In other topics, when someone claims the Wii is winning, there are two common responses..
1) It is not a next-gen console.
2) Sales don't matter.
The latter is what baffles me. If there is such a thing as a console war, in which the company that sells the most consoles wins, then how can one think that sales don't matter?
Of course, one may have his/her opinions to which console is better. That is subjective. Personally, I cannot contribute anything to this because I do not own any of the current gaming machines. But if we are to think there is such a thing as a console war, then by all means the Wii is winning because we must go by what the sales charts tell us, and one does not need to own any of these machines to see this. Also, I am keeping this strictly to the three current major consoles. Not the DS, PS2, etc.
One more thing that must be noted is nobody has won anything yet. Even though the Wii is winning, it has not won. Vice versa with the PS3. It may not be selling as much but by no means has it lost.
Now we get to the former statement. I believe the Wii to be the official next generation Nintendo console. To say otherwise is unfounded. Some may say that because it lacks the power of the 360 and PS3, it cannot be. Are we to believe that Sony and MS set the standard for what should be considered a next-gen console? Does next-gen define itself by power or timeline? Or both?
Either way, have fun with your gaming machines.
God bless, Maiden out.
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