[QUOTE="skrat_01"] While you math is technically logical, I have my doubts for a few reasons.
1) The time arguement would only apply if you play way more consoles games than PC games. If you only play a few PC games but have a ton of consoles games, then sure, the install times would in the long-term be less than the disk swapping times. If you have equal games for both, I doubt that you swap disks more time for your console than you spend installing the same number of games on PC. If you have more console games or play more console games, then what does that say about consoles vs PC gaming?
No it is better installing games. You install a single game and the loading times are nice and fast, as are startup times.
As consoles games require switching disks, and have longer loading times - as streaming data off the disk - Installing games is much better.
Why else do PS3 games now have the option to install?
2) I doubt it takes 1:20 to switch disks. I've never timed it, but that seems like a long time to eject one disk and slide in another. Maybe you are right, I don't know. Just seems long to me.
It depends on placement of disks. Personally I dislike having to go back and forth switching disks, as it irritates me - But what can you do.
3) You should include the amount of time spent on PC downloading and installing patches, since that is required to make your PC games run properly.
And you have to do exactly the same with cosnole games nowdays - so there goes that argument.
4) Most importantly, I can't speak for everyone. But for myself...I don't swap disks when I play. I typically play one game at a time and it sits in my console until I beat it. So that negates your whole rebuttal since the time swapping disks for me is practically zero.
I like a variety of games. I always jump between games. I might play some Sup Com, Fallout, then Mechwarrior. Same on my Xbox, I always jump between titles - rather just keeping the disk in the drive for exteneded periods.ZIMdoom
Spin it any way you want, you aren't changing my mind. Installing sucks and I question your math that over the years you spend way more time switching disks. And the reason console games are starting to install is because developers insist on sticking with the same old way of making games...PC **** This is why they all whine and complain about the PS3 hardware. Yet when somebody does it properly, like Naughty Dog did with uncharted (Or Jak and Daxter back in the day) you get a game that requires ZERO installing and has zero loading.
Regardless of your blind and obsessive desire to defend PC's with ridiculousa arguements you can't even defends....that is on a complete tangent of the main arguement. That PCs aren't the best determining factor for what is or isn't needed. they were the LAST to adopt DVD and I don't see hermit saying the DVDs aren't needed when they can just intall everything off cds.
*edit* Why does it censor s.t.y.l.e ?
IM not being blind, obsessive, or unrealistic.Im being a realist here.
Im just as much of a console gamer as you will ever be.
And use logic. There is never a single standard optical disk for PC. During 2000-2001 The vast majority of PC users had only CD-Rom drives - so why would developers bother putting games on DVD?
Whats the point - you limit the amount of people who can play your game, and you can just do multiple CD installation, which would have been much cheaper than adopting to a new format.
And the 'zero installing and zero loading' doesent work for every game.
Sticking a linear tight game like Uncharted into the category of a game like Crysis when it comes to loading is bizzare.
Each game is technically very different - Just because a few games on the PS3 can achieve this data streaming, doesent mean every can.
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