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forget it the ps3 will finish last bluray already have lost the hd format war and third party dev community have jump ship in the favor of the 360 and the wii all this for 3 simple reason 1 price 2 one year late 3 to hard to program its sad but like nintendo did sony can be wrong and make mistake.legol1
What fantasy land have you been living in son? Bluray is beating HDDVD in sales every month. Get your facts straight lemm.
forget it the ps3 will finish last bluray already have lost the hd format war and third party dev community have jump ship in the favor of the 360 and the wii all this for 3 simple reason 1 price 2 one year late 3 to hard to program its sad but like nintendo did sony can be wrong and make mistake.legol1
WOW, I love how people can tell the future, and btw. Blu-ray is winning the format war. And nobody mentions Microsoft losing BILLIONS and not making any money from thier Xbox project?
People think Sony are idiots, you gota give them more credit then it looks like they deserve, they have some sort of plan coming together. Personally wat i think they are doing is putting out the lesser known and hyped games this year and then come out next year with even more of a price drop and have the big games, MGS4, GT 5, Killzone 2, FF 13, etc and continue on with games such as God of War 3, FF 13 Versus, Jack & DaxterGarchomPro
Actually, the reason most of those games aren't coming out sooner is because there aren't enough systems in peoples homes to warrant releasing such ambitious and expensive games.
First off Very good Engrish it should be sony is smart.
Second the reason why everyone hates the PS3 is because they failed with their promises. MGS4 in 2007 is not gonna happen.
Blu Ray will be the best entertainment option. It still isn't plain old dvd is making more money still.
4d graphics=no
Finally the PS3 hasn't proved the power of the cell processer once it does I probably will buy a PS3 but right now I am happy with my 360 and wii. Oh also my 360 hasn't bricked once.
On the surface it might seem like sony is doing horrible with the PS3 but are they really? In actuality... Yes, on the actual PS3 itself, RIGHT NOW its going so hot BUT then again, the PS2 is a CASH COW for sony (no pun intended) and the PS2 is pretty much dominating BOTH the 360 and PS3 month after month which doesnt hurt sony in the least bit.. What sony is doing is pure genius. Think about it.. Look at the 3 top games coming out next year.. Gran Turismo 5, Killzone 2 and MGS4 what does MS have to compete with that?! Sony arent releasing the big games this year because they know MS already has this year on lockdown BUT next year they are putting MS to work to come out with games that will rival Killzone 2, GT and MGS4 and in the meantime they are sitting back making HUGE profits on the PS2 because lets face it, the PS2 is most likely HIGHLY profitable by now!! KillzOwnz85
I'm not sure where you're getting your facts from, but the PS2 is not beating the 360 in terms of sales. That's only in Japan.
forget it the ps3 will finish last bluray already have lost the hd format war and third party dev community have jump ship in the favor of the 360 and the wii all this for 3 simple reason 1 price 2 one year late 3 to hard to program its sad but like nintendo did sony can be wrong and make mistake.legol1
[QUOTE="KillzOwnz85"]On the surface it might seem like sony is doing horrible with the PS3 but are they really? In actuality... Yes, on the actual PS3 itself, RIGHT NOW its going so hot BUT then again, the PS2 is a CASH COW for sony (no pun intended) and the PS2 is pretty much dominating BOTH the 360 and PS3 month after month which doesnt hurt sony in the least bit.. What sony is doing is pure genius. Think about it.. Look at the 3 top games coming out next year.. Gran Turismo 5, Killzone 2 and MGS4 what does MS have to compete with that?! Sony arent releasing the big games this year because they know MS already has this year on lockdown BUT next year they are putting MS to work to come out with games that will rival Killzone 2, GT and MGS4 and in the meantime they are sitting back making HUGE profits on the PS2 because lets face it, the PS2 is most likely HIGHLY profitable by now!! GunnerVIII
I'm not sure where you're getting your facts from, but the PS2 is not beating the 360 in terms of sales. That's only in Japan.
[QUOTE="legol1"]forget it the ps3 will finish last bluray already have lost the hd format war and third party dev community have jump ship in the favor of the 360 and the wii all this for 3 simple reason 1 price 2 one year late 3 to hard to program its sad but like nintendo did sony can be wrong and make mistake.ndrliang2
WOW, I love how people can tell the future, and btw. Blu-ray is winning the format war. And nobody mentions Microsoft losing BILLIONS and not making any money from thier Xbox project?
I find it hard to believe Sony's making anything on the PS3.
Yet, the PS3 has been such a money-pit they're posting losses in the games division.Grive
No game system ever posts profit in its first year. R+D is too expensive. MS games division has not had a profitable quarter since the release of the first x-box. Hmmmm. Sony's gaming division has had plenty of profitable quarters through the years. Hmmmm. I think the point goes to Sony on this one.
Come on ppl, at this point it should be clear: both the xbox and ps3 are here to stay. They will compete and give us really good titles each. I have a ps3, and eventually will get a xbox. If you are a gamer, you will eventually own both consoles.
Regarding the dvd format war, this holiday season is critical for HD-DVD. If they dont makeenough sales, they will banish. How do I know? HD-DVD had to pay 150 million dollars to get Paramount/DW to drop Bluray. They know how critical this holiday season is.
Come on ppl, at this point it should be clear: both the xbox and ps3 are here to stay. They will compete and give us really good titles each. I have a ps3, and eventually will get a xbox. If you are a gamer, you will eventually own both consoles.
Regarding the dvd format war, this holiday season is critical for HD-DVD. If they dont makeenough sales, they will banish. How do I know? HD-DVD had to pay 150 million dollars to get Paramount/DW to drop Bluray. They know how critical this holiday season is.
I will eventually get a 360 to go with my ps3 as well. IF microsoft can do something about the crap hardware before they move on to a new system.
So you are saying thats Sonys plan all along was to have the PS2 keep the PS3 from selling? My...thats clever...fiendishly clever.Riverwolf007
No, it was more like let's not crap on the millions of people who own a ps2 by dropping support and forcing them to buy new consoles in order to get new games. They know that ps2 will continue to sell after the ps3 launch, just like they know that ps3s will still be selling after the next system. By overlapping systems they continue to lead in sales. Some other company's stop making new games for a system within a month or two of the new ones launch. I call that crapping on your customers, since not all of them can afford to run out and buy a new launch console.
So you are saying thats Sonys plan all along was to have the PS2 keep the PS3 from selling? My...thats clever...fiendishly clever.Riverwolf007
Sony has to have PS2 in consideration, although they wont "have the ps2 keepp the ps3 from selling". Sony has to balance the eventual transition from PS2 to PS3. Regarding this point, MS dropped the ball by stopping support for the first xbox. (of course, money is the reason for both companies, so cant really blame either one).
Sony wants outstanding games, so they make outstanding hardware. They are genius. They didn't kill the PlayStation brand. Everyone that hates it most likely has no PlayStation 3. I have one and I love it. I'm looking forward to the future (like september till 2009 because there are so many things coming out. Tons of features such as Home and games such as Ratchet, Uncharted, Killzone, SOCOM, MGS4, and GT out of the top of my head. Whatever, like it or not, in my opinion, they've given the PlayStation brand a good name. Fanboys who hate systems for no reasons are what give it a bad name.Albanian_KillaWe suddenly need good hardware to make good games?
Then i guess all ps2 games are crap now.
the ps3 sucks how can you say its good it was a failure the wii and 360 is way betterCome on ppl, at this point it should be clear: both the xbox and ps3 are here to stay. They will compete and give us really good titles each. I have a ps3, and eventually will get a xbox. If you are a gamer, you will eventually own both consoles.
Regarding the dvd format war, this holiday season is critical for HD-DVD. If they dont makeenough sales, they will banish. How do I know? HD-DVD had to pay 150 million dollars to get Paramount/DW to drop Bluray. They know how critical this holiday season is.
For this to be considered "genius", they would need to have planned this pre-ps2. Otherwise, I would call it "luck" or "chance". whoisryanmack
You mean like how they did the same thing at ps2 launch? continued to make ps1 games and show some of the strongest ps1 sales after the ps2 came out until everyone started to transition over? Yeah... they did do that. And that didn't work out too well for ps2 sales long-term did it? Oh wait... it did. So surely it won't work this generation, right?
how can you say the ps3 is done when it is built for the long run. It was smart to include blu-ray because as good as game look, you need a place for all that info.
And please tell me you cant think that when GT5, God of war 3, tekken, FF13, MGS4 and other sony franchises that people know and love that they wont sell a ton of hardware. I can promise you that when sony comes out, and they will, with sony games for the sony system that we will be blown away. It really is the only system ready for true next gen games,...native 1080p,...7.1 audio....blu ray (space)
folks this is a marathon not a sprint, and sony is catching up i assure you.
The fact still remains, they pretty much butchered the playstation brand with the PS3. What could have been so much more ended up being nothing great.Haziqonfire
how can you say the ps3 is done when it is built for the long run. It was smart to include blu-ray because as good as game look, you need a place for all that info.
And please tell me you cant think that when GT5, God of war 3, tekken, FF13, MGS4 and other sony franchises that people know and love that they wont sell a ton of hardware. I can promise you that when sony comes out, and they will, with sony games for the sony system that we will be blown away. It really is the only system ready for true next gen games,...native 1080p,...7.1 audio....blu ray (space)
folks this is a marathon not a sprint, and sony is catching up i assure you.
Now I love and support Sony as much as the next guy, Final Fantasy and Metal Gear Solid are not Sony franchises. People need to stop saying that. FF13 and MGS4 are PS3 exclusives, and will almost definitely stay that way, but Sony has no rights whatsoever to those IPs. FF is developed and published by Square Enix. SE owns the franchise, not Sony. They have jumped from one manufacturer to another before, and may again someday. Likewise, MGS is developed published and owned exclusively by Konami. Sony has no say in what they do with the franchise. There is a difference between a first party franchise and a third party franchise that is (at least for the time being) exclusive.
[QUOTE="whoisryanmack"]For this to be considered "genius", they would need to have planned this pre-ps2. Otherwise, I would call it "luck" or "chance". ianuilliam
You mean like how they did the same thing at ps2 launch? continued to make ps1 games and show some of the strongest ps1 sales after the ps2 came out until everyone started to transition over? Yeah... they did do that. And that didn't work out too well for ps2 sales long-term did it? Oh wait... it did. So surely it won't work this generation, right?
I have no idea what you're saying. Doesn't really change the fact that this is essentially common sense, GIVEN your previous console wins it's generation. That's a big given, and can't really be planned ahead for.
everything on ps3 is tanking, and the ps2 well is gonna dry up soon, so wha does that leave, and don't say mgs4 is gonna save the day cuz nope, the last one flopped and so did flopzone 1, so don't go there eitherSegArgyle
Metal Gear Solid 3 is 92% at gamerankings. How exactly is that a flop?
BTW, I chose to show the take the entire industry had of the game. Not just one site. If you want to say this is system wars and only GS counts, don't bother.
I understand your reasoning but the 3rd party support has jumped onto the 360 bandwagon while Sony drags its feet. Had the PS3 launced with the 360 all these multiplats performing better might have been on the PS3. HarryCrackage
In which case, both systems would have technical problems. Yeah, no thanks.
Third party support is slow-coming for the PS3, that's for sure--But they're hardly out of the game.
On the surface it might seem like sony is doing horrible with the PS3 but are they really? In actuality... Yes, on the actual PS3 itself, RIGHT NOW its going so hot BUT then again, the PS2 is a CASH COW for sony (no pun intended) and the PS2 is pretty much dominating BOTH the 360 and PS3 month after month which doesnt hurt sony in the least bit.. What sony is doing is pure genius. Think about it.. Look at the 3 top games coming out next year.. Gran Turismo 5, Killzone 2 and MGS4 what does MS have to compete with that?! Sony arent releasing the big games this year because they know MS already has this year on lockdown BUT next year they are putting MS to work to come out with games that will rival Killzone 2, GT and MGS4 and in the meantime they are sitting back making HUGE profits on the PS2 because lets face it, the PS2 is most likely HIGHLY profitable by now!! KillzOwnz85
Umm... no. Why don't you hear about next years 360 games? Because MS went on record as saying that they wanted to focus their marketing efforts on this year. In no way does that mean that there aren't any (soon to be) highly anticipated 360 games next year. And besides, weren't the games for the PS3 you mentioned *supposed* to come out this year?
On the surface it might seem like sony is doing horrible with the PS3 but are they really? In actuality... Yes, on the actual PS3 itself, RIGHT NOW its going so hot BUT then again, the PS2 is a CASH COW for sony (no pun intended) and the PS2 is pretty much dominating BOTH the 360 and PS3 month after month which doesnt hurt sony in the least bit.. What sony is doing is pure genius. Think about it.. Look at the 3 top games coming out next year.. Gran Turismo 5, Killzone 2 and MGS4 what does MS have to compete with that?! Sony arent releasing the big games this year because they know MS already has this year on lockdown BUT next year they are putting MS to work to come out with games that will rival Killzone 2, GT and MGS4 and in the meantime they are sitting back making HUGE profits on the PS2 because lets face it, the PS2 is most likely HIGHLY profitable by now!! KillzOwnz85
so what? are they gonna rely on PS2 sales for the rest of this gen? if so, that still means PS3 was a flop. sony has to get their act together if they want to start turning things around for their CURRENT GEN console.
On the surface it might seem like sony is doing horrible with the PS3 but are they really? In actuality... Yes, on the actual PS3 itself, RIGHT NOW its going so hot BUT then again, the PS2 is a CASH COW for sony (no pun intended) and the PS2 is pretty much dominating BOTH the 360 and PS3 month after month which doesnt hurt sony in the least bit.Sony loses more profits then it makes even with the ps2 making money ^_^ The ps3 has lost them 2.8 billion dollars and growing, they lose something like 400$ (I thinks less now after the take out a bunch of hardware) for every console sold. You need to make something profitable to earn money, not the other way around, even ps2 made profit out the gate even with its slow sales, the ps3 is just a joke at the moment, whoever made the business decisions on the console deserves to be shot.
What sony is doing is pure genius.
No, its not.
Think about it.
Don't have to...only fanboys are blind.
Look at the 3 top games coming out next year.. Gran Turismo 5, Killzone 2 and MGS4 what does MS have to compete with that?!
We don't know yet, microsoft has focussed on this year and hasn't told anyone about next years lineup yet, next year is a complete blank at the moment for xbox 360 fans cause microsoft choose to tell us everything about this year and keep next to all its projects for 2008 and secret.
I can also reverse your question, whats sony got to counter Halo 3?
Sony arent releasing the big games this year because they know MS already has this year on lockdown BUT next year they are putting MS to work to come out with games that will rival Killzone 2, GT and MGS4 and in the meantime they are sitting back making HUGE profits on the PS2 because lets face it, the PS2 is most likely HIGHLY profitable by now!!
I revert you back to the first part, the ps2 is keeping sony game division from tanking completely, without that income they would be in serious problems.
everything on ps3 is tanking, and the ps2 well is gonna dry up soon, so wha does that leave, and don't say mgs4 is gonna save the day cuz nope, the last one flopped and so did flopzone 1, so don't go there eitherSegArgyle
ah MGS3 sold over 3.5mill not counting subsistance (online version) sony is crusing with ps3 till the price drops then they drop MGS, killzone, GT5 along with GTA, and FF13 and all will come, guarranteed.
sony as a whole used ps3 to help with bluray and its working, now they just wait till price can drop and throw all the big games on it, they must have had a feeling this could happened bc they have still put alot of support on ps2 in the meantime ex god of war 2, they know what they are doing, (and ofcours they wouldnt mind more sales)
On the surface it might seem like sony is doing horrible with the PS3 but are they really? In actuality... Yes, on the actual PS3 itself, RIGHT NOW its going so hot BUT then again, the PS2 is a CASH COW for sony (no pun intended) and the PS2 is pretty much dominating BOTH the 360 and PS3 month after month which doesnt hurt sony in the least bit.. What sony is doing is pure genius. Think about it.. Look at the 3 top games coming out next year.. Gran Turismo 5, Killzone 2 and MGS4 what does MS have to compete with that?! Sony arent releasing the big games this year because they know MS already has this year on lockdown BUT next year they are putting MS to work to come out with games that will rival Killzone 2, GT and MGS4 and in the meantime they are sitting back making HUGE profits on the PS2 because lets face it, the PS2 is most likely HIGHLY profitable by now!! KillzOwnz85
PS3 is great, there is just too many iggnorant fanboys around now_XFLOP2
...says XFLOP2.
The irony is killin' me.
On the surface it might seem like sony is doing horrible with the PS3 but are they really? In actuality... Yes, on the actual PS3 itself, RIGHT NOW its going so hot BUT then again, the PS2 is a CASH COW for sony (no pun intended) and the PS2 is pretty much dominating BOTH the 360 and PS3 month after month which doesnt hurt sony in the least bit.. What sony is doing is pure genius. Think about it.. Look at the 3 top games coming out next year.. Gran Turismo 5, Killzone 2 and MGS4 what does MS have to compete with that?! Sony arent releasing the big games this year because they know MS already has this year on lockdown BUT next year they are putting MS to work to come out with games that will rival Killzone 2, GT and MGS4 and in the meantime they are sitting back making HUGE profits on the PS2 because lets face it, the PS2 is most likely HIGHLY profitable by now!! KillzOwnz85
your choices for top 3 games are questionable. also it like to point out that by butchering their playstation brand they aren't geniuses but rather kind of stupid.
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