Ive been meaning to invest for a while, ive saved up a lot of money and now with the economy doing good again ive decided to buy shares in Microsoft.. I know this might come as suprise to many on here because most of my posts are pro PS3 and i do even admit even though i own both consoles I am a PS3 fanboy..
But.. even though im a PS3 fanboy, from a investment perspective Microsoft is the better company to invest in. They pretty much have a monopoly in the PC OS business, they make tons and tons of xbox live and member fees, the 360 does have the higher attach rate and 360 owners are loyal and pretty much buy anything 360 related.
Its kind of funny because when people on here talk about sales, someone usually says something like "why care about sales, your a gamer not a shareholder" well now im both lol, im a gamer AND a shareholder in Microsoft as of today.
I must admit, its going to be strange when NPD comes out every month now because the PS3 side of me will want PS3 to outsell the 360 but on the other hand i would like 360 to sell the most since i now have a vested interest lol.
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