[QUOTE="Javy03"] You have a 360 and a PS3. Two systems that have for the most part the same games so if you buy multiplats and exclusives on your 360 and only exclusives on your PS3 then you are obviously gonna play one more then the other.
If your trying to argue that the PS3 doesnt have good games you are fooling yourself. There are plenty multiplats and exclusives you can enjoy on the PS3 with more coming next month in the form of Socom and LBP. How about you play Uncharted the full game and not just the demo, or Ratchet, or Warhawk, or Heavenly Sword, etc.
I did play through uncharted the full game, didnt i say that?
I've played heavnly sword at my friend's place but it looked too easy, but i guess i can wait for god of war 3.
See, this is Sony's problem, the 360 is always going to have the upperhand with multiplats, not graphically (not going into that debate) but in terms of sales, and to be honest the 360 is rolling exclusives out faster than Sony is, because Sony is playing catch up still in terms of number of games,exclusives and online content and online play.
Huh? So you are saying MS has the upperhand with multiplats because they sell more? How does that affect any of us gamers?
And MS making exclusives? Again wtf? MS makes almost no exclusives. Most of the exclusives they had were 3rd party that all have eventually came to PS3 like Oblivion, Bioshock, Lost Planet, etc. Sony is the king of first and second party devs. I don't see how anyone can argue that. Who makes Uncharted, Ratchet, Jak, Resistance, God of War, Socom, Warhawk, Motorstorm, Killzone, LBP, Heavenly Sword, GT5, Twisted Metal, and the list of great first/second party games could go on for practically ever.
I don't even think MS can beat Nintendo on first/second party games. Nintendo has Mario, Metroid Prime, Zelda (some of the best games of all time are zelda games). Then MS has what? PGR, Forza, Halo....and what else? I really can't think of anymore first/second party games for MS. I am sure they have more but not much more.
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