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What do you guys think of the handhelds, you know, the ones that were constantly good compared to the consoles like the Advance series and Rush series plus Colors?BlueAdeptRogue
I think Sonic Advanced and Sonic Rush were pretty good with nice graphics are pretty cool/attractive level designs, but its the console Sonics that are going to be at the forefront of everybody's minds.
What do you guys think of the handhelds, you know, the ones that were constantly good compared to the consoles like the Advance series and Rush series plus Colors?BlueAdeptRogue
I don't like them. The Advance games' physics are nothing like the classics, and consist of way too many pitfalls and cheap deaths. As for the Rush games, I think they're more on rails than anything else.
The new games have been better; that much I can say.
However, the series had not redeemed itself in my eyes until I'm not forced to keep playing Sonic. He needs to stop hogging the spotlight and share the limelight like Mario does.
I felt like the first half of the game was awesome, and the second half sucked ass.
Still in limbo imo
Does anybody know how powerful one's laptop has to be to play Sonic Generations? Cause I might go the computer route since I no longer have a PS3 and have no desire to get another one.
Check out
The PC version gives the game a solid 60FPS, so it plays fluidly fast.
I got Sonic Colors because of all the buzz about how it was a redeeming entry in the franchise and honestly I wasn't that impressed at all, found myself getting bored with it pretty quick. It's not on my ****-list but but I'm definitely waiting for Sonic Generations to hit $20 or less before considering even picking it up.lamprey263It's on sale for $15 on Amazon, I think.
I haven't played Generations but I heard awful things about the 3DS version, which is very disappoint, because I don't want to play it on consoles/PC. He was never on my s***list though. I liked the Adventure games and GBA/DS games, and I like to pretend the other 3D Sonics don't exist.Eponique
get the HD version its top quality platforming and brings a good few smiles to your face in terms of level design and little nods to its history even the cutscenes give nods to the worse sonic titles in a humerous way :P
Trust me i was warey bout putting £23 on it last Friday but i gotta admit i was plesantly surprised by how good it was in terms of refined gameplay and the 2d platforming was spot on in bout all areas except a couple of physics niggles, also City escape has never ever been so good :(
Well, I've never liked sonic to begin with.
This not a big fan of Mario either... Never understood the allure of either character.
I haven't played Generations but I heard awful things about the 3DS version, which is very disappoint, because I don't want to play it on consoles/PC. He was never on my s***list though. I liked the Adventure games and GBA/DS games, and I like to pretend the other 3D Sonics don't exist.Eponiquethe 3ds version is good thats the one that i have and it is packed with a lot of content and bonus goodies and its classic sonic play
Sonic has started to redeem himself with colours in my opinion.Sonic colours was awesome, but the horrible 3D controls, the annoying simulator stages and the rehased boss fights were the weakest parts of the games. I did play the second demo of sonic generations and the controls were not as bad as sonic colours in the 3D sections with some smal physics problems with classic sonic and the gameplay was fun like Colours.
Sonic redeemed himself with Sonic 4
You sir are hilarious.
On Topic:
Sonic Colors and Sonic Generations are must haves for sonic fans...
The Blue Blur is back, baby!
The newer games are decent enough, but I honestly don't think Generations or Colors are anywhere close to being as good as Nintendo's recent platformers.
Most people are too close-minded to give Sonic games a fair shot. After the bad main Sonic games it became the in thing to hate on Sonic. That has gone on for too long for people to stop hating on Sonic despite the quality of the games. Even after Colours people still hated on Generations prior to release for no logical reason. When the next Sonic game is announced people will say that will suck too no matter how good it looks. Sonic could have consistently great Sonic games for the next 10 years and people will still hate on Sonic. That's just the way it is. His reputation just got ruined so much that people won't give new games a shot no matter how good they are. The quality of the main Sonic games right now is at the highest it has been since Sonic & Knuckles. To the masses that doesn't matter. Now to those of us that didn't dismiss a new Sonic game just because it was Sonic, of course two fantastic games in a row redeems the franchise. But the fact of the matter is that people willing to try the games out are in a minority. But whilst people will always hate on Sonic no matter what and it will never be as popular as it used to be, we can take comfort in the fact that the series is producing quality main series games again and has a bright future ahead of it.
By the way the reason I said main series several times in this post is because it's the main series platformers that were lacking in quality for a few years. That wasn't the case for the handheld platformers. Every handheld Sonic since Sonic Advance was a great game. Although Generations 3DS seems pretty bad.
Most people are too close-minded to give Sonic games a fair shot. After the bad main Sonic games it became the in thing to hate on Sonic. That has gone on for too long for people to stop hating on Sonic despite the quality of the games. Even after Colours people still hated on Generations prior to release for no logical reason. When the next Sonic game is announced people will say that will suck too no matter how good it looks. Sonic could have consistently great Sonic games for the next 10 years and people will still hate on Sonic. That's just the way it is. His reputation just got ruined so much that people won't give new games a shot no matter how good they are. The quality of the main Sonic games right now is at the highest it has been since Sonic & Knuckles. To the masses that doesn't matter. Now to those of us that didn't dismiss a new Sonic game just because it was Sonic, of course two fantastic games in a row redeems the franchise. But the fact of the matter is that people willing to try the games out are in a minority. But whilst people will always hate on Sonic no matter what and it will never be as popular as it used to be, we can take comfort in the fact that the series is producing quality main series games again and has a bright future ahead of it.
By the way the reason I said main series several times in this post is because it's the main series platformers that were lacking in quality for a few years. That wasn't the case for the handheld platformers. Every handheld Sonic since Sonic Advance was a great game. Although Generations 3DS seems pretty bad.
Okay now, if you look at the Sonic fanbase, you will see how chaotic and divided it is. From retro to modern, "going back to its roots" to "it needs to change", light-hearted to "dark and epic" story..etc. It's pretty much a broken base.(with all the defending the bad Sonic games and all).
In my opinion, the best main sonic games out there are Colours and Generations (outside of System Wars fans will flame me).Sonic 4 was passable at best. But I don't think it is enough to redeem the franchise yet due to the last 2 and a half previous 3D installments and the franchise itself being very inconsistent and the executive meddling. But again those two games are far from masterpieces or anything like that. Oh and all the voices actors in any of the Sonic games are horrible.
I was a HUGE Sonic fan back in the day, but soooo many botched outings left a bad taste in my mouth. I never got the opportunity to play colours but I did play generations briefly and I enjoyed it. Once the price comes down a bit I'm definately picking it up. As for him "redeeming himself"... I believe the previous poster hit the nail on the head. You either still love Sonic or you Hate him (for various reasons).
Most people are too close-minded to give Sonic games a fair shot. After the bad main Sonic games it became the in thing to hate on Sonic. That has gone on for too long for people to stop hating on Sonic despite the quality of the games. Even after Colours people still hated on Generations prior to release for no logical reason. When the next Sonic game is announced people will say that will suck too no matter how good it looks. Sonic could have consistently great Sonic games for the next 10 years and people will still hate on Sonic. That's just the way it is. His reputation just got ruined so much that people won't give new games a shot no matter how good they are. The quality of the main Sonic games right now is at the highest it has been since Sonic & Knuckles. To the masses that doesn't matter. Now to those of us that didn't dismiss a new Sonic game just because it was Sonic, of course two fantastic games in a row redeems the franchise. But the fact of the matter is that people willing to try the games out are in a minority. But whilst people will always hate on Sonic no matter what and it will never be as popular as it used to be, we can take comfort in the fact that the series is producing quality main series games again and has a bright future ahead of it.
By the way the reason I said main series several times in this post is because it's the main series platformers that were lacking in quality for a few years. That wasn't the case for the handheld platformers. Every handheld Sonic since Sonic Advance was a great game. Although Generations 3DS seems pretty bad.
Another thing is that people seem to want the Sonic Cycle to persist for some reason even tho it's clearly been broken.
Sonic was never on my "sh!tlist" to begin with. I always preferred Sonic over Mario and still do to this day. Luckily for me, I've never truly played Sonic's "bad" games (Sonic 2006, Shadow, Unleashed, etc., and just a tiny bit of Sonic Heroes), so that never affected the way I view Sonic games.
The last Sonic game I played a long time ago was Sonic Adventure 2, which was a great game back in the Dreamcast days, and I didn't play anymore Sonic games after that until Secret Rings, which wasn't great but was still good fun, and Sonic 4, which I loved despite the lukewarm reception from the fanbase.
And from what I've played of Sonic Colours and Sonic Generations so far, they seem a lot more fun than what I've played of the Mario Galaxy games so far. Despite Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 being two of the highest-rated games of all time, I still ended up enjoying Sonic Colours & Generations a lot more (so far).
How to make a good Sonic game:
1. Make Sonic the only playable character. Tails can be an assist if you want.
2. Don't need to make a complicated story. We don't play Sonic for the story (similar with Mario).
3. Great level design
4. Great music
5. Great bosses
6. We prefer 2D
He is not on my sh!tlist anymore. He is in my worst franchises ever bucket right next to Metal Gear Solid, Wii Play, Wii Shovelware, and Army Men.
The last good Sonic game was Sonic 2 on Megadrive..Code_Red_i always thought 3 was better than 2. i have 2 on my genesis and i have 3 that i bought off steam
sonic colors is widely regarded as a giant step in the right direction. welcome to the minorityThe real abominations are the spinoff Wii Sonic games, like Sonic Colors and the Sword crap.
After playing through Sonic Generations (actually posted a review here) my faith is restored in Sonic Team and their ability to deliver a great Sonic game. Sure there were a few stumbles along the way with Generations but ultimately it was a great game with some awesome levels and I can't wait to see what they do next.
Hopefully we've moved past Sonic's dark years and he has a bright future to look forward to with Generations leading the way and Sonic CD reminding us even further of his potential. Sonic Team has stated that they'll be using the Generations engine for Sonic 4 Episode II and that definitely gets me excited.
Good Sonic games:
Sonic 2
Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Sonic Spinball
Sonic CD
Sonic Adventure 1
Sonic Adventure 2
Sonic Generations
Decent Sonic games:
Sonic 3D Blast
Sonic Heroes
Sonic Colors
Sonic 4
Everything else is s**t.
aside from colors, thats everything on the wii :lol:He is not on my sh!tlist anymore. He is in my worst franchises ever bucket right next to Metal Gear Solid, Wii Play, Wii Shovelware, and Army Men.
Wii shovelware isn't a franchise and the sonic franchise has improved a lot in the last few years.
The modern levels in Generations was a step in the right direction for Sonic. :)
For those who played both Generations and Color (Colour for you UK's :P ), Was the Planet Wisp Act 2 (modern) level in Gen anything like Sonic Colors levels?
Here's how I feel the 3D sonic games/spinoffs should be rated
Great(Above 80-89%)
Sonic and sega all star racing
Sonic Colours
Sonic and the secret rings
Sonic Riders
Sonic Heroes
Winter Olympic game
Decent or okay(59%-70%)
Sonic Unleashed
Sonic 4
Sonic Riders Zero Gravity
Sonic adventure DX
Sonic adventure2 battle
Shadow the hedgehog
Summer olympic game
Horrible or Poor(Below 50%)
Sonic and the black knight
Haven't tried generations yet and I would never like to play 06.
The modern levels in Generations was a step in the right direction for Sonic. :)
For those who played both Generations and Color (Colour for you UK's :P ), Was the Planet Wisp Act 2 (modern) level in Gen anything like Sonic Colors levels?
Some bits and pieces are similar, but the one in Generations is much larger than any of the Acts in Colors. It's pretty much a brand new level.
The modern levels in Generations was a step in the right direction for Sonic. :)
For those who played both Generations and Color (Colour for you UK's :P ), Was the Planet Wisp Act 2 (modern) level in Gen anything like Sonic Colors levels?
Some bits and pieces are similar, but the one in Generations is much larger than any of the Acts in Colors. It's pretty much a brand new level.
Yea in Generations they built entirely new levels using the original as simply a theme for the basis of that level. In the 3DS version they've actually recreated the levels, or at least they have with the original levels from the Genesis era and Old School Sonic. Generations definitely shows they (Sonic Team) have some great level designs up their sleeve and can craft some awesome levels. By the end of Generations I was looking forward to Modern Sonic's level and enjoying his gameplay style quite abit.I was planning on getting the 3DS version when I get my Christmas money. :) Anyone played it?bbkkristianI'm playing through it right now and rather enjoying it. The story isn't as robust as it was in the console/PC counterpart but the level design is great and plays well. I'm only just past the first boss fight but I was glad to see they dropped the challenges in the 3DS version and both versions of Sonic have a boss fight instead of just one version like in the console/PC counterpart.
Keep Sonic in the 2D realm and he'll be fine. The last good 3D sonic was the one I have on my Dreamcast. There hasn't really been a good 3D sonic since. He is better suited for 2D in my opinion.
How to make a good Sonic game:
1. Make Sonic the only playable character. Tails can be an assist if you want.
2. Don't need to make a complicated story. We don't play Sonic for the story (similar with Mario).
3. Great level design
4. Great music
5. Great bosses
6. We prefer 2Dnitekids2004
1. This kind of gets thrown out of the window considering a good portion of recent Sonic games have been Sonic-only, even the ones which were bad. Similarly, there are games with multiple characters which are considered the best in the series (S3&K).
2. We don't need a complicated story, but that doesn't mean there can't be a plot. Unleashed and Colours did their plots very well. Besides, Sonic has always been more of a story-driven platformer. Read the old canon Japanese manuals of the Mega Drive games, there's always been some focus on story.
3. Yes.
4. Yes.
5. Yes.
6. "We"? Just because a Sonic game is 2D doesn't mean it's automatically good. Case in point, Sonic 4.
I still need to play Generations. The 2d level in the demo was great, i don't much care for the modern level though.
I still want a Sonic Adventure 3. Sonic Adventure 2 on the gamecube is still alot of fun.
As for the handheld games I'd say the advance series ispretty goodbut the rush games not so much.
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