If you think that it would be pointless, you never played on the PSP.
I own a PSP.... but the thumb-pad is by far superior to that 'thing' that the PSP had, plus the touch screen pretty much substitutes for a second analog stick/pad.
I guess you never played a DS. Or at least, the games that everyone had (I'm referring mainly to Metroid Prime: Hunters)
I own a DS and would never touch a FPS on it. As previewers have stated with Kid Icarus, the touch screen isn't the best solution. I'd rather have dual analog controls and access to buttons. And the touchscreen is no solution for games like Monster Hunter.
Kid Icarus is a third-person shooter that hasn't got the controls right, and they probably won't fix it before release either (damn them). But SM64DS shows how easy camera is to do without a second thumb stick/pad. It's not the fault of the hardware, but the developers themselves trying to do things the wrong way. Other than that, Metroid Prime Hunter, Moon and Dementium all feel fluid (at least aiming does anyway) with the touch screen so there is no preblem there. Think of it this way, there was only one thumb-stick on the N64 and there's only one on the wii, not to mention the fact that there were none on either the DS or the (S)NES and all of them have been fairly successful regardless.
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