is vanilla crysis better than crysis 2? and why no one ever talks about modded crysis 2? maybe there arent mods so far, but it would be logical to assume they'll look better than modded crysis 1
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is vanilla crysis better than crysis 2? and why no one ever talks about modded crysis 2? maybe there arent mods so far, but it would be logical to assume they'll look better than modded crysis 1
Crysis 2 doesn't have a sandbox editor so probably the most we will get is the same level of modding as warhead, or less.
Here are some vanilla crysis shots:
Even unmodded Crysis seems better than Crysis 2. Crysis 2 seems artificial in a way, too many unnatural effects.
Crysis 2 doesn't have a sandbox editor so probably the most we will get is the same level of modding as warhead, or less.
Here are some vanilla crysis shots:
wow crysis at night doesnt look impressive at all, not for me at least
Crysis technically looks better.. But I think the majority of Crysis 2 to me is more appealing to look at.. The forest settings gets old FAST.. sSubZerOoThis man makes a great point that I agree with :) It did get old rather fast.
[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"]Crysis technically looks better.. But I think the majority of Crysis 2 to me is more appealing to look at.. The forest settings gets old FAST.. millerlight89This man makes a great point that I agree with :) It did get old rather fast.
I can think of a few scenes that looked great.. Finding Aztec.. When the Americans Invade and you just get off the drop ship.. The tank battle.. Outside of that the forest gets old fast.. People keep giving me these shots of the same first level of the freaking game it seems.. And completely ignore when the game is getting visually amazing when your inside the mountain, ont he frozen side of the moutain and on the aircraft carrier.. I felt that Crysis 2's setting felt much more dynamic and interesting and was able to get a far more varied environment..
At least Crysis 1 is not full of bloom and blur, it has a clean look. Plus it offers an open world, C2 can't beat that.
The game is really only open the first few levels.. And than you consistently dragged into a more narrative driven plot.. To me the sandbox part of the game was the useless part of it half the time.. There was little point to explore.. The great thing about it was the ability to tackle the problem at multiple directions or ways..
Vanilla Crysis 2 > Vanilla Crysis. Modded Crysis looks better though. Eventually, the way I see it, there should be mods eventually that make modded Crysis 2 > modded Crysis. And if Crysis 2 was PC exclusive but looked exactly the same I guarantee you that all the PC elitists would be running around system wars saying it's miles ahead of everything else.
Sadly I don't have Crysis installed and I don't have any of my odded images in 1920*1080--- Luckiy, Crysis 1 has a demo!
I suppose if the demo is any indication, Crysis 2 is'nt the only game featuring blur. On the other hand, I suppose it's supposed to blur when you move or get shot.
Sadly, you can't say Crysis 2 without showing this:
Well if it was PC exclusive it would look a lot better, so yes they probably would.Vanilla Crysis 2 > Vanilla Crysis. Modded Crysis looks better though. Eventually, the way I see it, there should be mods eventually that make modded Crysis 2 > modded Crysis. And if Crysis 2 was PC exclusive but looked exactly the same I guarantee you that all the PC elitists would be running around system wars saying it's miles ahead of everything else.
is vanilla crysis better than crysis 2? and why no one ever talks about modded crysis 2? maybe there arent mods so far, but it would be logical to assume they'll look better than modded crysis 1
Crysis 1 is far behind Crysis 2, it uses a dated engine
But I think the majority of Crysis 2 to me is more appealing to look at.. The forest settings gets old FAST.. sSubZerOo
Thankfully Crysis 2 is on New York instead of a island. Again.
I did play FarCry so the island theme got old for me right at Crysis Warhead
Sadly I don't have Crysis installed and I don't have any of my odded images in 1920*1080--- Luckiy, Crysis 1 has a demo!
I suppose if the demo is any indication, Crysis 2 is'nt the only game featuring blur. On the other hand, I suppose it's supposed to blur when you move or get shot.
Sadly, you can't say Crysis 2 without showing this:
also the crysis 1 demo has nerfed settings. those pics arent a good representation of what Vanilla Crysis looks like. I was playing it yesterday, SO BEAUTIFUL
[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"]But I think the majority of Crysis 2 to me is more appealing to look at.. The forest settings gets old FAST.. KillerJuan77
Thankfully Crysis 2 is on New York instead of a island. Again.
I did play FarCry so the island theme got old for me right at Crysis Warhead
To me a jungle isn't as imposing or mysterious as a vacant city.. This idea alone to me makes the second game more appealing, especially with the stuff you come across and what not..
I'll repeat what I said in the other thread. While technically crysis 1 is better, I think all the cover up/effects and the superior animations make crysis 2 much more appealing, at least to me.
Technically Crysis 2 engine is far more advanced actually
[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"]But I think the majority of Crysis 2 to me is more appealing to look at.. The forest settings gets old FAST.. KillerJuan77
Thankfully Crysis 2 is on New York instead of a island. Again.
I did play FarCry so the island theme got old for me right at Crysis Warhead
Manhattan is an Island 0.o[QUOTE="lightleggy"]
is vanilla crysis better than crysis 2? and why no one ever talks about modded crysis 2? maybe there arent mods so far, but it would be logical to assume they'll look better than modded crysis 1
Crysis 1 is far behind Crysis 2, it uses a dated engine
What on Earth are you talking about? CryEngine 2 was completely tailored to the PC, while Cryengine 3 is a gimped mess IMO. Tailoring it for consoles really killed it. It still looks pretty good, but not nearly as good as Vanilla Crysis or Warhead maxed out. Those are still overall the best-looking. Not best textures (Metro 2033 IMO), but best overall.
Crysis 1 and Warhead still look the best unmodded. Crysis 2 also looks great, but there are a few games that surpass it, especially because Crysis 2 tends to be a lot less consistent in terms of how it looks. Especially the open areas lacked sharpness, it seemed.
To a point, I still think the first looks better. At the same time though, Crysis 2 kinda has that smoke and mirrors feel to the graphics, like Killzone did, not to say that either of those games looked bad.
So i just noticed that my Crysis case is empty and EA are not being productive about refreshing my Warhead key so I purchased Maximum Edition off of Steam. Status so far is that I'm downloading Crysis as we speak.
Modding? What is modding? I'll leave the judgement to better people for now and maintain my own criteria.
As of right now, our very own Wasdie has created an application that let's you tweak the settings of Crysis 2 through the autoexec.cfg fie. Would it be interesting if I were to pit these two games against eachother?
Simple rules:
CFGs will be tweaked. Both games allow it.
No mods
All screenshots will remain 1920*1080 and taken through Steam.
I'd take suggestions to improve the visuals of each game of course.
[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"]Crysis technically looks better.. But I think the majority of Crysis 2 to me is more appealing to look at.. The forest settings gets old FAST.. millerlight89This man makes a great point that I agree with :) It did get old rather fast. That was the problem, I have been playing Crysis 1 this last week and can't think of many memorable places in the game only one because it wasn't in forest (well it was but I had to blow up some boat in the sea)
You have any CFG recommendations for Crysis 1? One I would like is a max framerate is that possible?So i just noticed that my Crysis 2 case is empty so I purchased Maximum Edition off of Steam. Status so far is that I'm downloading Crysis as we speak.
Modding? What is modding? I'll leave the judgement to better people for now and maintain my own criteria.
As of right now, our very own Wasdie has created an application that let's you tweak the settings of Crysis 2 through the autoexec.cfg fie. Would it be interesting if I were to pit these two games against eachother?
Simple rules:
CFGs will be tweaked. Both games allow it.
No mods
All screenshots will remain 1920*1080 and taken throgh Steam.
I'd take suggestions to improve the visuals of each game too.
[QUOTE="KillerJuan77"][QUOTE="sSubZerOo"]But I think the majority of Crysis 2 to me is more appealing to look at.. The forest settings gets old FAST.. ShadowDeathX
Thankfully Crysis 2 is on New York instead of a island. Again.
I did play FarCry so the island theme got old for me right at Crysis Warhead
Manhattan is an Island 0.oAn island with a jungle, that's what I hated on Crysis and FarCry. Besides, it's not like wasn't clear enough.
Also, look at the hilarious suggestions that the check spelling button gave me:
"FarCry: Far Cry, Far-Cry, Garry, Farr, Carry, Farra, Karry, Fairy, Ferry, Forgery, Furry, Garey, Factory, Fray, Frey, Gary, Fare, Carvery, Fact, Fry, Cry, Farica, Carey, Farrah, Farrow, Gerry, Fairer, Fiery, Florry, Flurry, Friary, Carr, Cary, Fara, Kary, Faro, Fury, Acre, Quarry, Foray, Carri, Corry, Curry, Farah, Fargo, Fayre, Jerry, Jorry, Kerry, Korry, Carer, Faker, Fakir, Firer, Furor"
[QUOTE="Filthybastrd"]You have any CFG recommendations for Crysis 1? One I would like is a max framerate is that possible?So i just noticed that my Crysis 2 case is empty so I purchased Maximum Edition off of Steam. Status so far is that I'm downloading Crysis as we speak.
Modding? What is modding? I'll leave the judgement to better people for now and maintain my own criteria.
As of right now, our very own Wasdie has created an application that let's you tweak the settings of Crysis 2 through the autoexec.cfg fie. Would it be interesting if I were to pit these two games against eachother?
Simple rules:
CFGs will be tweaked. Both games allow it.
No mods
All screenshots will remain 1920*1080 and taken throgh Steam.
I'd take suggestions to improve the visuals of each game too.
It does'nt really work ike that. What I did initially was find a cfg that was completely maxed and then I started adjusting things, completely removing sections I just wanted to use with standard Very high.
I don't really have any low end experience but with acceptable levels of physics and particles I found that shaders, objects and textures we're the parts that needed a little more attention than "very high".
I'm sorry I can't really help you with making it run well but my solution to performance issues in Crysis was to get a second 460.
I think Crysis 2 looks better. Crysis looks pretty much the same from start to finish. Crysis 2 has many different settings. Crysis in comparison to Crysis 2 looks too plain.
I'm sorry I can't really help you with making it run well but my solution to performance issues in Crysis was to get a second 460.
What? Under that same logic I'd rather play Crysis 2 with it's lack of options that runs well instead of that.
Also, don't you know CUDAATS?
You have any CFG recommendations for Crysis 1? One I would like is a max framerate is that possible?[QUOTE="SaltyMeatballs"][QUOTE="Filthybastrd"]
So i just noticed that my Crysis 2 case is empty so I purchased Maximum Edition off of Steam. Status so far is that I'm downloading Crysis as we speak.
Modding? What is modding? I'll leave the judgement to better people for now and maintain my own criteria.
As of right now, our very own Wasdie has created an application that let's you tweak the settings of Crysis 2 through the autoexec.cfg fie. Would it be interesting if I were to pit these two games against eachother?
Simple rules:
CFGs will be tweaked. Both games allow it.
No mods
All screenshots will remain 1920*1080 and taken throgh Steam.
I'd take suggestions to improve the visuals of each game too.
It does'nt really work ike that. What I did initially was find a cfg that was completely maxed and then I started adjusting things, completely removing sections I just wanted to use with standard Very high.
I don't really have any low end experience but with acceptable levels of physics and particles I found that shaders, objects and textures we're the parts that needed a little more attention than "very high".
I'm sorry I can't really help you with making it run well but my solution to performance issues in Crysis was to get a second 460.
It runs well, it's just inconsistent which I don't like, would rather have the max framerate lower because of that.[QUOTE="Filthybastrd"][QUOTE="SaltyMeatballs"] You have any CFG recommendations for Crysis 1? One I would like is a max framerate is that possible?SaltyMeatballs
It does'nt really work ike that. What I did initially was find a cfg that was completely maxed and then I started adjusting things, completely removing sections I just wanted to use with standard Very high.
I don't really have any low end experience but with acceptable levels of physics and particles I found that shaders, objects and textures we're the parts that needed a little more attention than "very high".
I'm sorry I can't really help you with making it run well but my solution to performance issues in Crysis was to get a second 460.
It runs well, it's just inconsistent which I don't like, would rather have the max framerate lower because of that. Do you turn page files off? With it on I get pretty massive frame drops in Crysis.I think Crysis 2 looks better. Crysis looks pretty much the same from start to finish. Crysis 2 has many different settings. Crysis in comparison to Crysis 2 looks too plain.
Crysis 2 locations (note that the first two are pretty much the same in many cases):
City streets
On rooftops
In buildings
In parks
Subway stations/tunnels
Crysis locations:
Mountain peaks/mountainsides
Mining areas
Shipping docks
Alien mothership with a zero-G environment
Snow covered versions of most of the above, so this list is actually about twice as large as it's typed out
You were saying?
I think Crysis 2 looks better. Crysis looks pretty much the same from start to finish. Crysis 2 has many different settings. Crysis in comparison to Crysis 2 looks too plain.
Crysis 2 locations (note that the first two are pretty much the same in many cases):
City streets
On rooftops
In buildings
In parks
Subway stations/tunnels
Crysis locations:
Mountain peaks/mountainsides
Mining areas
Shipping docks
Alien mothership with a zero-G environment
Snow covered versions of most of the above, so this list is actually about twice as large as it's typed out
You were saying?
I'm convinced people who say crysis is only forests have never played.
I think Crysis 2 looks better. Crysis looks pretty much the same from start to finish. Crysis 2 has many different settings. Crysis in comparison to Crysis 2 looks too plain.
Crysis 2 locations (note that the first two are pretty much the same in many cases):
City streets
On rooftops
In buildings
In parks
Subway stations/tunnels
Crysis locations:
Mountain peaks/mountainsides
Mining areas
Shipping docks
Alien mothership with a zero-G environment
Snow covered versions of most of the above, so this list is actually about twice as large as it's typed out
You were saying?
I think Crysis 2 looks better. Crysis looks pretty much the same from start to finish. Crysis 2 has many different settings. Crysis in comparison to Crysis 2 looks too plain.
Crysis 2 locations (note that the first two are pretty much the same in many cases):
City streets
On rooftops
In buildings
In parks
Subway stations/tunnels
Crysis locations:
Mountain peaks/mountainsides
Mining areas
Shipping docks
Alien mothership with a zero-G environment
Snow covered versions of most of the above, so this list is actually about twice as large as it's typed out
You were saying?
No it does not
****fy it however you want other than core everything looks pretty much identical in Crysis. Except it's frozen half way through.[QUOTE="i5750at4Ghz"]
Crysis 2 locations (note that the first two are pretty much the same in many cases):
City streets
On rooftops
In buildings
In parks
Subway stations/tunnels
Crysis locations:
Mountain peaks/mountainsides
Mining areas
Shipping docks
Alien mothership with a zero-G environment
Snow covered versions of most of the above, so this list is actually about twice as large as it's typed out
You were saying?DJ_Headshot
No it does not
Yes it does.Please Log In to post.
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