Valkyria Chronicles
Eternal Sonata
Star Ocean 4
Persona 4
Uninfinite Discovery
That level 5 game...
So let me ask this, why do alot of games (shooters in particular) get hated on when they use variations of the gritty artsty!e but variations of the anime look aren't hated on by SW? Infact it seems anything with bright enough colours is A-OK in SWs mind, but I'm focusing on the anime look right now, most people give these generic characters a pass, even though they all fall into the typical anime character cliches and designs, but would hate on a marine in an instant.
Could someone shed some light on this? Because it really bothers me, hell even today I saw someone saying VC2 looks better than Crysis because apparently crysis look is "generic" while VC2 isn't typical anime stuff...
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