but everybody knew about it. it was no secret. people complained but not in massive numbers like they did over the drm thing. giving sony all the credit for this is ridiculous.
Oh, I don't give them all the credit, it was the massive amount of negative coverage due to gamers reactions. But it's silly to dismiss the fact that Sony's more consumer friendly policies, and Sony's eagerness to contrast themselves with MS's hated policies that really drove the coverage of the XB1 after E3. It was a big factor.
i'm not completely dismissing sony's role. sony was the alternative. sony didn't complain and demand that ms change. it was the public and the media who hold the lion's share of the "credit" for what happened.
I see what you're saying now, and I agree. Sony is not some hero for the consumer, and MS certainly didn't immediately cave because of Sony's plans. More like the fact that Sony was offering consumers a more popular option, combined with Sony's almost giddyness at pointing that out on a world stage that REALLY got the general public to start lighting a fire under MS's feet. XB1 was going to get crushed by the PS4 if MS allowed Sony that kind of free positive buzz, and to their credit they ate some crow and changed course far faster than most thought they would.
If they would've reacted to consumer sentiment as quickly with Windows 8 during its previews, they wouldn't be racing to implement changes so quickly now in an attempt to assuage complaints and boost adoption rates.
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