[QUOTE="rexoverbey"] [QUOTE="IronMaidenLives"]Again, people are confusing quality with units sold. This is system wars. Winning this war is all about how much the unit sells, not what is better. I'm not claiming the Wii is better, I'm stating it is winning this war through sales.IronMaidenLives
Last I looked 360 was still the Hardware leader. Will that change in the future? Maybe but Wii sales have been dropping every month. Buhh, buhh the lack of units being shipped. Look back a year ago 360 had shipping problems also. Plus this May 360 will dominate sales of hardware do to Elite, Halo 3 beta, Forza 2, and Mass Effect. No system sellers are coming for Wii next month. Plus you fail to realise that Wii software sales are poor compared to 360. On top of 360 has an attach rate of almost 6 games per consoles compared to the Wii and PS3's small 2.
Why is it nobody can spell realize?
Does the topic title say anything about the 360?
Maybe because it can be spelled both ways and the british usually use "S". http://www.xpdnc.com/moreinfo/orlabour.html
 Go to dictionary.com you might learn something. Plus everytime you are proven wrong you go. "I wasn't talking about 360/PS2..." Yet you were talking about the console wars. Is only Wii in your definition of console wars? I guess you couldn't read your first post either where you mentioned cows and lemmings.
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