I had an xbox 360 first this gen (I got one the month after launch) 20GB model. My first game was Perfect Dark Zero (which turned out to be so-so) and I got COD 2 later (AWESOME GAME). Later on after beating the SP modes a bunch of time I ofcourse wanted to play onine, but I found out that I would have to pay in order to go online with it. I was angry but I sucked it up and for my birthday (I was in highschool at this time) I asked for a Gold subscription for one year instead of a game, I didn't want to do it but I sorta had to and I figured I would get a new game when Hanuckha/Christmas came around.
However then I realised that I would have to get a wifi adapter which at the time was 100$! I couldn't believe it but nonetheless I spent all my hard earned money that I earned over the summer from working to get it. Finally I had xbox live! And it was worth it, at first anyway. Over time I bought more games and kept renewing my xbox live account every birthday until eventually I got a PS3 (I was an adult living on my own at this point).
I was skeptical about PSN, I always bashed it in the past and called it "laggy" and that stuff. But after I played on it I was amazed! It was the SAME thing as xbox live (well aside from a few features) the only thing that bothered me about it was the slower updates, but I could live with that. Soon after my 360 got RROD and it was out of warrenty so I just said "screw it", I rebought the multiplats I wanted to for PS3 and never looked back.
This isn't to say I'm bashing Live or 360 or anything like that. I understand for some people the features of Xbox live are worth paying for, and that's fine because it's their choice. But for me I didn't care or ever really use any of those xbox live features so it wasn't worth it to me. And it's a shame because I spent ALL that money on xbox live!
But with my PS3 I get a Blu Ray player, access to a great and free online network, and alot of exclusives that I had more fun with than I ever did with Halo or Gears ect.. I got more for my money with PS3. But I don't go around bashing other systems or anything, I only have a problem when someone says xbox live or psn is "trash" or one service "destroys" the other. That's simply not true. Same goes for the systems, it's all just a prefrence.
Bottom Line: Neither one is "better" than the other. It's just about perspective and prefences.
And if PSN did start charging than I would have no choice but to pay it. But given the reason that there is no real reason to charge for online MP (there isn't, really) and having it free gives them a huge edge over the competition, they won't. I think MS is going have free MP next gen if you want my honest opinion.
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