[QUOTE="jethrovegas"]Oh noes, someone gave a hyped game a score that's lower than the "majority consensus", they must be doing it for the traffic... :roll:
[QUOTE="Xalaten"] There's a difference between having a different taste in games and saying something is not a quality game that obviously is. Xalaten
I love how you talk about 'obvious quality', as if there are some games that, no matter how much you may hate them, are beyond reproach.
What defines them as such? Critical consensus? Popular consensus?
Oblivion is the 3rd highest rated RPG of all time on GR (GS gave it a 9.6) but myself, and most serious RPG enthusiasts that I know, regard it as garbage, and that opinion has legitimate, well thought out reasoning behind it.
I suppose we should all just shut our damn mouths, swallow our pride, and admit that Oblivion is "teh quality" because some dumbass reviewer at IGN said so, whilst ignoring our own rational evaluations of the game...
Nope, you shouldn't shut your mouth. You should say whatever you want. You are not a web site that makes money via advertising dollars and influences other people's opinions.
Look, if someone told me Godfather was a bad movie I'd say they were just as wrong as that web site. ANYONE who thinks Godfather is a bad movie has serious issues and cannot be trusted with their viewpoints. You may not LIKE gangster movies and that's fine, but to say it's a bad movie is entirely different.
It's called "gaming criticism" for a reason.
The only factor a reviewer should take into account when reviewing a game is his own opinion of that game; if he takes anything else into account (other reviewer's opinions, popular consensus, publisher bribes, etc.) then he's sucking someone's **** and he has no critical integrity.
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