Most of the time i see people wining about the xbox360 , Xbox live isn't free , Kinect sucks , No exclusives .
My only problem (its not even big for me) are the exclusives , XBL is worth paying for , really , If you don't want kinect don't buy it . not that i will but i may in the future. Now i would like to see some exclusives , now Reach , Fable 3 , and Geow3 are coming and these are some good exclusives , but i would like to see some Banjo , Kameo games even new Ips . Now don't tell me get a ps3 , i don't really care about PS3 exclusives , maybe a bit about U3 but nothing else. Most my games are multi-plat and 2011 is packed with those. So please MS make me happy and announce something soon!
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