i guess not. i think the clost game that was a ps3 console seller was mgs4 even though sales fell off the follow months. i think blu ray is a ps3 console seller though
Looking at the current state of things, the PS3 only surpassed the xbox in sales for 1 week. But currently is falling short on average of 50k consoles per week in all regions.
On a side note, props to Killzones' great graphics, its time for Xbox to raise the bar, if they can... we'll see.
No, KZ2 didn't really push a lot of system. Maybe about 20K-25K worldwide, but it was back to normal the next week. Only GT5 and FF XIII will move PS3. Everyone is waiting for those games more then anything.
Nothing this gen has really directly sold consoles. The 360 got outsold by the PS3 the year Halo3 came out. And I remember the shock when both the 360 and PS3 sold less than 200k, when GTAIV came out...
Killzone 2 came out the 25 - 27 of February. The month ended the 28th. IMO looking at the monthly NPD report for February wouldn't be a reasonable "outlook" so to speak.
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