"Quality is subjective."........lol
If you think that quality is not subjective, why don't you prove which is higher quality out of Sonic 3 and Super Mario Bros 3. without using a single subjective statement? If quality is indeed objective, you should be able to do this.
Everybody that I've debated with that argues quality is objective has either failed this test or didn't even attempt it because they knew that doing so would wreck their argument.
I don't think Sonic is bad. I really like the first two but the issues revolve around going fast but not going fast. Platformers are about rhythm. Most Nintendo games carry this philosophy--they even had this old thing called the Miracle Piano, in addition to Mario Paint. Mario 3 brings this in spades. As the game progresses the levels get more complex, rhythmically. Early on, it is as simple as jumping on an enemy and missing a jumps has little consequences. Over the course of the game the player is trained to handles the more complex platforming sections.
Sonic, on the other hand, does not do this as well. There are sections that work. Sonic builds speed, hits a few fish, bounces of a few bugs, but then hits a ramp and goes flying into the air with absolutely zero warning to the player as to what the next minute challenge will be. That is an abrupt halt to what the game tries to succeed at. Go really slow, jump up on a few moving platforms, find a few ring boxes, see a spring in front of you; but you just randomly jump on this thing? Take a leap of faith and either land or hit some spikes or some bugs. The levels are not layed out as thoughtfully as in a Mario game. There are even little sections where a spring will be placed on a wall and lead the player directly into a dead end a screen or two over--or into a slow as molasses walking section.
Sonic aims to be fast but it is actually a slower game than Mario.
While your response overall is intelligent and well argued, the bolded statements are subjective. Whenever you make some sort of value judgment, you are making a subjective statement. The realm of objectivity only deals with cold hard facts.
Also, the last statement would need to substantiated through some kind of objective measurement. Otherwise, you're dealing with subjective perception.
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