So great, we all have a lot of people to play with, so we all come out winning, but which company has the advantage here? Sony or Microsoft? I'm pretty sure Sony wouldn't mind having at least half of those 14 million paying at least 1 buck a year.
Sony said it themselves that they would charge for online play if need be. in no way am I looking for that article so don't ask. and I'm not trying to use this as some ownage, just being realistic here.
I've always felt that once Sony equals or surpasses the Live subscribers that they would start to charge as well. why not? where the hell are Sony fans gonna go? PC? they would be there already, they aren't going MS Live, and I won't even go there with the Wii.
Thats just too much money for Sony to just let Microsoft reap the benefits of charging for online play.
I hope for Sony fans they don't, but I wouldn't blame Sony for doing it, they are in this business to make money.
I would really love to see what excuses Sony fans would come up with if it were to happen, but I REALLY wouldn't look forward to the insanity my fellow 360 owners would bring upon Sony fans. it would get really ugly and annoying fast. :(
either way, you guys all fight over silly crap anyway.
you guys keep crying! and I'll keep playing.
later everyone, time for me to get eaten by some Zombies! Left 4 Dead, here I come!
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