I never want Capcom to profit from my money again until they go back to the way there were last gen .
Wait what.... I'm pretty sure Capcom released about 3 versions of Street Fighter 3rd Strike on the Dreamcast and why is everyone hating on Capcom now. Not only have they done this in the past, but other companies are doing this as well. There is a couple versions of Blazblue out right now and Guilty Gear was the worse last gen. So many versions. Its not capcom, but Fighting games in general are known to do this. Its 2011 and now gamers are complaining :? Give me a break.
I said this in the other thread. The hatred for capcom is so strong it's blinding people to the reality of the situation. Not only that but capcom is charging quite a fair price, something people would see if they just looked at the competition.
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