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In all honesty its true , there is really no reason to buy BF4 if you own a PS4, the 3rd one was terrible. Im not even sure why they bothered to put a Single player campaigne.
This post is so dumb
WHy wouldn't you buy BF4 if you have a PS4? It offers an incredibly different form of MPcompared to KZ's. You could just get both and enjoy both
I agree on the Single Player though. It's dead weight
Why is that post dumb? It's his opinion, and I agree with him. What difference does BF4 offer in MP? Commander mode? New maps? New vehicles? New weapons? They could've released all this as separate DLC packs instead. Shame that DICE doesn't even take any effort in making a different BF experience. Instead they rip the same old game and adding DLC to it.What does the new KZ offer over KZ3? Better visuals? New weapons? I'm not bashing KZ at all, just showing how flawed your logic is
Also DICE couldn't have released it as DLC because they migrated to a newer version of the engine compared to BF3 that allows them to do a lot more dynamic things in each map. Not only that but now the console version supports the full 64 players which is a pretty big deal for the game overall. Now they don't have to design maps based on different palyer counts
Stop being such fanboys. Both games offer something great for different types of MP experiences
There is nothing dumb about it, if you want to support sloppy ports and let EA screw you be my guest. This is the same company that gave the PS3 the shaft for about the first 2 years untill people complained enough.Â
Which has NOTHING got to do with your original argument against it
Can anyone speak Canadian cause daddy wants this!
I think this is Czech. (note that Czech =/= Chechen)
Anyway, it says "collector's editon", "black winter cap with logo", "extra disk", "steelbook with game's logo", "everything in plastic box", "ceramic grenade", "war armband".
Calm down this wasn't a dig at the PS4 that it can't run great looking games, so why bring XBone into it? This is talking about a unfinished game, running on new console hardware that currently isn't holding up to footage previously lets talk about ryse and dead rising 3 xbox one exclusives looking like garbage and one if not both struggling for 30fps EXCLUSIVES xbox one underpowered killzone shadow fall driveclub and LOL even knack looks better than any xbox exclusive launch title
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