wait til next year.Every single cow in every games comparison ever
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If Sony are so smart why did they give up first rights to the GTA franchise?. Rockstar was willing to give them exclusive rights for a certain period of time, just like what occured with San andreas (lets face it that game sold millions of ps2's) and good old Ken Kutaragi did not even bother to respond, then on april 27 the godfather of playstation announced that he was leaving Sony. He he.... yeah real genius lets face it Sony are backed into a corner given the huge cost involved in manufacture and urgently needing to introduce a price cut on a machine that it can ill-afford to do (after all it is still making a hefty loss on each console sold) , the truth is if sony are genius they should not even be in this position.Coldsteel001
Where were you? http://au.gamespot.com/news/6175813.html?tag=result;title;0
Maybe you should do some research first.
The fact still remains, they pretty much butchered the playstation brand with the PS3. What could have been so much more ended up being nothing great.Haziqonfire
when did this gen end?
orrrrrrrrrr.........sony screwed up the brand name with psp and ps3 and lost their crown deservedly so?---OkeyDokey---PsP=Sony's first handheld. Ps3=Not even out for a year. There's 4 more years to go!
You've never heard of a Betamax have you?
and you have never heard of the audio cd have you?
if it wasn't for sony we would still have music on tapes
On the surface it might seem like sony is doing horrible with the PS3 but are they really? In actuality... Yes, on the actual PS3 itself, RIGHT NOW its going so hot BUT then again, the PS2 is a CASH COW for sony (no pun intended) and the PS2 is pretty much dominating BOTH the 360 and PS3 month after month which doesnt hurt sony in the least bit.. What sony is doing is pure genius. Think about it.. Look at the 3 top games coming out next year.. Gran Turismo 5, Killzone 2 and MGS4 what does MS have to compete with that?! Sony arent releasing the big games this year because they know MS already has this year on lockdown BUT next year they are putting MS to work to come out with games that will rival Killzone 2, GT and MGS4 and in the meantime they are sitting back making HUGE profits on the PS2 because lets face it, the PS2 is most likely HIGHLY profitable by now!! KillzOwnz85
Forza. Already crowned the new king of console sims
The award winning Splinter cell has already taken the Tactical Espionage crown from MGS
KZ2 is a shadow of what Halo3 is going to be.
and all for hundreds less on the 360...:)
the ps2 profits are being lost by the ps3 losses. Otherwise SCE would be making money, not losing it hand over fist...
pricing themselves out of the market is not a move of geniuses.... sorry...
The fact still remains, they pretty much butchered the playstation brand with the PS3. What could have been so much more ended up being nothing great.Haziqonfire ouch:?
Sony wants outstanding games, so they make outstanding hardware. They are genius. They didn't kill the PlayStation brand. Everyone that hates it most likely has no PlayStation 3. I have one and I love it. I'm looking forward to the future (like september till 2009 because there are so many things coming out. Tons of features such as Home and games such as Ratchet, Uncharted, Killzone, SOCOM, MGS4, and GT out of the top of my head. Whatever, like it or not, in my opinion, they've given the PlayStation brand a good name. Fanboys who hate systems for no reasons are what give it a bad name.Albanian_KillaHyping home is pretty entertaining, Oh, Boy, an online world run by SOE, prepare for structure and the instilling of discipline. Don't believe me? Go ask Star wars Galaxie players how everything turned out for them.
On the surface it might seem like sony is doing horrible with the PS3 but are they really? In actuality... Yes, on the actual PS3 itself, RIGHT NOW its going so hot BUT then again, the PS2 is a CASH COW for sony (no pun intended) and the PS2 is pretty much dominating BOTH the 360 and PS3 month after month which doesnt hurt sony in the least bit.. What sony is doing is pure genius. Think about it.. Look at the 3 top games coming out next year.. Gran Turismo 5, Killzone 2 and MGS4 what does MS have to compete with that?! Sony arent releasing the big games this year because they know MS already has this year on lockdown BUT next year they are putting MS to work to come out with games that will rival Killzone 2, GT and MGS4 and in the meantime they are sitting back making HUGE profits on the PS2 because lets face it, the PS2 is most likely HIGHLY profitable by now!! KillzOwnz85
Yet another ban-dodging, Level 1 cow thread?
Fanboys always jump to conclusions thinking the PS3 is dead it's not even out for a yr, wait a while longer for all the consoles to gather everything then make judgement as for now im happy with my Ps3 and 360 they've both satisfied me.Solid_Max13
Fanboys always jump to conclusions saying 360 has no games for 2008, knowing MS hasn't announced anything yet.
Forza. Already crowned the new king of console simstango90101I didn't like it at all. I loved Gran Turismo 4 enough to beat it 100%, but I never cared to get very far with Forza 2. GT5 will be the best racing sim, helped by the fact that it's coming out much later anyway.
sony will win this gen because of the user base. 140 million just don't jump ship im sorry. the reel reson the 360 and the wii are beating the ps 3 in sales isbecause of theps 2 why would the 140 million need to jump to next gen. they rather wait until price drop or the games because they now that ps 2 games are still coming in. micro and nin fans had no choice but to buy the new consoles. it is also funny that micro fans think there the best in gaming because they have been ahead for one year sence micro got in the gaming. wait until the games come and that 140 million ps user base.GARRYTH
140 million?
[QUOTE="GARRYTH"]sony will win this gen because of the user base. 140 million just don't jump ship im sorry. the reel reson the 360 and the wii are beating the ps 3 in sales isbecause of theps 2 why would the 140 million need to jump to next gen. they rather wait until price drop or the games because they now that ps 2 games are still coming in. micro and nin fans had no choice but to buy the new consoles. it is also funny that micro fans think there the best in gaming because they have been ahead for one year sence micro got in the gaming. wait until the games come and that 140 million ps user base.DeadMan1290
140 million?
its over 9000?
[QUOTE="DeadMan1290"][QUOTE="GARRYTH"]sony will win this gen because of the user base. 140 million just don't jump ship im sorry. the reel reson the 360 and the wii are beating the ps 3 in sales isbecause of theps 2 why would the 140 million need to jump to next gen. they rather wait until price drop or the games because they now that ps 2 games are still coming in. micro and nin fans had no choice but to buy the new consoles. it is also funny that micro fans think there the best in gaming because they have been ahead for one year sence micro got in the gaming. wait until the games come and that 140 million ps user base.imdawiinner
140 million?
its over 9000?
I'm still doing some research on the 140 million PS2 owners.
[QUOTE="Grive"]Yet, the PS3 has been such a money-pit they're posting losses in the games division.ianuilliam
No game system ever posts profit in its first year. R+D is too expensive. MS games division has not had a profitable quarter since the release of the first x-box. Hmmmm. Sony's gaming division has had plenty of profitable quarters through the years. Hmmmm. I think the point goes to Sony on this one.
ownage[QUOTE="ianuilliam"][QUOTE="Grive"]Yet, the PS3 has been such a money-pit they're posting losses in the games division.Stall0wn3d
No game system ever posts profit in its first year. R+D is too expensive. MS games division has not had a profitable quarter since the release of the first x-box. Hmmmm. Sony's gaming division has had plenty of profitable quarters through the years. Hmmmm. I think the point goes to Sony on this one.
ownageexcept the fact that SCE lost in 6 months what ms lost in 2 YEARS....
they're on target to exceed ms' losses by a TON...;)
[QUOTE="Coldsteel001"]If Sony are so smart why did they give up first rights to the GTA franchise?. Rockstar was willing to give them exclusive rights for a certain period of time, just like what occured with San andreas (lets face it that game sold millions of ps2's) and good old Ken Kutaragi did not even bother to respond, then on april 27 the godfather of playstation announced that he was leaving Sony. He he.... yeah real genius lets face it Sony are backed into a corner given the huge cost involved in manufacture and urgently needing to introduce a price cut on a machine that it can ill-afford to do (after all it is still making a hefty loss on each console sold) , the truth is if sony are genius they should not even be in this position.Gismo25
Where were you? http://au.gamespot.com/news/6175813.html?tag=result;title;0
Maybe you should do some research first.
What are you talking about?? read the last sentence in that report statement you had stated in your research link ( he he ) Sony did give up first rights to GTA IV and thats a fact, if you had correctly read my post you would have understood that it only refers to GTA IV not to any other Rockstar projects. duh
On the surface it might seem like sony is doing horrible with the PS3 but are they really? In actuality... Yes, on the actual PS3 itself, RIGHT NOW its going so hot BUT then again, the PS2 is a CASH COW for sony (no pun intended) and the PS2 is pretty much dominating BOTH the 360 and PS3 month after month which doesnt hurt sony in the least bit.. What sony is doing is pure genius. Think about it.. Look at the 3 top games coming out next year.. Gran Turismo 5, Killzone 2 and MGS4 what does MS have to compete with that?! Sony arent releasing the big games this year because they know MS already has this year on lockdown BUT next year they are putting MS to work to come out with games that will rival Killzone 2, GT and MGS4 and in the meantime they are sitting back making HUGE profits on the PS2 because lets face it, the PS2 is most likely HIGHLY profitable by now!! KillzOwnz85Alan Wake, Banjo 3, Halo Wars, Fable 2, and some others, yes MS has nothing to compete with sony :roll: :| /sarcasm
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