This thread amuses me greatly. :D
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[QUOTE="ActicEdge"]Unless you actually know the poster, of which I don't, and I post here quite often, there is -nothing- in the OP that would indicate satire. The post can be taken equally as satire, or as a serious statement from a misguided fanboy. This is System Wars after all, and I've seen more than my fair share of delusional fanboys with 5k+ posts.I find it hilarious people can't see TC is not serious.
True. I know him as a poster around here and when I lurk Neogaf. That's why this thread is funny. But yes 5k delusional posters are actuually common now a days lol.
"So now that the PS3 is no. 1 in the industry again."
that just made me :lol:
might i suggest one of these for the next time?
Nintendo will probably go back to the brothel business , and Microsoft will probably try and merge with apple in a last ditch effort to stay in the game. Sony will likely hire a lot of the best Nintendo programmers.
...and sega smasung will piss in sony's kool-aid.
it appears that TC is only testing people's faith in their console(360, wii) and it doesnt look good, so much DC and crazyness.
Cow's believe this ? :lol:Wii_Gamer_277No, it's only the other deluded fanboys that believe cows think this.
I'm seriously glad that I have both ps3 and 360 and right now I'm ashamed to here so much negativity toward the 360. Theres not that big of a diffrence between the 2, and just because the Ps3 sells a lot in its first week goin anarexic doesn't mean its going to stay that way. seriously I hate fanboy they over hype games and thier systemto the heavens acting like its a new revalation in the bible or qur'an and get me stirred for disapointment.
When do you think Nintendo will go third party and Microsoft will bail out of the gaming industry.>?
I believe m$ could bail out soon I don't know about nintendo but m$ with their reliability issue which is costing them billions they could go 720 and leave the 360 in the dust like they did the original Xbox.
billions huh? you got a link for that chief?[QUOTE="simslifer"]
When do you think Nintendo will go third party and Microsoft will bail out of the gaming industry.>?
I believe m$ could bail out soon I don't know about nintendo but m$ with their reliability issue which is costing them billions they could go 720 and leave the 360 in the dust like they did the original Xbox.
billions huh? you got a link for that chief? He doesn't need one, they deffinately lost something like a billion on the RROD, duno about any other kind of faults like E74.Nintendo will probably go back to the brothel business , and Microsoft will probably try and merge with apple in a last ditch effort to stay in the game. Sony will likely hire a lot of the best Nintendo programmers.
wow. i have never see anyone even considering THAT. don't u think you may be exagerating a little?don't forget all the money nintendo makes from the ds. they also make millions more from the wii.honestly, all this hype is getting very annoying. i can't wait for the day when things will get back to normal. all the ps3 fans will go "ummm, sales don't matter":lol:also, MS has BILLIONS of dollars/pounds/euros/whatever. they can go last place for at least 3 gens without going bankrupt.
No no the TC is right Sony is no. 1 in failure in the gaming industry just like this thread is no. 1 in failure in this forum.
Pretty sure the TC is a sheep.
Why is it all my most liked posters know this lol.
:P I've noticed that alot in regards to other threads.
I really doubt he remembers but me and Farnham go waaaay back. I think around 2003-2005 (when i was on my old account) We used to get into debates regarding Nintendo and he was one of the better posters. *sigh* its such a shame to see what hes become.
Quick little update*remember how i was pissed that FFXIII was coming late December? Well i can put that to rest. I was speaking to my mum and shes visiting some family in Japan from the 13th-20th so im going to ask her to pick it up for me! so thats my christmas saved. I might even ask her to get Fragile Wii too. That was my most hyped game at one point.
I was expecting a level 1 user with like 2 posts..When do you think Nintendo will go third party and Microsoft will bail out of the gaming industry.>?
Is this a joke topic or are you serioud? LMAO!! First of all the PS3 is still 3rd and NOT #1. Not sure how you came to the PS3 being #1. Pretty funny though. 2nd, Microsoft will never abandon the XBox brand. It's been a huge success this generation, so don't hold your breath. Nintendo will never go 3rd party. Especially not after the Wii has outsold the PS3 2:1 worldwide. lol!! The DS is on course to pass the PS2 in sales. Why would Nintendo every go 3rd party? LOL!! Please stay away from the New Message button.When do you think Nintendo will go third party and Microsoft will bail out of the gaming industry.>?
Pretty sure the TC is a sheep.
Why is it all my most liked posters know this lol.
:P I've noticed that alot in regards to other threads.
I really doubt he remembers but me and Farnham go waaaay back. I think around 2003-2005 (when i was on my old account) We used to get into debates regarding Nintendo and he was one of the better posters. *sigh* its such a shame to see what hes become.
Quick little update*remember how i was pissed that FFXIII was coming late December? Well i can put that to rest. I was speaking to my mum and shes visiting some family in Japan from the 13th-20th so im going to ask her to pick it up for me! so thats my christmas saved. I might even ask her to get Fragile Wii too. That was my most hyped game at one point.
Nice, I hope its good. And I only know Farnham in his present form so forgive my ignorance lol. Oh and you want fragile in its original form? I think its slated for NA this year.
WHAT? OMG, how far can cows get their heads in the clouds? this sales thing will last for 2 weeks maximum. prepare to cry a sea of tears when the sales go down:lol:
It's only going to get BETTER ;)
Why in hell would it last only 2 weeks? You do know it's September and with only 2 months until the holiday month (November)?
PS is a very strong brand. Already synonymous to gaming, just as Nintendo is.
PS3 games have significantly improved in the last 3 years, and getting better. Bluray, with all it's major studio backing, is slowly catching up, and with PS3 as also being a BR Player, will only add more ammo to the BluRay ammunition.
Right now, things are doing impressively well for Sony.
Nervous much?
[QUOTE="supa_badman"][QUOTE="G-O-M-J"]lol ps3 is in last place and is staying there..Nonstop-Madness
I had to do it, I see the PS3 Slim selling a lot this fall season.
I had to do it. I see the PS3 selling in last in Japan. That is what could happen to the PS3 slim after it's sales peter out.
if the aliens reverse engineer it, they can play beyond and enjoy 4d graphics too.December 20 2012. It will be no1 for 1 day until the world will reach to an end and the only remnant of the mankind will be cell processor and aliens will learn the amazing story of the PS3
it will be mankind's contribution to the universe
:P I've noticed that alot in regards to other threads.
I really doubt he remembers but me and Farnham go waaaay back. I think around 2003-2005 (when i was on my old account) We used to get into debates regarding Nintendo and he was one of the better posters. *sigh* its such a shame to see what hes become.
Quick little update*remember how i was pissed that FFXIII was coming late December? Well i can put that to rest. I was speaking to my mum and shes visiting some family in Japan from the 13th-20th so im going to ask her to pick it up for me! so thats my christmas saved. I might even ask her to get Fragile Wii too. That was my most hyped game at one point.
Nice, I hope its good. And I only know Farnham in his present form so forgive my ignorance lol. Oh and you want fragile in its original form? I think its slated for NA this year.
Really?? I havent seen it in any of the Wii games to get threads here so assumed it wasnt due till next. I know for certain its not coming till next year in EU and thats where im at. Well tbh, i dont really have a Wii so i guess 2010 is fine. Are you getting it?
I believe m$ could bail out soon I don't know about nintendo but m$ with their reliability issue which is costing them billions they could go 720 and leave the 360 in the dust like they did the original Xbox.
billions huh? you got a link for that chief? He doesn't need one, they deffinately lost something like a billion on the RROD, duno about any other kind of faults like E74. first of all it's a called a provision, not a loss and secondly it was one billion which includes all faults like RROD and thirdly the 1 billion provision hasn't been used up, or else we would have heard about, you can't just sweep one billion under the rug like that[QUOTE="ActicEdge"]
:P I've noticed that alot in regards to other threads.
I really doubt he remembers but me and Farnham go waaaay back. I think around 2003-2005 (when i was on my old account) We used to get into debates regarding Nintendo and he was one of the better posters. *sigh* its such a shame to see what hes become.
Quick little update*remember how i was pissed that FFXIII was coming late December? Well i can put that to rest. I was speaking to my mum and shes visiting some family in Japan from the 13th-20th so im going to ask her to pick it up for me! so thats my christmas saved. I might even ask her to get Fragile Wii too. That was my most hyped game at one point.
Nice, I hope its good. And I only know Farnham in his present form so forgive my ignorance lol. Oh and you want fragile in its original form? I think its slated for NA this year.
Really?? I havent seen it in any of the Wii games to get threads here so assumed it wasnt due till next. I know for certain its not coming till next year in EU and thats where im at. Well tbh, i dont really have a Wii so i guess 2010 is fine. Are you getting it?
No, my friend is. We buy different games so we cn get more range lol. EU is always screwed over though, sucks. I'm not sure why its always absent however.
I'm not sure why a sheep would be posting this, but ... PS3 was never No. 1 and is still not No 1. Just because the slim was released and it has the best fall - winter 2009 lineup doesn't mean it's No.1 in the industry.
WHAT? OMG, how far can cows get their heads in the clouds? this sales thing will last for 2 weeks maximum. prepare to cry a sea of tears when the sales go down:lol:
Every gamer should wish the sales of the PS3 go up. How in the hell could any true gamer support the wii? The thing is a overprice peace of garbage.
WHAT? OMG, how far can cows get their heads in the clouds? this sales thing will last for 2 weeks maximum. prepare to cry a sea of tears when the sales go down:lol:
Every gamer should wish the sales of the PS3 go up. How in the hell could any true gamer support the wii? The thing is a overprice peace of garbage.
A gamer can support the Wii because it is strictly a gaming console.
lol this topic made me laugh. The ps3's in 1st place :roll: That's not gonna happen for a VERY VERY VERY LONG LONG LONG LONG time. So until then, keep dreaming cow.When do you think Nintendo will go third party and Microsoft will bail out of the gaming industry.>?
you're a moron if you took the TC seriously. And lemme guess, you're going to now generalize all "cows" because of the TC and use this as a basis for any other arguments you make with people?
If one fanboy of a faction does something then all fanboys of that faction are judged accordingly. This is what joining a fanboy faction is. You've joined a hive mind. You're actions will be looked at based upon all others that reside in your faction.
Yet another reason why people shouldn't even associate themselves as a cow, lemmings whatever. Be an individual. You can't pronounce your self as one of these animals then get mad when one of your other animals in the family does something dumb. If you're a fan animal you are a part of the fan animals herd.
Why are 360 fanboys acting like next week the Ps3 is going to sell 1 copy even on vgchartz it said it is quite possibly the biggest re-lauch in history of video games. You 360 fans are acting really butthurt right now people are seeing the good deal with the Ps3 and are now buying it. Until Natal Ps3 should do great and next years early releases like MAG and God of War 3 are going to shift a lot of consoles. Also ff13 in japan and don't forget the Ps3 wand people are going to know about that before the Natal
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