lately im loving new vegas more, i just prefer the atmosphere, being alone in the desert feels original and more exciting. ME2 is still a great game
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lately im loving new vegas more, i just prefer the atmosphere, being alone in the desert feels original and more exciting. ME2 is still a great game
new vegas is a great game, but it didn't have the epic factor of mass effect 2 nor the scale.
I love both though.
[QUOTE="Rhino53"]console versions still acting up?I choose ME2 because a can actually go through the entire game without the frame rate randomly going to **** and the game crashing on me
Yeah, for me, at least. I played it again a couple of days ago to see if updates fixed it, probably made it a hour and a half until stuff went downhill
For some reason I got bored of NV and never finished it, which is weird because I loved Fallout 3. I enjoyed ME2 a lot more.
I haven't beeI like the both a lot.But the bugs and performance issues I ran into on the 360 version of New Vegas, really annoyed me. I picked up the PC version yesterday from the Steam sale, hopefully that will turnout alot better.
Anybody know of some good mods?
[QUOTE="Rhino53"]Unfortunately. :( console versions still acting up?I choose ME2 because a can actually go through the entire game without the frame rate randomly going to **** and the game crashing on me
They are not even in the same level... when, few games are in the level of ME2.
ME2 is the better game but theyre definately in the same ball park.
Which isnt top tier btw.
I think NV is much better as an RPG, and a big better overall. ME 2 seems much more impressive at first, but its really really weak as an RPG. New Vegas has way more depth and choice, and I experienced very few bugs and no performance issues with the PC version.
Playing through ME 2 a second time really make its weaknesses apparent, each playthrough I made totally opposite choices (one full renegade one full paragon) but the missions you play are exactly the same. No changes at all, just a few different lines of dialogue from a few different characters. ME 2 is a great game as a genre hybrid but it really isn't impressive at all as a RPG.
New Vegas, on the other hand, needs to be played multiple times in order to see all of the content even in the main quest line. The stats you put points into also make a big impact - some missions can only be completed if a certain skill is high enough, other missions can be completed much more easily if a certain skill is high enough. The game also provides the opportunity to side with different people and factions, while with ME 2 there is essentially no room for manouvering.
I enjoyed Mass Effect 2 more it's obviously a better more polished game. But i guess i still played new vegas more.
I choose ME2 because a can actually go through the entire game without the frame rate randomly going to **** and the game crashing on me
console versions still acting up? My pc version has CTD's, bethesda's engine has never been very stable.Fallout wont have the wowmegafactor that ME2 seems to have, comparing fallout to ME2 is well I think anyway is wrong, its way out of its league. Though in the end different strokes for different folks, its possible to like fallout over ME2. But imho they are in different leagues... Comparing Fallout to oblivion would be a better comparision.
I really like Fallout New Vegas, to me it is the real fallout 3. While I couldnt stand playing Mass Effect 2 (least favorite game all year) I still acknowledge it as a good game. While ME2 may have higher production values, New Vegas is a lot more fun for me.
those two games are made by the same company and have the same philosophy behind the game design, why would we bother comparing them, ME2 is better only because there was more refinement on the story, The characters were more enganging and backstory was available to discover, new vegas is fun, but the presentation for the story comes off incredibly clunky, characters are extremely stiff, presentation is what really seperates the two, that and me2 doesn't even have half as many bugs.Fallout wont have the wowmegafactor that ME2 seems to have, comparing fallout to ME2 is well I think anyway is wrong, its way out of its league. Though in the end different strokes for different folks, its possible to like fallout over ME2. But imho they are in different leagues... Comparing Fallout to oblivion would be a better comparision.
[QUOTE="Santesyu"]those two games are made by the same company and have the same philosophy behind the game design, why would we bother comparing them, You answered your own question imho, thats excatly why I think you should compare them. But thats just me.Fallout wont have the wowmegafactor that ME2 seems to have, comparing fallout to ME2 is well I think anyway is wrong, its way out of its league. Though in the end different strokes for different folks, its possible to like fallout over ME2. But imho they are in different leagues... Comparing Fallout to oblivion would be a better comparision.
I really enjoyed NV but ME2 had alot more replay value for me and I can't wait for ME3. I liked NV more than FO3.FastEddie2121
This is just wrong.
NV had a lot more variety of game-play. The number of variables is limitless. Mass Effect had just blue/red thing going on. Even clasess felt the same.
If the game didn't crash every 2 hours or so in New Vegas I would say New Vegas is the far better experinece but the glitches really hold down the overall enjoyment of the game to the point of insanity.
I think Fallout New Vegas is amazing, but let's not get carried away comparing it to ME2, ME2 is just leagues ahead of FNV and many other games. However, Vanilla FNV is definately > Vanilla Fallout 3
I'm enjoying New Vegas, but Mass Effect just clicked with me - I really got into the series. New Vegas is great, but there are some things I don't like - for example the zooming in on characters when they're talking. I hope there's a mod to remove that. :P I do love how moddable it is - first playthrough and I'm running like six mods already. It's awesome.
If it had a better main story(almost but not quite in some aspects), and wasnt waist high in bugs, then yes. I would agree.
[QUOTE="FastEddie2121"]I really enjoyed NV but ME2 had alot more replay value for me and I can't wait for ME3. I liked NV more than FO3.GeneralShowzer
This is just wrong.
NV had a lot more variety of game-play. The number of variables is limitless. Mass Effect had just blue/red thing going on. Even clasess felt the same.
Where did you get your mods. I'm probably going to do some tomorrow.I'm enjoying New Vegas, but Mass Effect just clicked with me - I really got into the series. New Vegas is great, but there are some things I don't like - for example the zooming in on characters when they're talking. I hope there's a mod to remove that. :P I do love how moddable it is - first playthrough and I'm running like six mods already. It's awesome.
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