[QUOTE="-Patrick_92-"][QUOTE="charizard1605"] The Vita gets a lot more hate than it deserves, I agree; and yet by any objective measure (not counting the hardware, where the 3DS gets its ass handed to it by the Vita), the 3DS is better than the Vita right now. Faizan said he doesn't want to play kiddy games like Mario? Does he not know of the fact that the 3DS has stuff like Resident Evil, Castlevania, Metal Gear Solid, and Zero Escape?SuperFlakeman
I can definitely see why people prefer the 3DS over Vita, the library is pretty great, no doubt about it...but with that being said I think most people around here don't give the Vita's library enough credit. The system hasn't even been out for a year yet, and it has put up some pretty awesome games. Personally I prefer the Vita's library over 3DS, but it seems like that's not an opinion to be taken seriously around here. ACIII on consoles is a shallow context sensitive/QTE infested piece of crap. I know because I played it, got 100% synch in all 12 chapters. Doubt Liberation is any better.
AC3:L was decent, not bad, but not great either. I'd recommended it to an AC fan though, it's very impressive how much of an AC game they got into a handheld.
CoD: Delolified is rushed shovelware.
No arguing with that.
The "real" sports games on the go are nice to have, but weaker versions than the console counterparts.
The sports games are great, best portable sports games you can find. However, the lack of NBA2K is upsetting. It's my favorite sport, and sports game.
Uncharted: GA is the fourth identical Uncharted game in just a few years. I'm not even that interested in UC3, even though it's high quality / very polished and I like that; ultimately it's just a standard TPS, nothing special going on gameplay wise. I will get it eventually to try its stereoscopic 3D mode.
UC:GA actually sets it's self apart from the console Uncharted's. A lot more focus on the collectibles, lots of replay value. I think it has the longest campaign as well. Can't really find a 3rd person shooter like it on handhelds, Unit 13 has better shooting mechanics though.
Gravity Rush is a game that sounds very nice in concept, but reportedly poor in execution with its repetitive gameplay.
Gravity Rush was a surprise for me, had low expectaions, but it has turned into one of, if not my favorite Vita game. It's visually stunning, gameplay is unique along with the world you are playing in. It can get a little repetative, but that doesn't stop it from being a good game.
There are certain PSN games I would be interested in checking out.
Soundshapes, Mutant Blobs Attack, and Super Stardust have gotten good scores.
The whole cross play thing is nice, although the games that do it are not interesting. PSABR = I'd rather wait for Smash 4. etc.
Cross Play/Buy is great. While I'll agree PSABR isn't on SSB level, it is pretty solid, and a great example of how to do Cross Play/Buy right.
LPB karting / modnation racing are neat but it just so happens that MK7 perfected the MK formula (item balance, computer AI), not interested.
There is no touching Mario Kart in that department. Modnation while good, dropped the ball on Vita with no online play.
Killzone is standard fare FPS, does nothing for me. Plus I can only play FPS games with mouse/KB. I sold Black Ops II on Wii U because it's frustrating when I die due to the control limitations.
I play shooters on consoles, so this is just where we have different preferences. I am very much looking forward to KZ:M
I kept an eye on Little Deviants because the game takes advantage of Vita's features in cool ways, but it got poor reviews.
Don't have it, don't want it :P
The library is weak, but I'm gonna get one when the price crashes, by then it's bound to have a couple of titles that interest me. Be it rhythm games, PSN games, or Japanesy titles.
I can make a similar list of 3DS, but I don't think that will do anything. For example I find Pushmo to be a brilliant puzzle game, put in 35 hours into it, all of it substantial gameplay, for $7.
Not only is Mario 3D Land part of an ultra rare genre (3D Platformer), but its level design direction is entirely new; a weird mix of elements taken from 2D and 3D Mario. The stereo 3D is god-tier, visuals(i.e. colors)/music are so yummy that you just want to taste them.
- Little Big Planet Vita is an excellent game, even better than the PS3 versions in my opinion. Great use of the Vita's features.
- Unit 13 is a very underrated game, very fun competing for high scores against friends, and it has really solid controls.
- WipEout 2048...god what an awesome game, another underrated game, just like it's big PS3 brother :P
- Hot Shots Golf is an easy recommendation, tons of replay value. Great mix of fun and challenge.
- I have yet to play Persona 4 Golden, but have heard nothing but good things about it. I don't care if it was on PS2, just like I don't care that OoT was on N64. Good games are good, people need to quit focusing on the fact that some games will be ports and still be good.
A couple other games I like to mention, Jetpack Joyride and Treasure of Montezuma Blitz, both free, and both addictive.
Those games, along with Uncharted are Gravity Rush are all pretty good, some even being great. Not bad for it's first year...certainly not weak, especially when compared to the 3DS's first year. And 2013 isn't looking too bad either with KZ:M, Tearaway, Sly 4, and Soul Sacrifice. Yeah it's not much as of now, but there is time for more announcements. Next month Sony is having a PlayStation Destination *crosses fingers for Vita announcements*
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