@deadline-zero0 said:
@kinectthedots said:
How is it it dumb to not review it...if it's currently broken and not working but released and on the shelves at full price?
My point is GS has reviewed games in the past that had part or portions of games "not finished/not working" that had promised fixes, it can't be that hard for you to understand.
Again, what teh **** are you talking about?
The embargo ended on Nov 7. That's when Chris posted the "Review in progress" on the campaign parts.
Other publications who gave full scored reveiws had only played the campaign aswell.
This is because the multiplayer only went live for everyone on Nov 11. So, publications like GS, etc, had to wait for it to review the MP part.
Jeff was pointing out how stupid it was for people to give a fully scored review without waiting for the mp to go live.
The shit wasn't working so please stop the damage control. It's been documented and reconfirmed by gamers and players who bought the game. if the MP wasn't broken they could have reviewed it. Giving the dates you are listing doesn't change that fact.
Here you go. Halo MCC updated and reviewed
November 12th, 2014
Halo: The Master Chief Collection review for Xbox One [Updated]
Review Update:
So, here’s the updated side of my review for Halo: The Master Chief Collection.
Multiplayer is pretty busted.
Matchmaking specifically, but other aspects of MP certainly have issues as of this writing. I know that 343 Industries has issued a statement regarding this, and that they’re currently working to fix these issues, but as of 10 or 15 minutes ago, there’s still some serious problems here.
With Matchmaking, you’ll have a real tough time finding any full game. You can’t seemingly jump into existing games, and you’ll spend 4 to 5 minutes in a lobby waiting for the player list to fill, only to see maybe 3 or 4 people join up. If you’re trying to play with a party, that party will be inexplicably split-up when joining games, even when playing split-screen.
Do I doubt that 343 will be able to fix these issues, and eventually get to a point where multiplayer will be a smooth experience for everyone? No. But for those that jumped in Day 1, took time off work, and dropped their own hard-earned cash on what they assumed would be a working product, there’s little solace in knowing that a fix is coming. We all expect the things we buy to work when we buy them, not a day, week, or month down the line. It’s unfortunate for Halo: TMCC in the sense that I think this is a pretty great collection of obviously fantastic games, but until the issues with MP are sorted out, you’re only getting half of what you paid for.
So, as of now, I’d strongly suggest holding off on picking this up. This month and last aren’t lacking in quality games to pass your time with at least, so there’s that. Hopefully, for those that bought Halo: TMCC a permanent fix comes along sooner than later, or you can get some enjoyment out of the single-player experience for the time being. But it’s certainly not fair to wait for the product you purchased to work, and because of that, I want to be sure that my review score for this retail product reflects that.
I think this guy sums it up best:
"for those that jumped in Day 1, took time off work, and dropped their own hard-earned cash on what they assumed would be a working product, there’s little solace in knowing that a fix is coming. We all expect the things we buy to work when we buy them, not a day, week, or month down the line"
"But it’s certainly not fair to wait for the product you purchased to work, and because of that, I want to be sure that my review score for this retail product reflects that."
I am not so much jumping on Halo MCC as I am on GS here.
DriveClub got the same treatment and rightfully so. So I really don't understand what your grip is as you didn't have any problem with that review despite a fix being promised in the future, and what about AssCreed?
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