Okay so after watching some gameplay over at gametrailers.com I really believe that the Socom franchise is taking a turn for the worse. Now before you cows start flamming me and saying I am just a big stupid lemming listen to what I have to say.
I played and love Socom 1,2 and 3, those where some of the first shooters (aside from Golden Eye and Perfect dark for the N64) that I got into. I loved the campaign and the tactical appraoch the game had, along with its stellar graphics (for the time). Now with the new game startin to see more media coverage I am very dissapointed with a couple of things:
1. The graphics, for a next gen game on the PS3 the graphics should be much better then what the video is showing you. Sure maybe its not the finished product but don't expect a complete overhaul at least not without a large delay in the release. I understand their primary focus in the multiplayer and they want to make it good but that is no excuse for graphics that look like PS2 graphics in HD.
2. No single player, The first 3 games in the series where from of my favorite shooter singleplayer ever. The addition of the headset with tactical commands was fantastic and lots of fun. I really dislike the fact that they removed this aspect of the game in hopes to create an "amazing multiplayer experience", They are trying do draw away from their roots and that is my final issue with the game...
3. Where is the tactical aspect? After watching clip after clip on gametrailers I realised the game was no longer a tactical style of shooter Socom was known for and was now a run and gun no better then Halo.
I am seriously dissapointed and think this game is going to be a huge failure, I can only hope the devs will learn form this and go back to their roots on the next socom game.
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