Look at all the sigs, and half the off topic conversation on SW. Anime lovers all around. I can't stand the stuff myself. Don't care for JRPG myself. Meh.
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Look at all the sigs, and half the off topic conversation on SW. Anime lovers all around. I can't stand the stuff myself. Don't care for JRPG myself. Meh.
I am NOT an anime fan, infact I despise it, but I don't see anything wrong with those artstyles... Its actually pretty nice having something that looks different other than Killzone or Halo graphics.... Its just the OP is hating on JRPGS.bbkkristian
Maybe you need to be a little more open, because if you hate all anime then you just missed out on a masterpiece which is Monster.
many anime fans here
The designs are distinctly Japanese, but they're all different. Whether you like them or not is a different matter, but they're not all clones. Not so much with the space marine look that gets bashed around here, which for the most part consists of bald, 30-something males, or if they have hair, it's brown and very thin. Like so:
The problem isn't with the space marine look, it's that so many games use the same damn look.
my god never notice that
"Anime" in this context is just a term westerners use to distinguish our style of drawing cartoons to their style of drawing cartoons.I would like to think that you're right, and that Japanese games that are cartoonish don't get hated on, but sadly I don't think that's the case.
FFXIII isn't cartoonish, but it's designs are wild and fantastical like any decent Final Fantasy game.
I am NOT an anime fan, infact I despise it, but I don't see anything wrong with those artstyles... Its actually pretty nice having something that looks different other than Killzone or Halo graphics.... Its just the OP is hating on JRPGS.bbkkristian
Seriously? I'm not hating on those games at all.
final fantasy goes for realistic styIe. that's the problem. you assume it's either "realistic or colorful". lots of greys and browns is ugly. final fantasy XIII (and cel shading as a whole... not that FFXIII is cel shaded) has gorgeous, eye-pleasing graphics. that's why those get a "free pass"BrunoBRS
I wasn't only looking at colour scheme, I was also pointing out character designs.
Because it's generally a pretty, colorful art style and it isn't used half as much as grey and brown styles. I dislike anime strongly (Hayao Miyazaki's work being the ONE exception which is why I'm so hyped for "that Level 5 game"), but I like the style of it.
"Anime" in this context is just a term westerners use to distinguish our style of drawing cartoons to their style of drawing cartoons.I would like to think that you're right, and that Japanese games that are cartoonish don't get hated on, but sadly I don't think that's the case.
FFXIII isn't cartoonish, but it's designs are wild and fantastical like any decent Final Fantasy game.
TBH I've never seen any of these games actually get hated on for their artsty!e, people would list tons of things but it's NEVER the artsty!e. All of those except VC, UI and that level 5 game look great to me, but I never understand why people bash the gritty, grey look so often even when the FPS looks different.
Does it even matter? Jrpgs get thrashed on so many other levels in comparison. It could be seen as avoiding the question but I think people can let this one slide haha.
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