I love how people pretend they don't remember Take 2 coming out and saying GTA IV sold about 50/50 on both consoles or the sales numbers for RE5 or Street Fighter 4 or Batman: Arkham Asylum.
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I love how people pretend they don't remember Take 2 coming out and saying GTA IV sold about 50/50 on both consoles or the sales numbers for RE5 or Street Fighter 4 or Batman: Arkham Asylum.
The only reason the 360 sold better and is in the lead is cuz of the price difference and release date,if both consoles had been released at the same time the ps3 would have owned the 360.Thats a fact.Everyone Ive talked to I asked them y didnt u get a ps3?They all say"OMG ps3 is expensive".And if u notice,the ps3 has been booming since the release of the ps3 slim/price cut.The ps3 is obviously behind the 360 now cuz,as I said,majority of gamers bought a 360 cuz it was cheaper at the time.
playstation should smash ps3 with the slim release but if doesnt and by the end of this gen ps3 only has few more million thats still a big win for MS
playstation has been the mostpopular for the last 15 years
I'd also add that despite this alleged larger install base, the big name multiplats usually sell 50/50 on both PS3 and 360 (and in some cases, they sell more on the PS3). This occurs even despite the fact that some multiplats have exclusive content on the 360.
1.st one for Munasha, where do you have the source of this? and more importantly why would people buy 3 360's?
TREY_FOR_LI4E: Again, where do you have any proof of this? N4G reported that GTA IV for the 360 sold significantly better than the ps3 version, same goes for fallout, oblivion and nearly every other multiplat out there.
If One RROD they sand it to MS and they have an extra one.Plenty of ppl all over youtube and alot in my city have more the one xbox. U cant keep a lemming away from their Halo online gaming Is this what cows are going to be claiming from here on out. Can't refuet the fact the PS3 is in last so you make up the "sales are high due to RROD". You have ZERO proof and yet you talk as if what you say is fact. Here's a fact...I'm on my 3rd 360 and I didn't have to pay a dime for any accept the one I bought at launch. Last time I checked warranty returns are NOT counted towards sales.2 can play that game. The ONLY reason the PS3 has sold what it has is because of NAME and BR player. Not because it's a great gaming machine. If it didn't carry the PS brand it would have gone out of business, just like the NEO GEO system, a long time ago. Face it cows....the 360 had horrible hardware problems for the past 3-4 years and YET it's still leading the PS3 in sales. Oh yeah let's not forget the PS3 did launch in Japan MONTHS before the US release. Not to mention the 360 shortage after it's launch wich lasted nearly 3-4 months. You cows should just relax and enjoy your gaming system or BR players, which ever you prefer to call it.The only reason the 360 sold better and is in the lead is cuz of the price difference and release date,if both consoles had been released at the same time the ps3 would have owned the 360.Thats a fact.Everyone Ive talked to I asked them y didnt u get a ps3?They all say"OMG ps3 is expensive".And if u notice,the ps3 has been booming since the release of the ps3 slim/price cut.The ps3 is obviously behind the 360 now cuz,as I said,majority of gamers bought a 360 cuz it was cheaper at the time.
In red.....killed arguementThe 360 is ahead of the PS3 in sales. However, even if they were on equal footing, this would not be a suprise given that the 360 had an extra year to accumulate sales.(yes and a year on the Wii to) Realistically, the only thing that is important is the rate of sales over various time slices.
As we know, the PS3 had an amazing last few weeks. With a slew of great releases, a great pricecut, and a sexy looking addition to their SKU lineup, it's no wonder why. What remains is to see how long this stride lasts, and whether this will be enough to stay lasts.
Hard data aside, what about the social aspect of the PS3? I think a person would have to be living under a rock to have not noticed the sudden surge of interest towards the PS3. This is rather unprecidented, to the extent that I do not believe this kind of social surge happened in a long time. Polls across message boards are indicating that the PS3 is ahead... and this mindset is just as important as any bit of raw data. Quite simply because it is one of the measures of successs.
Who is really winning the console race? Socially speaking, it seems like the win is now in Sony's hand.
lmao, no matter how pretty you TRY to put it the ps3 is still last n the only people who think its "surging" are fanboys like you. good try though...
That's cute, given the PS3 is the last of the current gen systems I bought. Yet you take the time to make a thread defending the PS3's social status rank?Another way to measure success is to see who's buying games. That's what a video game console is all about, right? The attach rate for the PS3 is, at best, 3.4. The attach rate for the 360 is 8.7. This could go along with your whole social theory, as well. Who's winning the console war? Nintendo. Who's in last place? PS3.MortalDecay
You are way off on your PS3 number
I'm not sure where you are getting your numbers from. The Latest attach rate I could find is: http://www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_index.php?story=23308
PS3- 6.5
360- 7.5
some wise guy mentioned that xbox has sold more 7 millions units . these so called 7 million more units are sold due to rrod. . thousands xbox users had at least 2 or 3 rrod which is ridiculous.so technically speaking ps3 users are more than xbox users :P
Please say your joking.....do you not think software sales might refute this theory? or are people buying 2-3 copies of the same game to go with their 2-3 xboxes?That's Economically speaking.... Although, I disagree with the TC and think he is speaking nonsense.Socially speaking, the 360 has still sold 7 more million units, which means that hypothetically there are 7 million more xbox 360 owners than ps3 owners, so that makes it more popular
i think atleast 3 million of does are RROD infected and people have to re buySocially speaking, the 360 has still sold 7 more million units, which means that hypothetically there are 7 million more xbox 360 owners than ps3 owners, so that makes it more popular
The PS3 was being bashed by the media and Xbox fanboys.I'm sure PS3 owners remember"PS3 has no games and it cost too much".Now its the same price and has alot of games but MS fanboys want to act as if Xbox is still better cause it has 7 million more consoles sold after a year had start and they have nothing to do except play another halo game.MunashaHalo 3 came out 2 years after launch. :|
I'd also add that despite this alleged larger install base, the big name multiplats usually sell 50/50 on both PS3 and 360 (and in some cases, they sell more on the PS3). This occurs even despite the fact that some multiplats have exclusive content on the 360.
1.st one for Munasha, where do you have the source of this? and more importantly why would people buy 3 360's?
TREY_FOR_LI4E: Again, where do you have any proof of this? N4G reported that GTA IV for the 360 sold significantly better than the ps3 version, same goes for fallout, oblivion and nearly every other multiplat out there.
If One RROD they sand it to MS and they have an extra one.Plenty of ppl all over youtube and alot in my city have more the one xbox. U cant keep a lemming away from their Halo online gamingAnd where do you have information that microsoft counts fixed/replaced 360's as sold?
If One RROD they sand it to MS and they have an extra one.Plenty of ppl all over youtube and alot in my city have more the one xbox. U cant keep a lemming away from their Halo online gaming[QUOTE="Munasha"][QUOTE="DoomZaW"]
1.st one for Munasha, where do you have the source of this? and more importantly why would people buy 3 360's?
TREY_FOR_LI4E: Again, where do you have any proof of this? N4G reported that GTA IV for the 360 sold significantly better than the ps3 version, same goes for fallout, oblivion and nearly every other multiplat out there.
And where do you have information that microsoft counts fixed/replaced 360's as sold?
We're talking about people who go out and buy a second 360 while their broken one is in the shop. Lots of people I know have two 360s for that reason.
Socially speaking? What? I'm lost. How does a few weeks of good sales totally negate 3 years of consistent sales?
[QUOTE="Munasha"] If One RROD they sand it to MS and they have an extra one.Plenty of ppl all over youtube and alot in my city have more the one xbox. U cant keep a lemming away from their Halo online gamingTREY_FOR_LI4E
And where do you have information that microsoft counts fixed/replaced 360's as sold?
We're talking about people who go out and buy a second 360 while their broken one is in the shop. Lots of people I know have two 360s for that reason.
And do you really in full conciousness believe that made over a million people in total?
And where do you have information that microsoft counts fixed/replaced 360's as sold?
We're talking about people who go out and buy a second 360 while their broken one is in the shop. Lots of people I know have two 360s for that reason.
And do you really in full conciousness believe that made over a million people in total?
With a failure rate of around 30-54.2%, yes, I do.
Also, that's not counting people who bought a second 360 after their first one died and was no longer covered by warranty.
And where do you have information that microsoft counts fixed/replaced 360's as sold?
We're talking about people who go out and buy a second 360 while their broken one is in the shop. Lots of people I know have two 360s for that reason.
And do you really in full conciousness believe that made over a million people in total?
Anyways it dosen't even matter. Why fanboys compare sells when the consoles where not released at the same time?? i dont know why.but we do know that the Ps3 is doing well and it has released alot of AAAE games this year than 360.Social evidence(If there is such a thing): Despite what cows opine as being the "worst consumer hardware failure in history," it is still beating it's most direct competition by millions(and millions) of consoles. I find that really amusing.Vadamee
X-Box division profit nearly doubles, nearly 34 million 360's sold.
Nope, not even close to winning against the 360 & closing the gap.
Funny whenever a cow tries to make up some excuse as to why Sony is getting beat down by the competition they never add the fact that the PS3 has a Blu Ray drive into their calculations. For all we know 50% or more of the PS3s sold were sold as movie players, and I'm not just saying that because the sales numbers for games and the attach rate fleshes this theory out. Sad to see how far the mighty juggernaut that was Sony has fallen. Instead of totally dominating everyone like usual now they have to scramble for Microsoft and Nintendo's table scraps. In case you cows can't read between the lines this gen has already been decided and in the 360s favor at that. Don't bother mentioning the Wii because while it has the most hardware sold, it doesn't set trends and doesn't seriously effect the industry as far as I can tell in regards to the real game machines or real games it is irrelevant to the context of this discussion.
Teh truth.
[QUOTE="Vadamee"]Social evidence(If there is such a thing): Despite what cows opine as being the "worst consumer hardware failure in history," it is still beating it's most direct competition by millions(and millions) of consoles. I find that really amusing.EmperorSupremeWorst failure rate in history and people still give them their money and even stand up for it. I find that really sad Isn't that what happened with the PS2? Didn't the PS2 has massive DRE errors? I know at some point every PS2 I had or my friends had got that error. I guess you could say Sony started that trend of backing crap hardware.
X-Box division profit nearly doubles, nearly 34 million 360's sold.
Nope, not even close to winning against the 360 & closing the gap.
Funny whenever a cow tries to make up some excuse as to why Sony is getting beat down by the competition they never add the fact that the PS3 has a Blu Ray drive into their calculations. For all we know 50% or more of the PS3s sold were sold as movie players, and I'm not just saying that because the sales numbers for games and the attach rate fleshes this theory out. Sad to see how far the mighty juggernaut that was Sony has fallen. Instead of totally dominating everyone like usual now they have to scramble for Microsoft and Nintendo's table scraps. In case you cows can't read between the lines this gen has already been decided and in the 360s favor at that. Don't bother mentioning the Wii because while it has the most hardware sold, it doesn't set trends and doesn't seriously effect the industry as far as I can tell in regards to the real game machines or real games it is irrelevant to the context of this discussion.
Teh truth.
LMAO OK Xbox 360 wins the sells then what now.I still have the same amount of AAAE games as you.and I get a bluray player too and free online. Dont 4get sales make a console so Wii>Xbox[QUOTE="EmperorSupreme"][QUOTE="Vadamee"]Social evidence(If there is such a thing): Despite what cows opine as being the "worst consumer hardware failure in history," it is still beating it's most direct competition by millions(and millions) of consoles. I find that really amusing.kingtitoWorst failure rate in history and people still give them their money and even stand up for it. I find that really sad Isn't that what happened with the PS2? Didn't the PS2 has massive DRE errors? I know at some point every PS2 I had or my friends had got that error. I guess you could say Sony started that trend of backing crap hardware. Coincidently, the same thing happened to me a few weeks ago. After 8 years of ownership, my PS2 finally got the DRE. Couldn't fix it, so I had to get a new one. No lie.
[QUOTE="Vadamee"]Social evidence(If there is such a thing): Despite what cows opine as being the "worst consumer hardware failure in history," it is still beating it's most direct competition by millions(and millions) of consoles. I find that really amusing.TREY_FOR_LI4E
Don't tell me you seriously belive that line of B.S,
there, more proof
The gap only has only increased since the release of the PS3
[QUOTE="garland51"]X-Box division profit nearly doubles, nearly 34 million 360's sold.
Nope, not even close to winning against the 360 & closing the gap.
Funny whenever a cow tries to make up some excuse as to why Sony is getting beat down by the competition they never add the fact that the PS3 has a Blu Ray drive into their calculations. For all we know 50% or more of the PS3s sold were sold as movie players, and I'm not just saying that because the sales numbers for games and the attach rate fleshes this theory out. Sad to see how far the mighty juggernaut that was Sony has fallen. Instead of totally dominating everyone like usual now they have to scramble for Microsoft and Nintendo's table scraps. In case you cows can't read between the lines this gen has already been decided and in the 360s favor at that. Don't bother mentioning the Wii because while it has the most hardware sold, it doesn't set trends and doesn't seriously effect the industry as far as I can tell in regards to the real game machines or real games it is irrelevant to the context of this discussion.
Teh truth.
LMAO OK Xbox 360 wins the sells then what now.I still have the same amount of AAAE games as you.and I get a bluray player too and free online. Dont 4get sales make a console so Wii>XboxPlus Wii may have won in sales over the 360 & PS3, but not in games. Plus whenever you play too many Blu-Ray movies, your laser wears down. As far as online? LMAO. It's free because it's lackluster at best.
PS3 sold over 10 million consoles in 2008 despite competition from the Wii and 360, despite a $400 price tag, despite the 360 being slashed to $200 later that year, and despite one of the worst holiday sales seasons since perhaps the Great Depression. So you're telling me that 7 million 360s sold in 1 year without any competition from the Wii and PS3 is supposed to be impressive?
[/QUOTE Yes because it was the start of a new generation, before everyone started jumping on the bandwagon[QUOTE="DoomZaW"][QUOTE="TREY_FOR_LI4E"]
We're talking about people who go out and buy a second 360 while their broken one is in the shop. Lots of people I know have two 360s for that reason.
And do you really in full conciousness believe that made over a million people in total?
Anyways it dosen't even matter. Why fanboys compare sells when the consoles where not released at the same time?? i dont know why.but we do know that the Ps3 is doing well and it has released alot of AAAE games this year than 360.Changing subject now after several hours of discussion how much the 360's sales were inflated, and PS3 had sold more? And now sales don't matter... again :roll:
You can't know that, there is no evidence to suggest otherwise,The only reason the 360 sold better and is in the lead is cuz of the price difference and release date,if both consoles had been released at the same time the ps3 would have owned the 360.Thats a fact.Everyone Ive talked to I asked them y didnt u get a ps3?They all say"OMG ps3 is expensive".And if u notice,the ps3 has been booming since the release of the ps3 slim/price cut.The ps3 is obviously behind the 360 now cuz,as I said,majority of gamers bought a 360 cuz it was cheaper at the time.
Hard data aside, what about the social aspect of the PS3? I think a person would have to be living under a rock to have not noticed the sudden surge of interest towards the PS3. This is rather unprecidented, to the extent that I do not believe this kind of social surge happened in a long time. Polls across message boards are indicating that the PS3 is ahead... and this mindset is just as important as any bit of raw data. Quite simply because it is one of the measures of successs.Since we are going to toss hard data and use our own subjective metrics, I will add mine: I went to two different Sony Style stores this week. Both times I noticed more interest in the PSP than the PS3. I only saw one guy try the PS3 and he didn't seem that impressed. Thus I think it is safe to conclude that Sony should abandon the PS3 and focus on the PSP.Who is really winning the console race? Socially speaking, it seems like the win is now in Sony's hand.
you do know that System Wars only counts for .000000001% of the "social" community, right?
actually its more like, .0000000000000000000000000000000001% yet in the minds of the system wars faithful, they can claim that a console is failing because there were 4 boxes on the shelf at their local gamestop.
PS2 vs Xbox = 140 million vs 24 million
PS3 vs 360 = 24 million vs 32 million
You tell me which company is pulling their hair out over lost marketshare :lol:
[QUOTE="BilkeLegenda"]2 can play that game. The ONLY reason the PS3 has sold what it has is because of NAME and BR player. Not because it's a great gaming machine. If it didn't carry the PS brand it would have gone out of business, just like the NEO GEO system, a long time ago. Face it cows....the 360 had horrible hardware problems for the past 3-4 years and YET it's still leading the PS3 in sales. Oh yeah let's not forget the PS3 did launch in Japan MONTHS before the US release. Not to mention the 360 shortage after it's launch wich lasted nearly 3-4 months. You cows should just relax and enjoy your gaming system or BR players, which ever you prefer to call it.The only reason the 360 sold better and is in the lead is cuz of the price difference and release date,if both consoles had been released at the same time the ps3 would have owned the 360.Thats a fact.Everyone Ive talked to I asked them y didnt u get a ps3?They all say"OMG ps3 is expensive".And if u notice,the ps3 has been booming since the release of the ps3 slim/price cut.The ps3 is obviously behind the 360 now cuz,as I said,majority of gamers bought a 360 cuz it was cheaper at the time.
Ofcourse 2 can play at this game.U foget to mention the only reason the 360 sold so good is cuz of the big price difference.Ofcourse if it didnt carry the PS brand it would end up in trash,I think thats obvious.And ofcourse the 360 is still in the lead cuz its always been cheaper than the ps3 up until the slim came out and the ps3 is slowely catching up.The 360 still has horrible hardware,what is it now like 4 years since the 360 has been released and still has all those problems such as rrod and the disc eating,its terrible.Im a former 360 owner and I enjoyed that system till I had to deal with the rrod twice,I bought the 360 twice,each lasting about 6 months.Warranty?I dont want a refurbished console,I want what I paid for,a brand new console.There is a big difference between refurbished and new.Ive dealt with refurbished systems before and their no good.The 360 is pretty muchguaranteed to die with in 2 years,and u gotta bereally lucky to have it last 2 years.The ps3 is built to last.And before anyone brings up the YLOD or whatever its called,think about what the 360s death rate is.
The 360 is ahead of the PS3 in sales. However, even if they were on equal footing, this would not be a suprise given that the 360 had an extra year to accumulate sales. Realistically, the only thing that is important is the rate of sales over various time slices.
As we know, the PS3 had an amazing last few weeks. With a slew of great releases, a great pricecut, and a sexy looking addition to their SKU lineup, it's no wonder why. What remains is to see how long this stride lasts, and whether this will be enough to stay lasts.
Hard data aside, what about the social aspect of the PS3? I think a person would have to be living under a rock to have not noticed the sudden surge of interest towards the PS3. This is rather unprecidented, to the extent that I do not believe this kind of social surge happened in a long time. Polls across message boards are indicating that the PS3 is ahead... and this mindset is just as important as any bit of raw data. Quite simply because it is one of the measures of successs.
Who is really winning the console race? Socially speaking, it seems like the win is now in Sony's hand.
It is not a surprise given that the 360 had a head start? That's funny, most cows claimed that the head start would be wiped out in year ONE, prior to launch...2 can play that game. The ONLY reason the PS3 has sold what it has is because of NAME and BR player. Not because it's a great gaming machine. If it didn't carry the PS brand it would have gone out of business, just like the NEO GEO system, a long time ago. Face it cows....the 360 had horrible hardware problems for the past 3-4 years and YET it's still leading the PS3 in sales. Oh yeah let's not forget the PS3 did launch in Japan MONTHS before the US release. Not to mention the 360 shortage after it's launch wich lasted nearly 3-4 months. You cows should just relax and enjoy your gaming system or BR players, which ever you prefer to call it.[QUOTE="kingtito"][QUOTE="BilkeLegenda"]
The only reason the 360 sold better and is in the lead is cuz of the price difference and release date,if both consoles had been released at the same time the ps3 would have owned the 360.Thats a fact.Everyone Ive talked to I asked them y didnt u get a ps3?They all say"OMG ps3 is expensive".And if u notice,the ps3 has been booming since the release of the ps3 slim/price cut.The ps3 is obviously behind the 360 now cuz,as I said,majority of gamers bought a 360 cuz it was cheaper at the time.
Ofcourse 2 can play at this game.U foget to mention the only reason the 360 sold so good is cuz of the big price difference.Ofcourse if it didnt carry the PS brand it would end up in trash,I think thats obvious.And ofcourse the 360 is still in the lead cuz its always been cheaper than the ps3 up until the slim came out and the ps3 is slowely catching up.The 360 still has horrible hardware,what is it now like 4 years since the 360 has been released and still has all those problems such as rrod and the disc eating,its terrible.Im a former 360 owner and I enjoyed that system till I had to deal with the rrod twice,I bought the 360 twice,each lasting about 6 months.Warranty?I dont want a refurbished console,I want what I paid for,a brand new console.There is a big difference between refurbished and new.Ive dealt with refurbished systems before and their no good.The 360 is pretty muchguaranteed to die with in 2 years,and u gotta bereally lucky to have it last 2 years.The ps3 is built to last.And before anyone brings up the YLOD or whatever its called,think about what the 360s death rate is.
Really??? The games didn't have anything to do with the system selling so well? The fact that the Pro model was the best selling and not the $199 base model doesn't tell you anything?
I hope YOU realize the ONLY reason the PS3 sold what it has is because of it's BR playing ability and NOT because of it's games. That's pretty sad if you ask me. It's primary function is as a gaming machine.
I love how cows say it's catching up because of a sales spike AFTER a price drop. Of course the sales are going to spike but for how long is the question.
BTW the PS3 was OUTSOLD last year....by both Nintendo and MS.
[QUOTE="kingtito"] 2 can play that game. The ONLY reason the PS3 has sold what it has is because of NAME and BR player. Not because it's a great gaming machine. If it didn't carry the PS brand it would have gone out of business, just like the NEO GEO system, a long time ago. Face it cows....the 360 had horrible hardware problems for the past 3-4 years and YET it's still leading the PS3 in sales. Oh yeah let's not forget the PS3 did launch in Japan MONTHS before the US release. Not to mention the 360 shortage after it's launch wich lasted nearly 3-4 months. You cows should just relax and enjoy your gaming system or BR players, which ever you prefer to call it. kingtito
Ofcourse 2 can play at this game.U foget to mention the only reason the 360 sold so good is cuz of the big price difference.Ofcourse if it didnt carry the PS brand it would end up in trash,I think thats obvious.And ofcourse the 360 is still in the lead cuz its always been cheaper than the ps3 up until the slim came out and the ps3 is slowely catching up.The 360 still has horrible hardware,what is it now like 4 years since the 360 has been released and still has all those problems such as rrod and the disc eating,its terrible.Im a former 360 owner and I enjoyed that system till I had to deal with the rrod twice,I bought the 360 twice,each lasting about 6 months.Warranty?I dont want a refurbished console,I want what I paid for,a brand new console.There is a big difference between refurbished and new.Ive dealt with refurbished systems before and their no good.The 360 is pretty muchguaranteed to die with in 2 years,and u gotta bereally lucky to have it last 2 years.The ps3 is built to last.And before anyone brings up the YLOD or whatever its called,think about what the 360s death rate is.
Really??? The games didn't have anything to do with the system selling so well? The fact that the Pro model was the best selling and not the $199 base model doesn't tell you anything?
I hope YOU realize the ONLY reason the PS3 sold what it has is because of it's BR playing ability and NOT because of it's games. That's pretty sad if you ask me. It's primary function is as a gaming machine.
I love how cows say it's catching up because of a sales spike AFTER a price drop. Of course the sales are going to spike but for how long is the question.
BTW the PS3 was OUTSOLD last year....by both Nintendo and MS.
The saddast thing about this war is how lemmings are trying to defend such a poorly designed console.And I hope YOU realize that thats not the ONLY reason the ps3 sold,the ps3 sold mainly cuz of its games,high qulity hardware and good reliability.Considering that the 360 was released a whole year before the ps3 the games didnt have much to do with the sales cuz the 360 was the only new system out at that time.But as I have said countless times before,if the ps3 were released at the same time as the 360 with the same price as the 360,then the 360 would have been owned.Best selling?yeah ofcourse,and as soon as it died everyone had to get a new one so that does tell EVERYONE alot of things.I just love how lemmings try to come up with every excuse they possibly can to defend such a bad console.But its really starting to get old,fortunately alot of former lemmings have realized that and switched to the ps3.Im sure it was outsold,I mean the Wii is a pretty solid console like the ps3,doesnt crash within 2 years,and 360 sold cuz peeps are having to buy multiple systems cuz of the rrod.
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