I felt I'd try my thread again.
the one where it shows why PC gaming isn't all it's cracked up to be. I can't wait to get flagged for no reason but only b/c the PC gamers join together since they have nothing better to do and all spam flag me and then a mod locks the thread.
So...I said last time that b/c of this: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2014-09-02-dinosaur-adventure-the-stomping-land-was-removed-from-steam-early-access
PC gaming was not all it's cracked up to be. Apparently...I was cherry picking and the problems with this and others like it weren't known to many and the general notion that PC gaming being an open platform is a problem was called trolling.
So heres a list of not old games that have recently been either panned for being some of the wost made games or just collectively negative as all hell...all on PC.
Chaser - 2003 - https://www.youtube.com/user/InsideGaming - this youtube channel plays a lot of chaser as a joke
Goat Simulator - 2014 - dev said before the release the game was broken and you're better off buying something else - trying to find link
Areal fake STALKER successor on kickstarter 2014 - http://kotaku.com/the-strange-story-of-areal-one-of-kickstarters-weirdes-1608899918
Total War: Rome 2 - 2013 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdpIENG0Y2k - Angry Joe shows just how bad the game is.
Ashes Cricket 2013 - 2013 - http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2013/11/26/ashes-cricket-2013-pulled-from-steam-hilariously-awful/
Garry’s Incident - 2013 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjTa_x3rbJE
The Stomping Land - 2014 - see first link
Earth: Yeah 2066 - 2014 - http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2014-05-06-valve-hauls-scam-earth-year-2066-from-steam-early-access
Infestation: Survivor Stories (WarZ) - 2012 - pretty well known....look it up if you don't know
DayZ – 2013/now - same as above
Big Rigs Over the Road Racing -2003 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6DtVHqyYts
The point is that there are no console exclusives that are as bad as any of these games....and it's only getting worse. As you can see all but 2 of them are from the past couple of years. By bad...I mean that these games are broken as hell....or complete lies.
This is also not taking into account the loads of "Early Access" games that are in Steam. PC gamers defend this by saying "OMG he hur....you don't have to buy Early Access games dumbass!!!!!!!!!111!!!".
But we all know theres a certain soft spot for all of us. We all have that one thing that when we see we get giddy and would give our trust to. Some may be a FPSMMO...some maybe Dinosaurs...some Zombies.
So that excuse isn't fair....we ALL have a soft spot for something...and it's just a matter of time before you see a game in Early Access that you buy into that you really wanted....and then the devs don't own up.
Being an open platform and having no real quality control on PC is a bigger negative than most would like to admit.
I await the 50 flags I get from the usual suspect of PC gamers here and the mods that go along with it....even though I've proven I'm not cherry picking, theres an admitted troll thread on a relative subject, and I've made a clear and informative post.
Yay for Gamespot.
EDIT: Also...this is not a repeat thread....as I did not give more than one example last time...it's a completely different thread with the same idea.
And now I can't repost due to lostrib flagging me. This forum is a joke.
Edit 2: Lostrib tells me that it's against the rules to call someone an asshole....his BFF then calls me a whiney bitch.....what a great forum.
Edit 3: Well, I was only taking a break from Destiny...time to go back to playing a fun AAA game. You PC "gamers" have fun fighting for the life of your platform of choice on a forum....I'll be playing games.
Edit 4: @ lostrib - you also said you didn't flag me, but in the other thread you said you did. I mean....you act honest...but you're just shady. One second you're someone that acts like they are helpful..then the next you're laughing at your own insults and jokes at someone. Kinda pathetic if you ask me.
Edit 5: I dunno whats more comforting....knowing that some of you are jealous that I have a girlfriend...so you make fun of it having nothing to go on....or the fact that I'm making you all very upset over something so trivial. I mean...it's ok to have no life...but at least have no life somewhere where theres real discussion....not this PC boy band. You guys are like the musketeers....it's cute.
In the end....I get laid and you guys no life trying to keep PC gaming popular so that it doesn't get the 3rd world treatment from devs and publishers.....it's quite satisfying.
I actually find that photoshop funny. It's a bad job....but funny.
Look at the type of PC posters are here. Look at Lostrib....hailing this as a crap thread b/c it's a "fad thread" but the other thread he was so intensely in tune with the OP admitted that it was a troll thread. it's a sad waste of time to get involved with the PC posters here.....such a waste.
I see mikhail is upset again...I hit a nerve. Don't be upset....you know everything you just said is more or less a lie.
So according to scatteh316, I don't even have a girlfriend now....so, I guess that photoshop is all for nothing....that or he has no clue about whats going on and just mumbled some bullshit about statistics and how he's an adult blah blah.....blah.
Lostrib...it didn't work last time.....the mods here are PC fanboys....and girls.
I never said I was never coming back.....I'm gonna do the Lostrib and whine with "STOP ACCUSING ME OF SHIT!!!"
It will get locked and it'll only go to show that PC fanboys mods or not will do anything to keep negative light from shining on their beloved platform.
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