BREAKING NEWS: 'Conflagration Violent' revealed and Banjo plot info aplenty!
Spiral Mountain are proud to announce that the 'Conflagration Violent' puzzle posed by Gregg Mayles late last year has been solved, thanks to the help of one particularly sneaky source within Rare (who shall not be named) for slipping us the information earlier today.
An important note: this article contains major spoilers about the new Banjo-Kazooie game's plot and gameplay, so only read on if you don't care about spoiling the deal for yourself and would prefer to know all the juicy bits as soon as possible. Don't say we didn't warn you! For those who don't care and will take any Banjo news no matter how spoilerific it is, here we go ...
We received an email from a source within the Rare headquarters this morning. Outlined below is a summary of the information that was disclosed to us.
'Conflagration Violent', as most Banjo fans should already know, is a codename for the new Banjo game's hubworld. We can reveal that the hubworld's true name is 'Firestorm Cauldron'.
The game's plot is going to revolve around Gruntilda's sisters from Banjo-Tooie returning (how was not explained) to brew a powerful spell in order to bring Gruntilda back to health from the skeletal creature she has become. They craft a spell that transforms Grunty into a being made of pure fire. Our source described this fire as a double edged sword, stating that Grunty "... can only exist within the cauldron the sisters are using to create the spell!"
The source then went on to state that Banjo, Kazooie, Mumbo Jumbo and Humba Wumba get wind of the plot and rush up to the top of Grunty's Lair. After a brief battle, they get magically shrunk by Grunty's sisters and dropped into the cauldron where it seems they are doomed. Mumbo Jumbo and Humba Wumba are able to conjure up their own spell that protects our heroic team from Grunty's flames.
They find themselves trapped within the cauldron, surrounded by fire that makes up Gruntilda. They come across several lava bubbles containing her memories and thoughts. The Rare spokesperson says that these bubbles are the entrances to the levels in the game; the levels we all grew to love, but twisted by Gruntilda's wicked imagination.
So ... there you have it. Our source wasn't able to reveal much more in case it blew their cover, but what we now know is very interesting indeed. We hope you're as excited by all this as we are!
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