@AzatiS: Okami 2 already exists.
@charizard1605: Fixed
It turns out there was nothing to fix...that said, an Okami fan should most definitely check out Okamiden. Okami 2 doesn't exist according to Capcom, Okamiden was it's own franchise.
Capcom's Okamiden producer Motohide Eshiro stated:
Nintendo Life: With the original making an appearance on the Wii, why the decision to bring this sequel to the Nintendo DS system?
Motohide Eshiro:
First of all I should clarify that Okamiden is not really a sequel to Okami...
in the sense that it's more of a successor.
Okamiden is its own franchise
so what you had on the Wii was Okami and that was its own game. We wanted to maintain the world of Okami, but create a new franchise with it so we thought the Nintendo DS was the perfect place to start with that, thus we created Okamiden to put on the DS.
After playing both games, I'd completely agree. I'd liken it to those quality GTA games or other handheld spinoffs we got in the past. Good in their own right. I am not dimishing Okamiden, what it did was good, but not as amazing as the original Kamiya Okami.
Anyways, I love talking about Kamiya sometimes, lol.
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