my brother is 33, he bought himself a wii
when i got my wii, he got an old nintendo as a substitute
then he finally found one in a store and he had to have it
his wife loves mario kart, he got smash bros, i gave him mario
i'm surprised he doesn't have zelda considering thats his fav franchise.. but i remember yrs ago he was watching xplay and he saw re4 and tp footage he was just like "wow" but the last game he played was hl2
first time i played mariokart was on his 64, which my mom got him for like his 20th bday.. i used to play with him and his wife all the time (this is what got me to stop bashing the 64 back when i was a psx fanboy, a copy of mario64.. so yeah, i went through the same phase many of you might go through)
next time i see him will prolly be the first time i try wii tennis with 4 ppl
he definately prefers pc for fps so he won't even consider a 360 though he gives ms credit on it
on the other hand.. my gf's dad and half brother(31) both own ps3s (i dont think they're entirely happy with their purchase however, too many games they beat in a day) they also play mmorpgs together
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