it's a great looking game, but you really shouldn't be factoring graphics when it comes to The Witcher 2, the true greatness comes from the story and the gameplay. One of the finer RPG experiences this side of generation.
Decent for consoles, not as good as the PC version.ferret-gamer
True. I have it maxed out on my PC and it looks fantastic. My best friend has it on the 360 and the visuals, while good looking, they aren't at the level of the PC. I'm glad I got it on the PC, not to mention it comes with a cool little box case, and a lot of extras. The 360 version doesn't look bad though.
Beyond the fanboyism...etc It looks great you'll get alot of hyperbole but but the pc version looks better...etc..etc
Ignore the pc version the 360 version looks great probably one of the best looking games on consoles today, I recommend it highly the game looks great and plays great and is great. Side note: if you do have a pc capable get the pc version though it looks the best.
Thats what I don't get. Like I look at Crysis pics vs consoles, and it makes the console versions look ancient by comparison, yet when people do the witcher 2 pc vs console shots, I don't see much difference.
So you saw some blurry youtube video and cou;ln't see a diffrence huh? The WItcher 2 looks much better on Pc, you have to see both irl and you'll see what i mean.
I'd say it's between medium and high settings on PC. Thing is though, It's hard to judge because the console limits certain things (like foliage and ground textures) in order to make models and lighting better. Overall It's a pretty good looking 360 game.
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