Old news. We've known for a long time 4.5GB is allocated to games with an extra 1GB of flexible RAM.
Nobody is going to use that 1gb flexible ram unless they want laggy menus. lol
This topic is locked from further discussion.
I read some time ago that it was 4.5 with 1GB virtual/flexible or something. So 5.5GB in total, a little more than the X1. Dont think either system will have any problems with ram for a while.
But how long will that 1 GB remain "flexible"? How long till that GB fills up with useless shit?
We're all busy pointing our fingers at the X1 while the PS4 is seemingly more guilty.
So, 4.5GB of ram available for games on PS4, while XB1 has 5.0GB, along with a bloated OS, available for games.
Where is the rest of the ram allocated for on the PS4?
For right now that's fine. The PS4 and Xbox One have direct memory access for the games. On a PC everything is handled by the OS so your memory access is never 100%. 4.5 gbs of RAM is quite a bit.
That number will increase in the future as they finish up the large features on the OS and determine that they don't need any more for the OS.
On the PS4 and Xbox One, unlike a PC, the CPU, GPU, and RAM are split between the OS and games. Games are given direct, uninterrupted access to the hardware. This is a huge performance gain as devs know that the OS will schedule any tasks in between the processing the game. Not only do you get lower level access, it's more stable.
4.5 gbs of direct access memory goes a long way. Most PC games rarely use even 2 gbs of ram.
I read some time ago that it was 4.5 with 1GB virtual/flexible or something. So 5.5GB in total, a little more than the X1. Dont think either system will have any problems with ram for a while.
But how long will that 1 GB remain "flexible"? How long till that GB fills up with useless shit?
We're all busy pointing our fingers at the X1 while the PS4 is seemingly more guilty.
From what I've read the os footprint tends to go down not up.
More guilty of what exactly? Its weaker than the ps4 across the board, in the best case scenario for it it has 512MB more ram(albeit slower), in the worse case scenario its 512MB behind.
I read some time ago that it was 4.5 with 1GB virtual/flexible or something. So 5.5GB in total, a little more than the X1. Dont think either system will have any problems with ram for a while.
But how long will that 1 GB remain "flexible"? How long till that GB fills up with useless shit?
We're all busy pointing our fingers at the X1 while the PS4 is seemingly more guilty.
From what I've read the os footprint tends to go down not up.
More guilty of what exactly? Its weaker than the ps4 across the board, in the best case scenario for it it has 512MB more ram(albeit slower), in the worse case scenario its 512MB behind.
Guilty of being superior
Thats why they call it the 900p station
You know it's bad day for Shitbox when Evo_nine's crap gags are worse than usual.
These excuses about OS reduction etc, sound so stupid coming from cows, because they're the first ones to mock when the lems say stuff like this.
Lems mention drivers which are short term and are constantly upgrade pieces of oftware, or DX12, it's 'teh lolz just wait', now it's 'sony be so awesome, in a few years when they reduce teh os size'.
oh my god Sheen's actually think that El tormo has some sort of tech knowledge instead of just copy and pasting other people.
lol they really are that stupid.
At least more than you..
My butthurt friend now back to your cave..lol
@tormentos: the minitor has 160k polys this from pdf. for ryse there wasnt to much to do in infamous despite it being open world torm go get a ps4 or x1 play both games like i said earlier infamous is a great HERO game but as an open world game its cringe worthy. Please go read the tech behind Ryse and you too will ask the question but maybe not because you be defending games for systems you dont have or havent played
Just 1 character the rest were 85k or less polygon count means nothing is not the 1990's,and Infamous is rendering way more than Ryse is.
Oh please dude Ryse is a game where you can walk more than 20 feet from side to side without hitting a wall,is severely constricted,is basically a corridor shooter but without the actual corridor,is not even close to Infamous which has to render tons of building which you can actually climb,huge explosions,NPC,pedestrians,vehicles has a huge particle system which is one of the most impressive ever saw,and has what DF call the most impressive AA system they saw in any platform.
Like i say Infamous on xbox one would be 720p,Ryse on PS4 would be 1080p with higher frames than on xbox one this is a fact.
Its funny to see people argue about something they don't understand.
This pretty much sums up this thread.
Look what the consoles managed with 512 / 256 ?
Besides, the "social features" part is bs .... being able to multiask as smoothly as the PS4/X1 do is a nice step up, let alone other functionality like Streaming/recording ect... something that will only become more important are finally possible on these devices.
4-5GB for games is far more than enough. I can't think of a PC game I have played that comes close to tapping out 4GB let alone more. with perhaps ridiculous modded exceptetions or "endless" games like minecraft.
I suppose it just wouln't have had the same impact had Sony shouted out at the reveal....
4.5 gigs of GDDR5!!!!! :P
Anyhoo, as some have said, 4-5 gigs for mames will do nicely.
@tormentos: why you arguing with me they are not rendering more stuff they just had to render it more times, it dont matter the characters are 160k-40k with ONE RIG PER MODEL compared to 60k-20k with 4 LODs. I never said the game wasnt pretty with the colors and particles but the best looking still goes to RYSE consistancy wins. DAT Balance lol
@tormentos: why you arguing with me they are not rendering more stuff they just had to render it more times, it dont matter the characters are 160k-40k with ONE RIG PER MODEL compared to 60k-20k with 4 LODs. I never said the game wasnt pretty with the colors and particles but the best looking still goes to RYSE consistancy wins. DAT Balance lol
No the best looking game is not Ryse dude,is a performance nightmare which once was say to have 150k models and then they were downgrade to 85K almost half the polygons gone in 1 swipe,worse the game was also dropped from 1080p,and even still can't run at 30 FPS is 26 FPS mostly with drops into the teens,the xbox one can't even handle that enclosed game.
Infamous has way more open areas and when i say way i mean WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY more open,rendering a city which you can walk on almost every where,not rendering some structures far away which you will never be even close to,so you can see details,article effect,crisp image,incredible explosions,more things at once 1080p more than 30 FPS with some drops,the best AA ever use on a platform.
They are not even close,Ryse is about good looking models and that is it,Infamous it a complete package and still look better,the fact that you compare and enclosed game like Ryse to Infamous is a testament of how great Infamous look while been open world.
The xbox one balance mean sh** look at Dead Rising 3 which is the closes thing to infamous in open space on xbox one,720p with crappy graphics and frames dropping into the teens as well.lol
So much for balance.
Wow, this is incredibly old news.
I noticed there is no link, just a picture. How convienent.
I'm looking forward to your future threads TC where you will post about the Xbone and Wii U RAM usage.
1. Actually it is much easier for the reader for me to post a picture instead of making them click a link. Are you questioning the validity of the image? Here is the link http://www.dualshockers.com/2014/04/02/how-infamous-second-son-used-the-ps4s-8-4-5-gb-of-ram-cpu-and-gpu-compute-to-make-our-jaws-drop/
2. It may be old news to you but I don't remember seeing any developer showing the breakdown of the resources they used for their game. And I certainly don't remember ever seeing legit confirmation for the amount of RAM devs could use on the PS4. Just fanboy babble. This source is Sucker Punch themselves.
3. I seem to have hit a nerve. You have a problem with the age of the news, the lack of a link and then accuse me of being a fanboy. I'm just posting something I thought people would want to see. Infamous is the hot game out right now and Sucker Punch was kind enough to share how they used the hardware. I just found it interesting that they could only use 4.5 GB of RAM. The game still looks great. I've said so in this thread so I'm not sure what you are getting at.
ok let me get this right
6cores 4.5gb of ram,
No 8k textures for mapping, No 4k textures or 2k textures for models
Characters 60k-30k poly with 1-4 LOD Desilin with the most with 60k
While Ryse
5 cores 3.6gb Ram
8k textures for mapping 2k textures for models
Characters 40k-160k polys No LOD one Rig per character
What in the hell they use all that ram for? and they are really pushing the ps4 hard already
open world vs linear isnt really a fair comparison
@GoldenElementXL: It may be new news to you, but to the majority of us knew this long ago.
4.5 GB strictly for games is plenty, so when you throw the word "only" around it just shows you dont know what you're talking about.
@GoldenElementXL: It may be new news to you, but to the majority of us knew this long ago.
4.5 GB strictly for games is plenty, so when you throw the word "only" around it just shows you dont know what you're talking about.
I feel like I can use "only" when there are 8 GB in the console. If you don't like that then fine. Don't like it. But to claim I don't know what I am talking about is a little bold.
@tormentos: Man you have not played not one of those games on your tv so why are you even discussing the game
I don't have to i have eyes and there are ton of great looking videos for both games so save it.
I thought it was 5.
I thought it was 5 or 5.5, too.
It is there is 1GB more which can be use but not as the other 4.5 GB are been use.
Regardless it means nothing,the PS3 used 120MB on launch now use 50MB,they will shrink it as time goes on.
I seriously can not wait til E3. All this "cool" to hate X1 will be shrouded by silence, with Sony fanboys d***s in their mouths. You guys live on forums like these, blatantly hating on a system you have not played. I'm so glad I don't have to rely on mommy and daddy to buy me things and can afford to buy and play any system I want. Most of you need social lives, for real. *SMH*
Even if Ryse 2 were shown at E3, doubling the work done from the first...blows peoples minds at the show...these lil jerks on the net would still find ways to hate. PATHETIC!
Wow, this is incredibly old news.
I noticed there is no link, just a picture. How convenient.
I'm looking forward to your future threads TC where you will post about the Xbone and Wii U RAM usage.
1. Actually it is much easier for the reader for me to post a picture instead of making them click a link. Are you questioning the validity of the image? Here is the link http://www.dualshockers.com/2014/04/02/how-infamous-second-son-used-the-ps4s-8-4-5-gb-of-ram-cpu-and-gpu-compute-to-make-our-jaws-drop/
2. It may be old news to you but I don't remember seeing any developer showing the breakdown of the resources they used for their game. And I certainly don't remember ever seeing legit confirmation for the amount of RAM devs could use on the PS4. Just fanboy babble. This source is Sucker Punch themselves.
3. I seem to have hit a nerve. You have a problem with the age of the news, the lack of a link and then accuse me of being a fanboy. I'm just posting something I thought people would want to see. Infamous is the hot game out right now and Sucker Punch was kind enough to share how they used the hardware. I just found it interesting that they could only use 4.5 GB of RAM. The game still looks great. I've said so in this thread so I'm not sure what you are getting at.
1.) Actually, posting a picture isn't a problem but that link is FAR more informative. Thank you for posting it but that should be standard in creating a thread as people with Photoshop can create anything Regarding the usage of RAM as probably a DOZEN other users pointed out in this thread, this is old news. Anyone paying attention to RAM discussions from knew this information for all three machines. It's nice that Sucker Punch once again confirmed what Sony and other companies confirmed oh so long ago to everyone paying attention. Unfortunately, fan-boys post in RAM threads too, but the information from links can be dissected without being confused by fan-boys. Your picture alone would NOT confirm that it was from Sucker Punch alone, again why a link is vital. In fact, your OP had no discussion points other than a picture from a random source. Because I posted, I now know it's from Sucker Punch, it came with a lot of pictures, and a lot of words. The OP was too bare-bones to make heads and tails of anything. While I knew how RAM worked in these machines, I still questioned why your OP had no words at all and a single picture with no source. Now, I know so much more, and I'm thankful.
There were also crucial other slides/pics in that link that would have been nice as well.
The PARTIAL information in the link (for future readers to disect):
inFAMOUS: Second Son is definitely one of the most visually impressive games available now on a new generation system, and at the Game Developers Conference Lead Engine Programmer Adrian Bentley Explained the ins and outs of its engine and how the resources of the PS4 were used for the game.
Interestingly enough, the first thing we learn is that the game uses only 4.5 GB of RAM and 6 cores of the eight included in the PS4′s CPU. The data about memory matches what was shared about The Order: 1886.
Here’s what we learned from the panel:
As a wrap-up, Bentley mentioned a few elements we (or at least developers among us, gamers will just see the effects) could see in the future:
2.) I wasn't the first to report it's old news in this thread, quite the contrary. It's very old news to many posters in here including myself, I suppose you just skipped those threads back then. Many threads attract fanboys and trolls, so but the major sites reported stuff directly from Sony and the other console manufacturers. There were Xbone Vs. PS4 RAM threads many a day for months and all were legit sources back then.
3.) You did not hit a nerve, I posted three lines. As a matter of fact, although others reported it's old news multiple times in this thread, it was my singular and tiny post that warranted your attention. Therefore, if nerve accusations are flying out, I might be inclined to point out my post garnered your attention and therefore struck a nerve. I wouldn't bother posting anything about your nerves had you left my nerves out of it.
Here's the deal, It is old news how RAM works on these machines and guess what, when you find out more RAM information to compare between the big three you'll understand. I'll give you a hint, based on how you constructed this thread and your previous posts in SW, you won't like how this RAM drama plays out between the other two. I won't spoil the surprise. However, I suspect you aren't going to post a thread about Wii U and Xbone RAM threads and now I know you skipped the threads on those systems MONTHS ago so you are in for a BIG surprise when you find out how those machines utilize RAM. It won't hit a nerve for me when you find out and if you decide to post then either. You may not feel you want to post though once you find out. In any event, it's welcome information once I can properly dissect it now that you posted a link with so much more actual information and various pictures. Again, I'm thankful that you posted a link because I find the information and VARIOUS pictures posted by Sucker Punch to be fascinating. While the allotment of RAM is old news, how Sucker Punch specifically used the RAM for their new game is not old news.
I'll post pictures for others as well, but to those reading, there is more pictures than I'm willing to post so have fun.
@GoldenElementXL: It may be new news to you, but to the majority of us knew this long ago.
4.5 GB strictly for games is plenty, so when you throw the word "only" around it just shows you dont know what you're talking about.
I feel like I can use "only" when there are 8 GB in the console. If you don't like that then fine. Don't like it. But to claim I don't know what I am talking about is a little bold.
Did you care when your phone came with less available space than advertised, your computer/laptop too?
@GoldenElementXL: It may be new news to you, but to the majority of us knew this long ago.
4.5 GB strictly for games is plenty, so when you throw the word "only" around it just shows you dont know what you're talking about.
I feel like I can use "only" when there are 8 GB in the console. If you don't like that then fine. Don't like it. But to claim I don't know what I am talking about is a little bold.
Did you care when your phone came with less available space than advertised, your computer/laptop too?
Or the Xbone or the Wii U?
@GoldenElementXL: It may be new news to you, but to the majority of us knew this long ago.
4.5 GB strictly for games is plenty, so when you throw the word "only" around it just shows you dont know what you're talking about.
I feel like I can use "only" when there are 8 GB in the console. If you don't like that then fine. Don't like it. But to claim I don't know what I am talking about is a little bold.
Did you care when your phone came with less available space than advertised, your computer/laptop too?
Or the Xbone or the Wii U?
Inb4 "You must be a secretive cow to call me out on my hypocrisy TY."
@GoldenElementXL: It may be new news to you, but to the majority of us knew this long ago.
4.5 GB strictly for games is plenty, so when you throw the word "only" around it just shows you dont know what you're talking about.
I feel like I can use "only" when there are 8 GB in the console. If you don't like that then fine. Don't like it. But to claim I don't know what I am talking about is a little bold.
Did you care when your phone came with less available space than advertised, your computer/laptop too?
Or the Xbone or the Wii U?
Inb4 "You must be a secretive cow to call me out on my hypocrisy TY."
It's just friendly RAM banter about Lappys, smartphones, Xbones, Wii Us, and PS4s. :) No name calling necessary for a question, I'd hope.
@tormentos: Man you have not played not one of those games on your tv so why are you even discussing the game
I don't have to i have eyes and there are ton of great looking videos for both games so save it.
Wow. Fail
Just for reference. How much would a PC, with same amount/type of memory? Have available for use in games?
@GoldenElementXL: It may be new news to you, but to the majority of us knew this long ago.
4.5 GB strictly for games is plenty, so when you throw the word "only" around it just shows you dont know what you're talking about.
I feel like I can use "only" when there are 8 GB in the console. If you don't like that then fine. Don't like it. But to claim I don't know what I am talking about is a little bold.
Did you care when your phone came with less available space than advertised, your computer/laptop too?
Or the Xbone or the Wii U?
RAM and hard drive space are totally different. One has a much bigger impact on potential performance than the other.
And @SolidTy I will respond to you here instead of quoting that long response.
I never called out the PS4 or claimed that Nintendo or Microsoft's console was better in anyway so I hope that isn't what you were getting at. And I was here when the RAM wars that started a little over a year ago. The only thing I missed was the confirmation from reputable sources. These slides from Sucker Punch specifically say 4.5. So It confirmed it for me. Sorry to waste your time I guess.
" based on how you constructed this thread and your previous posts in SW, you won't like how this RAM drama plays out between the other two."
"It won't hit a nerve for me when you find out and if you decide to post then either. You may not feel you want to post though once you find out."
I am a Sony fan and have been since the PS1. Just because I don't kiss their ass or worship the ground they walk on like the trolls in System Wars doesn't mean I don't enjoy the PS4 or Vita.
I don't know who you think you are or who you think you are talking to. But I think you may have me all wrong.
@GoldenElementXL: lol @ playing the victim card.
Nobody here knows or cares who you are, you are just some dolt that posted old news and got called out on it. Stop crying.
@PinkieWinkie: Not playing the victim card or crying. Posters like you and @tyloss are so quick to call people out. You are real internet tough guys. I'm gonna go play Infamous now. Have fun "owning" people.
Wow. Fail
Really why fail explain to me why.?
There is tons of media for both games,considering how much screen and videos are posted here to prove something look good or bad i find that very hypocrite from you or any one..
@slimdogmilionar: ikr dude is trollmaster torm mr copy and paste torminator lol really hes the juice in the bottom of the dumpster
Look who's talking MisterXmedia nuts rider...lol
What really have you this butthurt is that time after time i have shutdown your crappy theories and secret sauce crap.
SONY is future proof and knows what's best, after all they delivered the world's most powerful video game console to have ever been created in the history of video games. Quite speculator really and a noble effort.
Thank you SONY.
What exactly are the SPECULATING about? That was a spectacular observation.
Its funny to see people argue about something they don't understand.
It's like fans of the Daredevil film arguing about how to make a good film
@tormentos: you haven't shut anything down you never have nothing but copy paste old ass stuff from last year that was from so called insiders that have dissappeared in these lasts weeks you never have any info from yourself what's really funny you copy and paste shit all the time but when I ask you to find the DF interview when cearny advised devs to use 14+4 cu you seemed to have no knowledge of that and everything doesn't have to be from misterxmedia
That's 900% more RAM than what was available on the PS3.
People don't seem to be able to put things into perspective.
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