Some marketer probably came up with it. They're not into science and logic, so I make no effort to understand the thinking of a single delusional marketing human who ruthlessly climbed up the corporate ladder, to get themselves into a position whereby they can give a console a moronic name.
Ha, remember when we were discussing whether or not Xbox Infinity was stupid because of what would come after it, guess Microsoft really didn't care about numbering things properly either way. Fusion was a much better name which has the exact same marketing ideas, all of your living room items fused into one console, only without the ridiculous confusing numbering of Xbox One, no idea why that didn't end up being the name cause it was a pretty strong rumour.Yes I remember our conversation very well.
Yeah, the Infinity name lacked logic, and you did help to convince me that a name is a name and it doesn't need logic behind it, it's all about marketing.
I agree that Fusion is a better name and provides the same core message of fusing into one console. I'm quite glad it wasn't called 'infinity' because I had a bet on with a friend irl, he was betting on infinity and i chose a different name, but not 'one' obviously.
Yeah if there's one good thing about "one" it's that nobody saw it coming.
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