i'm six months in to owning a ps3, and have had a 360 since Oblivion came out. While the ps3 is clearly the better built machine, and probably has a much longer life span to look forward to both in terms of hardware life and technological ceiling, the library is a JOKE. i already have almost everything worth owning for the system at 8 games. 8 games. compared to maybe 80 games on the 360, most of which are stellar titles. now, i love Blu ray and there's no getting past the fact that i use my ps3 more for movies and netflix than for gaming. but multiplatform titles are still better in almost every instance on teh 360 due to the easy development, and the exclusives there have been every bit as strong as the ps3's. and yes, the hidden fees for premium online services on the ps3 pretty much negate any argument that psn is "free".
AND ONE THING THE 360 KILLS THE PS3 ON: CUSTOM SOUNDTRACKS. on anything. the first time i tried to play music in the bg of Infamous and the ps3 told me i couldn't, i wanted to cry. when i play games on the 360, i constantly stream music and the 360 mixes the stereo into the 5.1 surround ambience perfectly. PS3 FAIL. most games license the worst mainstream music or have useless pretentious western bg music. the west never learned to make interesting video game music.
each controller has it's ups and downs; somewhere in between teh ps3 and 360 controllers is the perfect controller. take the dpad and analog face buttons of the ps3, and use the ergonomics, sticks and triggers of the 360. that would be so perfect.
i'm too in love with gaming to choose either side a winner, and you can too!
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