I own 33 games for Wii so its anything but casual for me. There's some great games for the system. You just need to look for them.
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I own 33 games for Wii so its anything but casual for me. There's some great games for the system. You just need to look for them.
Any console now that needs you to look deep for good games... is fail.
I own 33 games for Wii so its anything but casual for me. There's some great games for the system. You just need to look for them.
Any console now that needs you to look deep for good games... is fail.
Yeah because picking a game off the shelf with your eyes closed really works out in the end.[QUOTE="manicfoot"]
I own 33 games for Wii so its anything but casual for me. There's some great games for the system. You just need to look for them.
Any console now that needs you to look deep for good games... is fail.
wow dude.You just buy anything then?just wow.I wish i could do that with any console.congrats.[QUOTE="savebattery"]I would argue that the Wii is MORE hardcore than PS3 or Xbox 360. The Wii is place to be for 2D fighters and SHMUPs this generation, and back in my day, that's what we considered "hardcore". Geometry Wars Galaxies, Guilty Gear XX Accent Core, Tatsunoko vs Capcom, Gyrostarr, Star Soldier R, Castle of Shikigami III, Blastworks, The House of the Dead Overkill, Samurai Shodown Anthology, The King of Fighters Collection, Metal Slug Anthology...JLF1
I would say the Wii is still casual. But I'm glad to see all the games coming out for the hardcore gamer.
It's not really 2D some parts are 2D but others are 3D. Also it isn't really just Team Ninja it is also Nintendo R&D 1 (well the people from R&D1 the team that made the original Metroid, Metroid 2, Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion, and Metroid Zero Mission.)A 2D Metroid game from Team Ninja is as about as hardcore as it can get.
The Wii is a perfect storm of hugely commercial titles that appeal to the casual crowd and unique games imbued with an independent spirit that fly under the radar.
For ever major casual title someone names, an equally hardcore one exists. But since it's the casual market that drives the system, it'll continue to be the "console for grandma and grandpa".
I agree it is also getting Rail Shooters like Sin & Punishment and hopefully Star Fox those are Hardcore with alot of enemies on the screen. But Rail Shooters are still SHMUPs the only difference is the camera is behind the character instead of either being from a top-down view or side view.I was literally about to write this, you took the words right out of my mouth. Also I'd like to go even further by saying that the "hardcore" 360 and PS3 games (ie. Halo, Cod4, GeOW2, GTA4, etc.) are just as casual as minigame compilations, they just appeal to a different group of casuals (college Fratboys come to mind) and to some core gamers as well. Just think of how mainstream and toned down gameplay wise shooters have become, and how even nongamers love boobs, blood, and cursing. While on the on the wii there are tons of niche games that are the exact opposite of mainstream with extreme difficulty levels and complex gameplay. Not to mention the ton of old virtual console games like Zelda and super metroid ...for real? Are you saying that a game like Geow 2 or GTA 4 is as casual as freakin' CARNIVAL GAMES?! I know it's your opinion but...I don't know what to say. While those games have mainstream appeal, atleast they can be somewhat challenging (unlike most of the Wii games...). But it's your opinion, so I respect it (but I respectfully disagree with you).[QUOTE="Nintendo_Ownes7"]
[QUOTE="savebattery"]I would argue that the Wii is MORE hardcore than PS3 or Xbox 360. The Wii is place to be for 2D fighters and SHMUPs this generation, and back in my day, that's what we considered "hardcore". Geometry Wars Galaxies, Guilty Gear XX Accent Core, Tatsunoko vs Capcom, Gyrostarr, Star Soldier R, Castle of Shikigami III, Blastworks, The House of the Dead Overkill, Samurai Shodown Anthology, The King of Fighters Collection, Metal Slug Anthology...unknown37
I will not be dragged into this, as I know just how this will end.
Train wrecks are so fun to watch though. :P
Nintendo could still strengthen the first party support some more IMO.
I will not be dragged into this, as I know just how this will end.
Train wrecks are so fun to watch though. :P
Nintendo could still strengthen the first party support some more IMO.
3 Mario platformers, 2 Zeldas, 1 Smash Brothers, 1 Sin and Punishment, 2 Metroids and a rumored Pikmin is a weak 1st party line-up from Nintendo?[QUOTE="Lionheart08"][QUOTE="789shadow"]
I will not be dragged into this, as I know just how this will end.
Train wrecks are so fun to watch though. :P
Nintendo could still strengthen the first party support some more IMO.
3 Mario platformers, 2 Zeldas, 1 Smash Brothers, 1 Sin and Punishment, 2 Metroids and a rumored Pikmin is a weak 1st party line-up from Nintendo? No StarFox or Kirby yet. :{Replace PS3 with 360 and u basically have me. I like both systems I just find myself playing the wii so much more then the 360 as i'm not into online gaming. So many great and underated games r on the system that get no love. Sadly I feel it will always be this way. Just the other day i heard some people talking about e3 so I joined in and theses so called "hardcore gamers" dion't even know what half the wii's lineup is. I guess the wii's only real mainstream titles will be nintendo titles since no one wants to give the 3rd party devs a chance. =(I own a Wii and a PS3 and I use my Wii more. For all types of games. It's a great system.
Wii offers a variety of games for a variety of skill types. Don't label the Wii something you perceive as being derogatory just cause it does this better than the other two consoles. Having high profile lower tier games does not diminish the consoles higher tier offerings. The premise in this thread is flawed and it's the same logic the other two console manufactures are enacting. Thus, the reason they are getting killed this cycle.
In one word "Yes". The Wii does have Mdtroid, Resident Evil, Red Steel :( and a few other games that cater to what we consider the hard core demographic. But if you look at the ads, who they want to attract to the Wii (listen to what they said in their E3 press confrence) people who do not play games but would try them. and the bulk of their library. Wii fitness, Cooking Mama, ads with grandparents playing Wii sports. I would have to say it is casual. Wii fitness sold over 10 million copies with the add on Metroid could not even crack the million mark. Just because a girl puts on a tanktop and cuts her hair short does not make her a man.
I don't know that you could ever reffer to any game console regardless of games line up as casual. Casual describes a style of play, not a gaming line up.
As for their line up shown at E3, I can't say I'm that impressed. I don't know, for my personal tastes, not much there looked that great. I found myself looking at their line up thinking, "Hey, that's a real step up from what I've been seeing on the Wii. That's pretty good for a Wii game." Then I think, "Well, you know, I have a PS3 and 360 and the games there seem to be better so why bother." Just my thoughts on the line ups.
I've had enough of this hardcore casual crap. I play games that interest me. I'd rather be the guy that plays the casual console with games that interest me than the insecure guy who points and laughs at those who don't share my taste. Sorry if some people around here have trouble accepting that.
i used to be a anti-wii back then, until this E3 when they showed the upcoming lineup and it is looking very good TBH
Agreed. I have not posted in SW in a while but it's still the same.:lol:I've had enough of this hardcore casual crap. I play games that interest me. I'd rather be the guy that plays the casual console with games that interest me than the insecure guy who points and laughs at those who don't share my taste. Sorry if some people around here have trouble accepting that.
ps3 and 360 isway more hardcore with shooters and gta games rahul_rul210
...Is that a real argument, or is that a joke post? I really can't tell...
Being a System Wars spectator can be hard at times. :(
[QUOTE="Senor_Kami"][QUOTE="Lionheart08"]3 Mario platformers, 2 Zeldas, 1 Smash Brothers, 1 Sin and Punishment, 2 Metroids and a rumored Pikmin is a weak 1st party line-up from Nintendo? No StarFox or Kirby yet. :{ That's like saying 3 Halos, 2 Fables, 2 Gears of War, a Mass Effect and 1 Forza is a weak lineup from MS. Or, if they were still only batting with Sony, saying that 3 Metal Gears, 2 Final Fantasies, 2 Gods of War, 1 Tekken and 1 Resident Evil and one Gran Turismo is a weak line-up from Sony.Train wrecks are so fun to watch though. :P
Nintendo could still strengthen the first party support some more IMO.
its MOSTLY casual ... the vast majority of games are still shovelware or classic ninty's franchises but I have to admit that at least there's a solid "non-casual" library and its only gonna get better so Im seriously thinkin' in gettin' a wii instead of waiting that my nephews discard his lol!
I hope they never go Hardcore, I don't need some obscure and outrageously difficult games. I just need some fun games like Mario, Rock Band, Halo etcits MOSTLY casual ... the vast majority of games are still shovelware or classic ninty's franchises but I have to admit that at least there's a solid "non-casual" library and its only gonna get better so Im seriously thinkin' in gettin' a wii instead of waiting that my nephews discard his lol!
[QUOTE="sonicthemegaman"][QUOTE="unknown37"]I was literally about to write this, you took the words right out of my mouth. Also I'd like to go even further by saying that the "hardcore" 360 and PS3 games (ie. Halo, Cod4, GeOW2, GTA4, etc.) are just as casual as minigame compilations, they just appeal to a different group of casuals (college Fratboys come to mind) and to some core gamers as well. Just think of how mainstream and toned down gameplay wise shooters have become, and how even nongamers love boobs, blood, and cursing. While on the on the wii there are tons of niche games that are the exact opposite of mainstream with extreme difficulty levels and complex gameplay. Not to mention the ton of old virtual console games like Zelda and super metroidThats games in general. Wii is no gaming savior. PS3/360 have through niche titles to. in fact, with what you said, PS2 is the best system cause it meants those standards. just look at P4.What does a last gen system have 2 do with me thinking the wii has more hardcore games than ps3 and 360? and yes I own Persona 4unknown37
cause the ps2 technically has more core games by your standards which explains why you own P4. im just pointing out that ps3/360 have niche games too. thats fine if you like the wii but niche games to me arent enough to support an entire console.
I will not be dragged into this, as I know just how this will end.
Train wrecks are so fun to watch though. :P
Nintendo could still strengthen the first party support some more IMO.
3 Mario platformers, 2 Zeldas, 1 Smash Brothers, 1 Sin and Punishment, 2 Metroids and a rumored Pikmin is a weak 1st party line-up from Nintendo? yesPlease Log In to post.
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