Now at the wake of completion of the second year of this gen- PS4 and XB1 has no games which can be recommended to people willing to buy either of consoles. The scebario so far:
1.Sony-Killzone:SF while good not great, Infamous;SS came close to greatness yet hard pressed to call it a console seller: Bloodborne had potential, but to be true system seller it had to be closer to God of War, not the in hard nut Dark Souls mold. Order 1886 had everything, yet no gameplay! And no, HD re-masters don't count-true videogames afficiando either already played or have the older system to play the classics like TLoU and GoWIII. Driveclub is fantastic and is close to a proper killer app.
2.MS-Halo MCC is a great collectors edition. But like I said being a gamer since 2001, there's nothing I missed in Halo. SRyse is MS's version of Order 1886,-great overall package, but lacking addictive gameplay. Sunset overdrive and Forza can be the best bets MS have at the moment.
And no Titanfall, Destiny and Witcher 3 does not count,
Bleak scenario, ain't it? After investing sizeably in these consoles, anyone else feeling the need of oxygen (read killer apps) for PS4 and XB1??
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