First of all Metacritic isn't the end all be all for judging a game. I generally consider their scores to reflect a game pretty accurately but there are notable exceptions (GTAIV was certainly not deserving of a 98, SMG2 was not deserving of a 97, Rock Band 2 wasn't deserving of a 92,) plus if you want the honest answer a new Halo is going to face more critical judgement than nearly all other games, ALWAYS. Killzone 2 was the sequel to a dud of a game, while it may have been hyped it still didn't have any lasting legacy to live up to.Halo: Reach is an addition to one of the most storied and successful gaming franchises ever.
It will face harsh criticisms from people who:
A) just like to hate Halo
B) are stuck playing Halo: CE or another earlier Halo and refuse to accept that a new Halo might be better
C) are blind fanboys
D) feel like simply going against the hype
and finally
E) who genuinely dislike the game
Killzone 2 may have had to face one or two of those obstacles when it came to the reviewing process.
Strongly disagree. Not a 97 on my scale but considering the ass scale reviewers like to use I would say the game was way deserving of the acclaim. Its a way better game than SMG1.
Maybe so, irrelevant really I just haven't had that much fun with SMG2. Its solid and certainly not a bad game, its definitely a good game, but I just get bored of it after 30 mins or so...although since I play it at my friends house with lots of distractions etc I may not be giving it a fair chance.
Anyway, yes I'd love to see game reviewers switch to a more critical scale as in a game receiving an 8.0+=critical acclaim and solid good games receive 6s and 7s bad games get 3s and 4s and reserve 9+ for truly incredible games.
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