Like someone already said, MS doesn't announce their games years in advance.
As a PS3 owner, I find it petty that you are trying to win small, pointless battles.Â
And what is wrong with multiplatforms? Did you also forget the exclusives MS DOES already have? Just because we always look towards the future of games doesn't mean people don't play something currently from the past or present.
MS does have exclusives coming out, as does Sony. Don't try to be petty about it.
I am firmly confident in Sony's future, though I don't see them beating MS to a pulp. However, Killzone 2 is highly questionable considering Killzone 1 (I am getting more and more hyped for it but I will never jump the hype wagon until the game comes out). Though PS3 Exclusives are plentiful, it does NOT mean that the 360 does not have its fair share of exclusives coming up.
It's funny that you scoff at Halo Recon, because I too can eqaully scoff at Killzone 2. Both games are not out yet, so don't sit there and brag about PS3 Exclusives because you hypocritically bash 360's the same way any person with half a mind can bash PS3 games and at the same time praise future 360 games.
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