Being the only next gen console out I expected the Xbox 360 to sell more then 10 million but th fact is most 360's are sitting in store shelves gathering dust because yeah Microsoft has sold 10 million but to retailers and definitely not to customers.
Microsoft will only be supplying 2 million consoles from now till June because there are SO MANY 360's sitting on shelves since they over delivered trying to fulfil their promise while PS3 is selling at a good rate which will increase next month because of so many good games getting released plus the European Launch . Nintendo Wii is soaring ahead and wil surely increase once fantastic titles like Mario Galaxy, SSBB and Metroid come out. GO NINTENDO :D
I expect that by June PS3 would have sold half of what 360 has sold and by the end of the year Sony/Nintendo would closed the gap between 360 and PS3 sales. Next year PS3 and Wii will overtake 360 guaranteed, you can quote me on that
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