that are on the Xbox 360 at like 1376x768 or 1440x900 but in pretty much all cases games that are on the PS3 and Xbox 360 play at the same resolution.
As a PC gamer who knows better you could see through all the lies mass delusion some console fanboys have.
[QUOTE="TigerWars"]Whoa didn't realize Crysis 2 looked so good on consoles! So Xbox 360 is new console graphics king?Xtasy26
Meh, C2 is similar to on both the Xbox 360 and PS3. What I don't get it is how in the world some PS3 fanboys can say that the PS3 is more powerful than the Xbox 360. They are both similar in power. It's not like the PS3 has a HD 4870 built in. LOL. If the PS3 was THAT much more powerful it would be able to play games that are on the Xbox 360 at like 1376x768 or 1440x900 but in pretty much all cases games that are on the PS3 and Xbox 360 play at the same resolution.
As a PC gamer who knows better you could see through all the lies mass delusion some console fanboys have.
I'm still wondering why most PS3 games don't go over 720p, don't have 8xAA, don't have over 60FPS, don't have 16xAF, etc. I think people overrate the PS3's hardware, it's from 2005, lulz. When a multiplat is up there, you know it's doing something right, plus most multiplats last gen were graphics kings anyways.[QUOTE="Xtasy26"][QUOTE="TigerWars"]Whoa didn't realize Crysis 2 looked so good on consoles! So Xbox 360 is new console graphics king?mitu123
Meh, C2 is similar to on both the Xbox 360 and PS3. What I don't get it is how in the world some PS3 fanboys can say that the PS3 is more powerful than the Xbox 360. They are both similar in power. It's not like the PS3 has a HD 4870 built in. LOL. If the PS3 was THAT much more powerful it would be able to play games that are on the Xbox 360 at like 1376x768 or 1440x900 but in pretty much all cases games that are on the PS3 and Xbox 360 play at the same resolution.
As a PC gamer who knows better you could see through all the lies mass delusion some console fanboys have.
I'm still wondering why most PS3 games don't go over 720p, don't have 8xAA, don't have over 60FPS, don't have 16xAF, etc. I think people overrate the PS3's hardware, it's from 2005, lulz.Yeah that's a good point. If you look at the AA on multiplats it's pretty much the same on the PS3 and Xbox 360 for the same game. If the PS3 is THAT much more powerful than the Xbox 360 why come it doesn't do 8X AA and 16X Anistrophic filtering on games. The truth it's not that much more powerful (if at all). Some PS3 fanboys act like the PS3 has some pimped out GPU or something.
I have even saw people say that PS3 has better graphics over the Xbox 360 because it has "Blu-ray". Which is :lol:.
really an unfair poll if u think about it.. cows are going to spread the love to all 3 games whereas lems are going to vote for crysis2 making it a more concentrated option.campzor
So what you are saying is it is all irrelevant anyway. If people are just going to vote according to their console loyalties then what is the point?
Personally, I think all the top console games are simply too close to objectively pick a winner. It's far too subjective.
I'm actually part of the minority that think its GOW III but then again its my opinion i know :P
but for me its really the only console game recently that floored me with its graphics :o
See, this goes to show how subjective this all is. I thought God of War 3 looked great, but it didn't wow me nearly as much as Uncharted 2 or Crysis 2.
What's a console graphics king?
People playing the graphics game a league below the PC. Think of PC being the NBA and the consoles being college basketball.
It is EXACTLY like that.
And there are many fans of college basketball.
Strange, the one thing missing from those college contests, if this thread is to be taken as a proper analogy, is a bunch of NBA fans showing up at a Final Four game shouting "why don't you guys watch a real league."
[QUOTE="Slashkice"]I love it how this is clearly overlooked; this game looks outstanding. To me; it looks far better than God of War III and Uncharted 2, two games that always appear in these 'Graphics King' threads.Final Fantasy XIII 8)
Once again, I somewhat agree!
WAAAY too little praise. :(
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