@TC: It's online mechanics are somewhat innovative. Seemlessly shifting in and out of multiplayer while remaining primarily a single player game. Being able to fight as a boss in another player's game (a boss that is required to complete a playthrough). I've sunk more hours and have had more fun with the player vs player combat in DS than I did in all 3 years that I played World of Warcraft. You can sink a lot of hours into the game and still find ways to have fun.
The atsmophere is very eerie/desolate and it's maintained throughout the entire game - even when you co-op with other players. There's very minimal ways to communicate with anyone that you're playing with or against - which many see as the developer being lazy - but even from software stated that it was to maintain that feeling of isolation even when playing in multiplayer modes.
The game does have a story, but unlike most games this generation, it isn't spoon fed to you. You can piece it together by talking to each of the NPCs + using the introduction and ending cinematics to form your own. Many posters on the demon's souls gamefaqs subforum of gamespot have put the story together in such a way that their presentation seemed brilliant.
You can regain those souls you lost as long as you make it back up to the point in which you died, however, if you die a 2nd time, THEN all of those souls are lost - which is where the souls you pick up in your inventory come in handy.
For a first playthrough the game takes approximately 40 hours to beat, which is a little above average for RPGs this generation, however, you can easily get that down to 10-20 hours in subsequent playthroughs - even players doing 1 hour speed runs now.
[QUOTE="Skittles_McGee"]How dare a game focus on the gameplay and punish you for being reckless. What do they think this is, a video game? ...Oh wait.NaveedLife
The clunky controls make for some annoying design choices in which you die because of them. Of course its your fault, but at the same time, its hard not to suck with characters that move like that. And then when you die you get to...PLAY THE SAME THING ALL OVER AGAIN! YAY! And you lose everything. It really is a blast!
take off your armor and run naked, or boost your endurance so that you can move at full speed with your current armor set and the gameplay doesn't feel as clunky. When you exceed your equip rate by 50%, the game beomes more clunky/harder to move around due to having more weight on you than you can handle. When the equip rate is less than 50%, you move at full speed.
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