[QUOTE="Erkidu"]Ok - so PS2 owners were only allowed to buy MGS3 immediately after it launched? :| That makes perfect sense....oh, wait... It doesn't.-Spock-
You have misunderstood me, that's why. I am only using MGS2 as an example since it was released at an early date in the PS2's life cycle. Forget MGS3 for a minute - it's MGS2 that was the system seller, since it sold 7 million units by the time the PS2 had so far sold approx. 40 million units out of its 120 million potential. Sure, i'd agree with you in saying that it wasn't a system seller if the PS2 had sold all 120 million units by the time MGS2 had launched in 2001, but that just wasn't the case. There were only about 20-25 million PS2 units on shelves in 2001 - the sales and timing are practically akin to Halo 2, a game widely regarded as a system seller, releasing on the original Xbox in 2004.
Why would I use MGS2 as an example, when I can use MGS3 as a BETTER example? MGS3 was the last MGS title released on the PS brand - when the PS2 had 100 million+ users, and it sold only 3.8 million copies. It is safe to say that, based on the LAST MGS TITLE RELEASED ON THE MOST POPULAR SYSTEM IN HISTORY, that MGS4 will not be an enormous system seller. Using your logic, I could argue that Zelda is a "system seller" in Japan because Ocarina of Time sold well in that country - completely ignoring Twilight Princess, which had abysmal sales in Japan.
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