omg you have no idea what mark did with the ps5.
he did not talk about everything in the deep dive.
ps5 power is were mark wanted it.
the tempest will help the cpu. see 3d audio or just the audio was always done by softwere that the cpu had to run but now with the tempest chip its hardwired into the system so no software is needed making all there audio going to the tempest instead of using the cpu. this way even the third party can take advantage of it and has no reason not to use it because it is hardwired into the system.
the ssd will help the gpu. the gpu was designed with a thing called the scrubber. which scrubs out textures behind you so the gpu only has to run that is in front of you. the gpu working with the ssd loading in assets as you turn in the game to face another direction.
there is a reason there talking so much about the ssd because they built the ps5 around the ssd. there not just using it to do standard ssd functions. this is why developers are saying that word revolutionary.
there is more to the ps5 that there keeping silent. there is a reason they didn't talk power is because mark made it so that they didn't need that power to get the most out of there system. made a balanced system that can run in different ways. if the gpu needs more power they use some of the cpu and vise versa. gpu can use the ssd for some assets to load in at that moment in the game.
i have hard time explaining something so i hope you can understand what im saying.
SSD wouldn't help with the highest memory bandwidth/low memory storage render target workloads.
7 to 9 GB/s memory bandwidth is about on par with old PCI-E 16 lane version 2.0 bandwidth or old 128bit DDR2-533 memory bandwidth.
Microsoft has an "adaptive texture stream" feature as shown from FS2020.
- Adaptive texture stream technology demonstration
- Online mode texture stream
- Offline mode texture stream
- Local cache mode texture stream
- Simulator: Planet Earth via Azure Bing map
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