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Yeah, 2+ extra years of support. :roll: GOWII is the last PS2 game I'll buy. I'm fully into the next gen.
That's great YOU'RE into next gen, millions of people aren't and are still getting the support they have been for year with the PS2 and with games like Mercenaries 2 and Manhunt 2 coming it proves they still have life in the system. Xbox is completely dumped and the last good GameCube game was TP, which was available on Wii. A 10 year life is very plausable for PS3.
10 year cycle.
MS is already working on the next xbox. it'll come out and beat the PS3 to death when it's in it's 5th year and FINALLY seeing some decent games, and maybe caught up to the 360 or Wii.
1. Already? Wowthat retarded, so your telling me your going to spend another 400$+ on anew Xbox even though you spent 400$ on a 360like a year half ago just to spite sony. If they make a new system within the next2 yearsor so what gonna happen to the 360, are they going to drop that too? All that money lemming spent on the 360is going to waste andif thats the businessplan MS has for gaming well they should get the **** out!
2. didnt they release the 360 5 years after the PS2? Is the the PS2STILL on ofthe top sellers? Isnt the PS2 going into its seventh year running?It seems you missed the poiteven if sony makes a system 5-6 years from now they're going to the PS3, just like they did the PS2 and PS1
[QUOTE="Blinblingthing"][QUOTE="skullkrusher13"]sony makes me laugh how they never cease to say "bu bu ten year cycle". What a giant load.skullkrusher13
What Life cycle are you expecting. Mind you they have to recoup early loses taken. They aren't gonna make a new console this early. pS3 and 360 expect long lifes
MS is already working on the new xbox, and ps3 is not going to last 10 years. Please.
Why not? out of all the 3 consoles PS3 is much more future proof then Wii/360 combined. Another reason why so many people bash PS3 now because of the expense. He is right about Xbox1. MS just killed it.
[QUOTE="l-_-l"][QUOTE="StryderK"]I think you seriously missed the point all together. Did sony wait ten years after the release of the ps1 to release the ps2? Did sony wait ten years after the release of the ps2 before they released the ps3? I mean really dude, wake up. Are you really so shallow and blind as to not look at history? Do you really think sony is going to wait ten years before they release a new console. To say the least, you totally missed the point. They will release another system in 5 years, but continue to support the ps3. Your posted FAILED!!!!!!!!!!This 10 year life cycle is bullock and Sony knows it!
Does consoles last 10 years? Yes. Check out the PS1 and soon PS2. But do they REALLY last 10 years? The answer is not just a no but a HELL no! Even if PS1 lasted 10 years and looks like PS2 will too, just how much support they recieved during those last 5 years?
I mean what would happen say in 2012 when MS or Nintendo comes out with consoles more powerful than the PS3? Will Sony be stupid and say, "Nah, we won't compete because we gotta get the PS3 through that 10 year life cycle!" Anyway, the point is, consoles last as long as developers makes games for it. If developers makes games, it will last. If they don't, then you are screwed! Now even if the PS3 is on a 10 year schedule, if at the end of 5 or 6, the avearge life span of most consoles, developers starts to concentrate on teh "Next-GEn," then the PS3 is dead no matter what and with current performance, I don't think it will even last that long!
Man, people really need to stay in school.
Dude, if your whole memory of gaming starts with the launch of the Xbox, then just keep your mouth shut and stop acting like you know what you are talking about.
NOBODY ON EARTH is saying the PS3 will be the only console for 10 years. NOBODY. If you don't understand that then that is really really says a lot about your intellect. What Sony is saying is that their consoles continue to get softwar support...that means games coming out...for long into the next gen of consoles.
The PS1 was a main console for 5 years but games were coming out for 7 or 8 years. The PS2 was the main console for 6 years, and one could argue that it is still the main console due to massive sales, game library, PLUS big name games are still coming out for it . So the PS2 will probably see software support for 9 maybe 10 years. Now we have the PS3 and it won't even begin seeing respectable support until it's more than a year old. So 10 years is easily possible.
But since you are so willing to act like an expert despite being totally clueless, I doubt you will even listen to the evidence and facts I have provided.
The only clueless one here is you. My memory of gaming started with pong. Your opinion of the future is useless here. We deal with facts only, thanks you.I'm more concerned about the whole waiting for games thing.
If the PS3 sales don't pick up the life cycle of it will diminish. If the PS2 wasn't a hit but more like the Xbox in terms of sales I'm sure Sony would be milking the PS2 like they are now (kind of like how Sony dropped the UMD). Life cycles are determined of the susuccess of the product, not because the companies are nice or not.
I'm more concerned about the whole waiting for games thing.
If the PS3 sales don't pick up the life cycle of it will diminish. If the PS2 wasn't a hit but more like the Xbox in terms of sales I'm sure Sony would be milking the PS2 like they are now (kind of like how Sony dropped the UMD). Life cycles are determined of the susuccess of the product, not because the companies are nice or not.
UMD is still being used for PSP games and Sony plans on including video output with the new PSP design. I don't see how that is dropping the UMD format.
Sony will release a newer console around the same time as Microsoft but unlike Microsoft they will keep supporting their previous console. Sony hasn't abandoned the PS2 and did not abandon the PS1 until 2005 and they are still supporting the PSP which did not have the same success as the PS1 and PS2. The new redesign says that much.
Just because Microsoft is rich as hell does not mean that Sony can't compete with them.
[QUOTE="demoralizer"]I'm more concerned about the whole waiting for games thing.
If the PS3 sales don't pick up the life cycle of it will diminish. If the PS2 wasn't a hit but more like the Xbox in terms of sales I'm sure Sony would be milking the PS2 like they are now (kind of like how Sony dropped the UMD). Life cycles are determined of the susuccess of the product, not because the companies are nice or not.
UMD is still being used for PSP games and Sony plans on including video output with the new PSP design. I don't see how that is dropping the UMD format.
Sony will release a newer console around the same time as Microsoft but unlike Microsoft they will keep supporting their previous console. Sony hasn't abandoned the PS2 and did not abandon the PS1 until 2005 and they are still supporting the PSP which did not have the same success as the PS1 and PS2. The new redesign says that much.
Just because Microsoft is rich as hell does not mean that Sony can't compete with them.
What happen to UMD movies?
Of course they will use UMD for games.
The PS1 and PS2 were a huge success, the PSP isn't as big yet, but for from a failure. Life cycles are determined of the success of the product. UMD movies not so successful, determined by it's own fate. As long as 360 is a success there will be support for it, regardless of MS dropping a unsuccessful product in the past.
Logic clealy see's through this mudslinging attempt.
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